Martina Vijver
Wetenschappelijk directeur/hoogleraar Ecotoxicologie
- Naam
- M.G. Vijver
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1487
- 0000-0003-2999-1605

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Meer informatie over Martina Vijver
Yuchao Song
Tom Nederstigt
Fan Zhang
Olivier Burggraaff
Olivier Burggraaff
Bregje Brinkmann
Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha
Pim Wassenaar
Juan Wu
Henrik Barmentlo
Marinda van Pomeren
Yujia Zhai
Alice Horton
Chimere Ohajinwa
T.T. Yen Le
Aletta Johanna Verschoor
Hao Qiu
Lan Song
Oleksandra Ieromina
Jing Hua
Yang Liu
Guangchao Chen
Yinlong Xiao
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Haar onderzoeksgebied ligt in de Ecotoxicologie. Het verkrijgen van realistische voorspellingen en metingen van hoe bestaande en opkomende chemische stressoren mogelijk onze natuurlijke omgeving en de daarin levende organismen beïnvloeden, is essentieel om de nodige hulpmiddelen te bieden om ecosysteembedreigingen te beoordelen en te beperken. Vijver bedenkt disruptive wetenschappelijke methoden waarmee ze de toxiciteit van materialen en chemicaliën totaal anders dan conventioneel inschat. De wetenschappelijke resultaten hebben enorme impact op het debat binnen gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, metalen richtlijnen binnen beleid zijn aangepast, en nu stort ze zich op de advanced materials.
- Het biobeschikbaarheidswerk aan metalen (tussen 2000-2005, Vijver proefschrift) en (2008-2013, proefschrift Verschoor, gepromoveerd bij Vijver) heeft er toegeleidt dat er wetenschappelijke watertype correcties opgenomen zijn binnen de Kaderrichtlijn Water* in samenwerking met Deltares. Er is voor waterbeheerders een internet instrument ontwikkeld: PNEC-pro
*PNEC-pro is endorsed by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. PNEC-pro is implemented in legal frameworks for EQS-compliance testing and WFD reporting. The tool is advised by the EU Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive in the Technical Guidelines #38: Implementing Environmental Quality Standards for Metals (EC, 2019) .
- De bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas wordt gebruikt door waterbeheerders, industrie, boeren en overheid om de communicatie te starten over water, welke en hoeveel chemische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen residuen in het oppervlakte water te vinden zijn. De drinkwaterbedrijven gebruiken het voor hun kwaliteitsstrategieën van oppervlaktewaterinname, en de toelatingshouder CTgB gebruikt het voor de herevaluatie van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (officiële documentatie!). Beldisevaluaties over landbouw en stoffen beleid worden gemodelleerd en daarna geverifieerd door onze instrumenten.
- Haar werk met promovendus Pim Wassenaar ((2018-2022) heeft er toegeleid dat er een modelomgeving is ontwikkeld voor overheid en industrie om zeer zorgwekkende stoffen in te schatten. ZZS Navigator | Risico's van stoffen ( Het RIVM heeft de wetenschappelijke kennis uit het proefschrift volledig omgezet in een praktijkgericht instrument. In april 2019 zijn gegevens toegevoegd uit de Emissieregistratie, REACH(Registratie, Evaluatie en Autorisatie van Chemicaliën )-registraties en bronnen van Omgevingsdiensten. In oktober 2021 zijn deze gegevens geactualiseerd en uitgebreid met gegevens uit de Amerikaanse TRI-database en de Scandinavische SPIN-database. In oktober 2022 zijn de gegevens opnieuw geactualiseerd.
- Levend lab: Conventioneel worden dit soort hazard en effect bepalingen gedaan met laboratorium assays danwel observaties in het veld. Door haar non-conventionele aanpak om in een mesocosm aanpak stoffen en materialen te toetsen kan zijn een kennisneming slaan tussen lab-veld extrapolaties. Ze werkt met natuurlijke levensgemeenschappen omdat haar hypothese is dat elke door de mensen samengestelde soort assemblages niet beeldvormende kan zijn voor natuurlijke effecten. Dit wordt momenteel overgenomen binnen higher tier studie aanpakken.
- Het onderzoek rond de stof Thiacloprid (2015-2020) (binnen Levend Lab setting) heeft er toegeleidt dat de discussie binnen de herevelautie wederom gestart is. Dit had te maken met dat de stof binnen ecologisch relevante systemen met biologische interacties aanwezig zeer veel meer effect had dan binnen single species testen. Op EFSA niveau (Europees) is de stof na stevige discussies verboden. Er zijn wel noodverordeningen die afgegeven kunnen worden om de stof toch te gebruiken.
- Haar onderzoek richt zich nu op advanced materialen en nanomaterialen. Ook hier heeft ze de eerste Standard Operation Procedures geschreven die opgenomen worden binnen test protocollen. Er is tevens een road map geschreven voor EU beleid. The Road to Achieving the European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for Nanomaterial Sustainability—A PATROLS Perspective on New Approach Methodologies - Doak - 2022 - Small - Wiley Online Library
Ze heeft nu haar ERC – C om haar hypothese dat sterk inzetten op DNA danwel andere omics niet gaat helpen het ecologische impact verhaal te snappen en kwantificeren te gaan bewijzen. Dit is wederom een disruptive gedachtegang die niet de gangbare praktijken volgt.
Martina Vijver wint NWO Science Athena Award voor uitblinkende vrouwelijke onderzoekers
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- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Environmental Biology
- Liu Y., Zhu L., Zhang J., Wei Z., Huang X., Steinberg C.E.W., Qiu H., Vijver M.G., Zhao J. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2025), Mechanistic understanding of the biochar-induced inhibition of growth and soil phosphorus solubilization by Bacillus megaterium, Pedosphere : 1-32.
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Behrens P., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Quik J. & Cucurachi S. (2025), A framework for guiding safe and sustainable‐by‐design innovation, Journal of Industrial Ecology 29(1): 47-65.
- Häussling Löwgren B, Hoffmann C., Vijver M.G., Steubing B.R.P. & Giuseppe C. (2025), Towards Sustainable Chemical Process Design: Revisiting the Integration of Life Cycle Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production 491: 144831.
- Macaulay S. J., Jeppesen E., Riebesell U., Nejstgaard J. C., Berger S. A., Lewandowska A. M., Rico A., Kefford B. J., Vad C. F., Costello D. M., Wang H., Madge Pimentel I., Barcelos e Ramos J., González J., Spilling K., de Senerpont Domis L., Boersma M., Stockenreiter M., Meerhoff M., Vijver M. G., Kelly-Quinn M., Beklioğlu M., Matias M. G., Sswat M., Juvigny‐Khenafou N. P. D., Fink P., Zhang P., Taniwaki R. H., Ptacnik R., Langenheder S., Nederstigt T. A. P., Horváth Z. & Piggott J. J. (2025), Addressing grand ecological challenges in aquatic ecosystems: how can mesocosms be used to advance solutions?, Oikos : .
- Plas M. van der, Trimbos K.B., Bosker T. & Vijver M.G. (2025), eDNA-based approaches advance ecotoxicology: Insights and best practices from eDNA metabarcoding studies in evaluating stress-induced aquatic (macro-) invertebrate community composition, Ecological Indicators 172: 113269.
- Wang Y., Dong J., Zhou Y., Cheng Y., Zhao X., Peijnenburg W. J. G. M., Vijver M. G., Leung K. M. Y., Fan W. & Wu F. (2025), Addressing the Data Scarcity Problem in Ecotoxicology via Small Data Machine Learning Methods, Environmental Science and Technology : .
- Song Y., Balraadjsing S., Peijnenburg W. J. G. M. & Vijver M. G. (2025), Predicting the dissolution of metal-based nanoparticles by means of QSPRs and the effect of data augmentation, NanoImpact 37: 100547.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Brinkmann B.W., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Sustainability claims of nanoenabled pesticides require a more thorough evaluation, Environmental Science and Technology 58(5): 2163-2165.
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Quik J.T.K., Hof M., Fuortes A., Behrens P.A., Cucurachi S., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Dimroth F. & Vijver M.G. (2024), A prospective ecological risk assessment of high-efficiency III–V/silicon tandem solar cells, Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 26(3): 540-554.
- Serwatowska K.J., Nederstigt T.A.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Chronic toxicity of core–shell SiC/TiO2 (nano)-particles to Daphnia magna under environmentally relevant food rations in the presence of humic acid, Nanotoxicology 18(2): 107-118.
- Nederstigt T.A.P. & Vijver M.G. (23 februari 2024), Nanotechnology promises to help farmers cut pesticide use – but could also make chemicals more toxic. The conversation. [webartikel].
- Vijver M.G. & Sebille E. van (2024), Debat microplastics: Prof.dr. E. (Erik) van Sebille vs. M.G. (Martina) Vijver. Diligentia. [overig].
- Wang M., Chen S., Cheng S., Nederstigt T.A.P., Poelmann R.E., DeRuiter M.C., Lamers G.E.M., Willemse J.J., Mascitelli C., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2024), The biodistribution of polystyrene nanoparticles administered intravenously in the chicken embryo, Environment International 188: 108723.
- Zantis L.J., Aeamczyk S., Velmala Sannakajsa M., Adamczyk B., Vijver M.G., Peijenburg W.J.G.M. & Bosker T. (2024), Comparing the impact of microplastics derived from a biodegradable and a conventional plastic mulch on plant performance, Science of the Total Environment 935: 173265.
- Rasmussen A.S.B., Bosker T., Ramanand G.G. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Participatory hackathon to determine ecological relevant endpoints for a neurotoxin to aquatic and benthic invertebrates, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31: 22885-22899.
- Rasmussen A.S.B., Bosker T., Barmentlo S.H., Berglund O. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Non-conventional endpoints show higher sulfoxaflor toxicity to Chironomus riparius than conventional endpoints in a multistress environment, Aquatic Toxicology 275: 107074.
- Chen G., Rottschäfer V., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2024), Modeling the toxicokinetics of suspensions of soluble metallic nanomaterials, Chemical Research in Toxicology 37(10): 1651-1659.
- Zhou Y., Wang Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G., Balraadjsing S., Dong Z., Zhao X., Leung K.M.Y., Mortensen H.M., Wang Z., Lynch I., Afantitis A., Mu Y., Wu F & Fan W. (2024), Application of machine learning in nanotoxicology: a critical review and perspective, Environmental Science and Technology 58(34): 14973–14993.
- Yu Q., Nederstigt T.A.P., Wang Z., Wu J., Bosker T., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Accumulation kinetics of polystyrene nano- and microplastics in the waterflea Daphnia magna and trophic transfer to the mysid Limnomysis benedeni, Environmental Pollution 363(1): 125029.
- Balraadjsing S., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Building species trait-specific nano-QSARs: model stacking, navigating model uncertainties and limitations, and the effect of dataset size, Environment International 188: 108764.
- Zantis L.J., Kazour M., Borchi C., Agati R., Colpaert R., Gimbert F., Vijver M.G, Peijnenburg W. & Bosker T. (2024), Quantitative tracking of nanoplastics along the food chain from lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to snails (Cantareus aspersus), Science of the Total Environment 955: 176848.
- Birel T., Breeman G.E.,.Buitenen A. van & Vijver M.G. (2024), Defueling the impasse: EU political discourse on e-fuel, Energy Policy 187: 114022.
- Ouwehand J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Microbial function matters: microbiome-aware nano-ecotoxicology needs functional endpoints besides compositional data, Chemosphere 369(3): 143905.
- Vijver M.G., Visser M.D. & Zelfde M. van 't (19 december 2024), Ctgb-lijst vermeldt structureel normoverschrijdende stoffen. Nieuwe Oogst, Nieuws.
- Zhou H., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2024), Miniature electrochemical sensing accelerates detection of toxic responses induced by nanoplastics, ACS ES & T water 4(12): 5182-5184.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Bode B., Ommen J..R. van, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2023), Zooplankton community turnover in response to a novel TiO2-coated nano-formulation of carbendazim and its constituents, Environmental Pollution 333(1): 121894.
- Zantis L.J., Rombach A., Adamczyk S., Velmala S.M., Adamczyk B., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Bosker T. (2023), Species-dependent responses of crop plants to polystyrene microplastics, Environmental Pollution 335: 122243.
- Zhang F., Wang Z., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2023), Machine learning-driven QSAR models for predicting the mixture toxicity of nanoparticles, Environment International 177: 108025.
- Vink J.P.M., Vijver M.G. & Hendriks A.J. (2023), Contaminant curiosity and pollutant puzzles: conceptual insights in ecotoxicity and practical implementation of higher-tiered risk assessment, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 26(2): 47-62.
- Song Y., Rottschäfer V., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2023), Developing and verifying a quantitative dissolution model for metal-bearing nanoparticles in aqueous media, Environmental Science: Nano 10(7): 1790-1799.
- Song Y., Vlaardingen M. van, Senden F., Peijenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2023), Trimetal-based nanomaterials induced toxicity to plants: does it differ from the toxicity of mixed and single-element nanoparticles?, Heliyon 9(12): e23178.
- Subramanian V., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G., Blanco C.F., Cucurachi S. & Guinée J.B. (2023), Approaches to implement safe by design in early product design through combining risk assessment and Life Cycle Assessment, Chemosphere 311(Part 1): 137080.
- Owsianiak M., Hauschild M.Z., Posthuma L., Saouter E., Vijver M.G., Backhaus T., Douziech M., Schlekat T. & Fantke P. (2023), Ecotoxicity characterization of chemicals: global recommendations and implementation in USEtox, Chemosphere 310: 136807.
- Ashkam C., Pauna V.H., Boulay A., Fantke P., Jolliet O., Lavoie J., Booth A.M., Coutris C., Verones F., Weber M., Vijver M.G., Lusher A. & Hajjar C. (2023), Generating environmental sampling and testing data for micro- and nanoplastics for use in life cycle impact assessment, Science of the Total Environment 859(2): 160038.
- Koese J.M., Blanco Rocha C.F., Vert V.B. & Vijver M.G. (2023), A social life cycle assessment of vanadium redox flow and lithium-ion batteries for energy storage, Journal of Industrial Ecology 27(1): 223-237.
- Zantis L.J., Borchi C., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Di Lonardo S. & Bosker T. (2023), Nano- and microplastics commonly cause adverse impacts on plants at environmentally relevant levels: A systematic review, Science of the Total Environment 867: 161211.
- Wang M., Rücklin M., Poelmann R.E., Mooij C.L. de, Fokkema M., Lamers G.E.M., Bakker M.A.G. de, Chin E., Bakos L.J., Marone F., Wisse B.J., Ruiter M.C. de, Cheng S., Nurhidayat L., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2023), Nanoplastics causes extensive congenital malformations during embryonic development by passively targeting neural crest cells, Environment International 173: 107865.
- Zhou Y., Wang Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G., Balraadjsing S. & Fan W. (2023), Using machine learning to predict adverse effects of metallic nanomaterials to various aquatic organisms, Environmental Science and Technology 57(46): 17786-17795.
- Wu J., Sun J., Bosker T., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2023), Toxicokinetics and particle number-based trophic transfer of a metallic nanoparticle mixture in a terrestrial food chain, Environmental Science and Technology 57(7): 2792-2803.
- Yu Q., Wang Z., Wang G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Effects of natural organic matter on the joint toxicity and accumulation of Cu nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles in Daphnia magna, Environmental Pollution 292(Part B): 118413.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Bleeker A.J. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Applicability of nanomaterial-specific guidelines within long-term Daphnia magna toxicity assays: a case study on multigenerational effects of nTiO2 and nCeO2 exposure in the presence of artificial daylight, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 131: 105156.
- Song Y., Bleeker E., Cross R.K., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Similarity assessment of metallic nanoparticles within a risk assessment framework: a case study on metallic nanoparticles and lettuce, NanoImpact 26: 100397.
- Brinkmann B.W., Koch B.E.V., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Microbiota-dependent TLR2 signaling reduces silver nanoparticle toxicity to zebrafish larvae, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 237: 113522.
- Wassenaar P.N.H., Rorije E., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), ZZS similarity tool: the online tool for similarity screening to identify chemicals of potential concern, Journal of Computational Chemistry 43(15): 1042-1052.
- Doak S.H., Clift M.J.D., Costa A., Delmaar C., Gosens I., Halappanavar S., Kelly S., Pejinenburg W.J.G.M., Rothen-Rutishauser B., Schins R.P.F., Stone V., Tran L., Vijver M.G., Vogel U., Wohlleben W. & Cassee F.R. (2022), The road to achieving the European Commission's chemicals strategy for nanomaterial sustainability: a PATROLS perspective on new approach methodologies, Small 18(17): 2200231.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Hansen S.F., Vijver M.G., Kentin E., Nielsen M.B., Baun A., Syberg K., Lynch I., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Can current regulations account for intentionally produced nanoplastics?, Environmental Science and Technology 56(7): 3836-3839.
- Bunmahotama W., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Development of a quasi-quantitative structure-activity relationship model for prediction of the immobilization response of Daphnia magna exposed to metal-based nanomaterials, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41(6): 1439-1450.
- Tsalidis G.A., Soeteman-Hernandez L.G., Noorlander C.W., Saedy S., Ommen J.R. van, Vijver M.G. & Korevaar G. (2022), Safe-and-sustainable-by-design framework based on a prospective life cycle assessment: lessons learned from a nano-titanium dioxide case study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(7): 4241.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Schrama M.J.J., Ommen, J.R. van & Vijver M.G. (2022), Impacts of a novel controlled-release TiO2-coated (nano-) formulation of carbendazim and its constituents on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, Science of the Total Environment 838(4): 156554.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Blom R. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Correlation analysis of single- and multigenerational endpoints in Daphnia magna toxicity tests: a case-study using TiO2 nanoparticles, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 241: 113792.
- Zhang F., Wang Z., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Theoretical investigation on the interactions of microplastics with a SARS-CoV-2 RNA fragment and their potential impacts on viral transport and exposure, Science of the Total Environment 842: 156812.
- Brinkmann B.W., Singhal A., Sevink G.J.A., Neeft L., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Predicted adsorption affinity for enteric microbial metabolites to metal and carbon nanomaterials, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 62(15): 3589-3603.
- Balraadjsing S., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Exploring the potential of in silico machine learning tools for the prediction of acute Daphnia magna nanotoxicity, Chemosphere 307(2): 135930.
- Koese J.M., Blanco Rocha C.F., Breeman G.E. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Towards a more resource-efficient solar future in the EU: an actor-centered approach, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 45: 36-51.
- Guinee J.B., Heijungs R., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Villalba Mendez G. (2022), The meaning of life … cycles: lessons from and for safe by design studies, Green Chemistry 24(20): 7787-7800.
- Yu Q., Zhang Z., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Wu J., Wang Z., Vijver M.G., Bosker T. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Trophic transfer of Cu nanoparticles in a simulated aquatic food chain, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 242: 113920.
- Zhang F., Wang Z., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2022), Review and prospects on the ecotoxicity of mixtures of nanoparticles and hybrid nanomaterials, Environmental Science and Technology 56(22): 15238-15250.
- Zhang J.Y., Liu Y., Li B.W., Tan C.L., Zhou D.D., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Identification and classification of the dissolved substances from sludge biochar and their effects on the activity of acid phosphomonoesterase, Sustainability 14(15): 9749.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Darbha G.K., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), An overview of methodologies for tracing and quantifying microplastics in environmental samples. In: Guo L.H. & Mortimer M. (red.), An overview of methodologies for tracing and quantifying microplastics in environmental samples: Monikh, F.A.; Darbha, G.K.; Vijver, et al.; Journal article. Singapore: Springer. 21-46.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Guo Z., Zhang P., Vijver M.G., Lynch I., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), An analytical workflow for dynamic characterization and quantification of metal-bearing nanomaterials in biological matrices, Nature Protocols 17: 1926-1952.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Vijver M.G., Kortet R., Lynch I. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2022), Emerging investigator series: perspectives on toxicokinetics of nanoscale plastic debris in organisms, Environmental Science: Nano 9(5): 1566-1577.
- Melymuk L., Carter L., Ng C.A., Liu Q., Vijver M.G., Fantke P. & Baun A. (2022), Knowns and unknowns of novel entities, One Earth 5(10): 1067-1069.
- Vijver M.G. (7 februari 2022), Chemicaliën: bron van de volgende milieucrisis. Duurzaam [podcast].
- Castrop E. & Vijver M.G. (22 september 2022), Zondag voelt Leiden de voordelen van de duisternis Geïnterviewd door Beinema E. for Achtergrond [interview].
- Liu Y., Li Y., Pan B., Zhang X., Zhang H., Steinberg C.E.W., Qiu H., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Application of low dosage of copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles boosts bacterial and fungal communities in soil, Science of the Total Environment 757: 143807.
- Zhang F., Wang Z., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Prediction of the joint toxicity of multiple engineered nanoparticles: the integration of classic mixture models and in silico methods, Chemical Research in Toxicology 34(2): 176-178.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Chupani L., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Parental and trophic transfer of nanoscale plastic debris in an assembled aquatic food chain as a function of particle size, Environmental Pollution 269: 116066.
- Monikh F.A., Chupani L., Arenas-Logo D., Guob Z., Zhang P., Krishna Darbha G., Valsami-Jones E., Lynch I., Vijver M.G., Bodegom P.M. van & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Particle number-based trophic transfer of gold nanomaterials in an aquatic food chain, Nature Communications 12: 899.
- Brinkmann B.W., Beijk W.F., Vlieg R.C., Noort S.J.T. van, Mejia J., Colaux J.L., Lucas S., Lamers G.E.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2021), Adsorption of titanium dioxide nanoparticles onto zebrafish eggs affects colonizing microbiota, Aquatic Toxicology 232: 105744.
- Zhai Y., Chen L., Liu G., Song L., Arenas-Lago D., Kong L., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2021), Compositional and functional responses of bacterial community to titanium dioxide nanoparticles varied with soil heterogeneity and exposure duration, Science of the Total Environment 773: 144895.
- Vijver M.G. (16 januari 2021), Levend Lab voor het laatst op z'n oude plek. Leidsch Dagblad, Leiden.
- Wang Z., Zhang F., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Graphene nanoplatelets and reduced graphene oxide elevate the microalgal cytotoxicity of nano-zirconium oxide, Chemosphere 276: 130015.
- Zhang F., Wang Z., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Probing nano-QSAR to assess the interactions between carbon nanoparticles and a SARS-CoV-2 RNA fragment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 219: 112357.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Chupani L., Guo Z., Zhang P., Krishna Darbha G., Vijver M.G., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), The stochastic association of nanoparticles with algae at the cellular level: effects of NOM, particle size and particle shape, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 218: 112280.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Chupani L., Karkossa I., Gardian Z., Arenas-Lago D., Bergen M. von, Schubert K., Piackova K., Zuskova E., Jiskoot W., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), An environmental ecocorona influences the formation and evolution of the biological corona on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes, NanoImpact 22: 100315.
- Yu Q., Wang Z., Zhai Y., Zhang F., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Effects of humic substances on the aqueous stability of cerium dioxide nanoparticles and their toxicity to aquatic organisms, Science of the Total Environment 781: 146583.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Doornhein N., Romeijn S., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Method for extraction of nanoscale plastic debris from soil, Analytical Methods 13(13): 1576-1583.
- Wu J., Bosker T., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Trophic transfer and toxicity of (mixtures of) Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles in the lettuce–terrestrial snail food chain, Environmental Science and Technology 55(24): 16563-16572.
- Wu J., Zhai Y., Liu G., Bosker T., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Dissolution Dynamics and Accumulation of Ag Nanoparticles in a Microcosm Consisting of a Soil–Lettuce–Rhizosphere Bacterial Community, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 9(48): 16172-16181.
- Wu J., Zhai Y., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Arenas-Lago D., Grillo R., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), The differences between the effects of a nano-formulation and a conventional form of atrazine to lettuce: physiological responses, defense mechanisms and nutrient displacement, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69(42): 12527-12540.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Vijver M.G., Mitrano D.M., Leslie H.A., Guo Z.L., Zhang P., Lynch I., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), The analytical quest for sub-micron plastics in biological matrices, Nano Today 41: 101296.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Snoo G.R. de, Bodegom P.M. van, Nieuwenhuijzen A. van & Vijver M.G. (2021), Experimental evidence for neonicotinoid driven decline in aquatic emerging insects, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(44): e2105692118.
- Vijver M.G. & Nederstigt T.A.P. (2021), Microplastics. Vroege Vogels: BNNVARA. [audio].
- Plas M. van der, Nederstigt T.A.P. & Vijver M.G. (25 juni 2021), Levend Lab onderzoekt plasticschade in sloot: ’plasticprobleem is enorm’. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio Leiden.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. & Schrama M.J.J. (2021), Naar een gezonder en duurzame landbouw. Pathogene bodemmicroben: onderwerp van internationale zorg, Tijdschrift Milieu 8: 54-57.
- Rybińska-Fryca A., Gromelski M., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Châtel A., Barrick A., Manier N., Kalman J., Navas J.M., Jagiełło K. & Puzyn T. (2021), How do the existing read-across frameworks work for nanomaterials?, Toxicology Letters 350: S218-S219.
- Tan C., Liu Y., He Y., Luo W., Zhang R., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), The relative contributions of complexation, dispersing, and adsorption of tannic acid to the dissolution of copper oxide nanoparticles, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 232: 359.
- Wassenaar P.N.H., Verbruggen E.M.J., Cieraad E., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2020), Variability in fish bioconcentration factors: Influences of study design and consequences for regulation, Chemosphere 239: 124731.
- Horton A.A., Newbold L.K., Palacio-Cortés A.M., Spurgeon D.J., Pereira M.G., Carter H., Gweon H.S., Vijver M.G., Bodegom P.M. van, Navarro da Silva M.A. & Lahive E. (2020), Accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and microbiome response in the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis with exposure to nylon (polyamide) microplastics, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 188: 109882.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Arenas-Lago D., Porcal P., Grillo R., Zhang P., Guo Z., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Do the joint effects of size, shape and ecocorona influence the attachment and physical eco(cyto)toxicity of nanoparticles to algae?, Nanotoxicology 14(3): 310-325.
- Dovidat L.C., Brinkmann B.W., Vijver M.G. & Bosker T. (2020), Plastic particles adsorb to the roots of freshwater vascular plant Spirodela polyrhiza but do not impair growth, Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5(1): 37-45.
- Wang G., Zhai Y., Zhang S., Diomede L., Bigini P., Romeo M., Cambier S., Contal S., Nguyen N.H.A., Rosická P., Nickel C., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), An across-species comparison of the sensitivity of different organisms to Pb-based perovskites used in solar cells, Science of the Total Environment 708: 135134.
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Cucurachi S., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Beames A. & Vijver M.G. (2020), Are Technological Developments Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Photovoltaic Electricity?, Energy Technology 8(11): 1901064.
- Liu S., Liu Y., Pan B., He Y., Li B., Zhou D., Xiao Y., Qiu H., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), The promoted dissolution of copper oxide nanoparticles by dissolved humic acid: copper complexation over particle dispersion, Chemosphere 245: 125612.
- Wang Z., Song L., Ye N., Yu Q., Zhai Y., Zhang F., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Oxidative stress actuated by cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils in aquatic organisms of different trophic levels, NanoImpact 17: 100211.
- Wu J., Wang G., Vijver M.G., Bosker T. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Foliar versus root exposure of AgNPs to lettuce: Phytotoxicity, antioxidant responses and internal translocation, Environmental Pollution 261: 114117.
- Zhai Y., Wang Z., Wang G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2020), The fate and toxicity of Pb-based perovskite nanoparticles on soil bacterial community: impacts of pH, humic acid, and divalent cations, Chemosphere 249: 126564.
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Cucurachi S., Guinee J.B., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Trattnig R. & Heijungs R. (2020), Assessing the sustainability of emerging technologies: A probabilistic LCA method applied to advanced photovoltaics, Journal of Cleaner Production 259: 120968.
- Wang G., Pan X., Zhang S., Zhong Q., Zhou W., Zhang X., Wu J., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil by biodegradable chelator–induced washing: efficiencies and mechanisms, Environmental Research 186: 109554.
- Brinkmann B.W., Koch B.E.V., Spaink H.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2020), Colonizing microbiota protect zebrafish larvae against silver nanoparticle toxicity, Nanotoxicology 14(6): 725-739.
- Vijver M.G. (2020), Praktijkonderwijs voor de thuiszittende student, Bionieuws (7): 6.
- Vijver M.G. & Cieraad E. (12 mei 2020), Europese titel voor biodivers Leiden ’is mooi compliment’. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio.
- Nederstigt T.A.P. & Vijver M.G. (3 augustus 2020), Wat doen die nanodeeltjes in de sloot? Levend Lab in Leiden onderzoekt effect van titaniumdioxide op het waterleven. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio's.
- Amato-Lourenço L.F., Dos Santos Galvão L., Weger L.A. de, Hiemstra P.S., Vijver M.G. & Mauad T. (2020), An emerging class of air pollutants: potential effects of microplastics to respiratory human health?, Science of the Total Environment 749: 141676.
- Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Abdolahpur Monikh F. (2020), Micro(nano)plastics in aquatic organisms, transferability of knowledge from nanowires. In: Wagterveld R.M., Marijnissen J.C.M., Gradoń L. & Moskal A. (red.), Synthetic nano- and microfibers. Leeuwarden: Wetsus. 147-153.
- Pallas G., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Guinee J.B. (2020), Ex ante life cycle assessment of GaAs/Si nanowire-based tandem solar cells: a benchmark for industrialization, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25: 1767-1782.
- Zhai Y., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Wu J., Grillo R., Arenas Lago D., Krishna Darbha G., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Interaction between a nano-formulation of atrazine and rhizosphere bacterial communities: atrazine degradation and bacterial community alterations, Environmental Science: Nano 7(11): 3372-3384.
- Wu J., Yu Q., Bosker T., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Quantifying the relative contribution of particulate versus dissolved silver to toxicity and uptake kinetics of silver nanowires in lettuce: impact of size and coating, Nanotoxicology 14(10): 1399-1414.
- Monikh F.A., Chupani L., Smerkova K., Bosker T., Cizar P., Krzyzanek V., Richtera L., Franek R., Zuskova E., Skoupy R., Krishna Darbha G., Vijver M.G., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Engineered nanoselenium supplemented fish diet: toxicity comparison with ionic selenium and stability against particle dissolution, aggregation and release, Environmental Science: Nano 7(8): 2325-2336 .
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Cucurachi S., Dimroth F., Guinée J.B., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2020), Environmental impacts of III–V/silicon photovoltaics: life cycle assessment and guidance for sustainable manufacturing, Energy & Environmental Science 13(11): 4280-4290.
- Wassenaar P.N.H., Rorije E., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Evaluating chemical similarity as a measure to identify potential substances of very high concern, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 119: 104834.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Vijver M.G., Guo Z., Zhang P., Krishna Darbha G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2020), Metal sorption onto nanoscale plastic debris and trojan horse effects in Daphnia magna: role of dissolved organic matter, Water Research 186: 116410.
- Barmentlo S.H., Vijver M.G. & (18 november 2020), Onderzoek uit ’Levend Lab’: Bijengif verandert het waterleven in de sloot, maar het gaat niet per se achteruit. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio's: 11.
- Vijver M.G. (10 december 2020), Miljoenen voor Leids onderzoek. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio.
- Pomeren M. van, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vlieg R.C., Noort S.J.T. van & Vijver M.G. (2019), The biodistribution and immuno-responses of differently shaped non-modified gold particles in zebrafish embryos, Nanotoxicology 13(4): 558-571.
- Ohajinwa C.M., Bodegom P.M. van, Osibanjo O., Xie Q., Chen .J., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Health Risks of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Metals at Informal Electronic Waste Recycling Sites, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(6): 906.
- Jaikumar G., Brun N.R., Vijver M.G. & Bosker T. (2019), Reproductive toxicity of primary and secondary microplastics to three cladocerans during chronic exposure, Environmental Pollution 249: 638-646.
- Pallas G., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Guinee J.B. (2019), Life cycle assessment of emerging technologies at the lab scale: The case of nanowire-based solar cells, Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(1): 193-204.
- Vijver M.G. (2019), The choreography of chemicals in nature; beyond ecotoxicological limits, Chemosphere 227: 366-370.
- Arenas-Lago D., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Dissolution and aggregation kinetics of zero valent copper nanoparticles in (simulated) natural surface waters: Simultaneous effects of pH, NOM and ionic strength, Chemosphere 226: 841-850.
- Bosker T., Bouwman L.J., Brun N.R., Behrens P. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Microplastics accumulate on pores in seed capsule and delay germination and root growth of the terrestrial vascular plant Lepidium sativum, Chemosphere 226: 774-781.
- Bosker T., Olthof G., Vijver M.G., Baas J. & Barmentlo S.H. (2019), Significant decline of Daphnia magna population biomass due to microplastic exposure, Environmental Pollution 250: 669-675.
- Arenas-Lago D., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Interaction of zero valent copper nanoparticles with algal cells under simulated natural conditions: Particle dissolution kinetics, uptake and heteroaggregation, Science of the Total Environment 689: 133-140.
- Barmentlo S.H., Vriend L.M., Grunsven R.H.A. van & Vijver M.G. (2019), Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans, Journal of Applied Ecology 56(8): 2034-2044.
- Zhai Y., Hunting E.R., Liu G., Baas E., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Compositional alterations in soil bacterial communities exposed to TiO2 nanoparticles are not reflected in functional impacts, Environmental Research 178: 108713.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Grundschober N., Romeijn S., Arenas-Lago D., Vijver M.G., Jiskoot W & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Development of methods for extraction and analytical characterization of carbon-based nanomaterials (nanoplastics and carbon nanotubes) in biological and environmental matrices by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation, Environmental Pollution 255(2): 113304.
- Brun N.R., Hage P. van, Hunting E.R., Haramis A.-P.G., Vink S.C., Vijver M.G., Schaaf M.J.M. & Tudorache C. (2019), Polystyrene nanoplastics disrupt glucose metabolism and cortisol levels with a possible link to behavioural changes in larval zebrafish, Communications Biology 2: 382.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de, Musters C.J.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Neonicotinoids and fertilizers jointly structure naturally assembled freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, Science of the Total Environment 691: 36-44.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Fryer B., Arenas-Lago D., Vijver M.G., Darbha G.K., Valsami-Jones E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), A Dose Metrics Perspective on the Association of Gold Nanomaterials with Algal Cells, Environmental Science and Technology Letters 6(12): 732-738.
- Musters C.J.M., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Barmentlo S.H., Ieromina O., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Spatial and temporal homogenisation of freshwater macrofaunal communities in ditches, Freshwater Biology 64(12): 2260-2268.
- Musters C.J.M., Ieromina O., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Partitioning the impact of environmental drivers and species interactions in dynamic aquatic communities, Ecosphere 10(11): e02910.
- Zhai Y.J., Liu G., Bosker T., Baas E., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Compositional and predicted functional dynamics of soil bacterial community in response to single pulse and repeated dosing of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, NanoImpact 16: 100187.
- Gestel C.A.M. van, Belleghem F.G.A.J. van, Brink N.W. van den, Droge S.T.J., Hamers T., Hermens J.L.M., Kraak M.H.S., Löhr A.J., Parsons J.R., Ragas A.M.J., Straalen N.M. van & Vijver M.G. (2019), Environmental toxicology, an open online textbook: Merlot.
- Wassenaar P.N.H., Rorije E., Janssen N.M.H., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Chemical similarity to identify potential Substances of Very High Concern – An effective screening method, Computational Toxicology 12: 100110.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Chen G. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Nano-QSAR for environmental hazard assessment: turning challenges into opportunities. In: Gajewicz A. & Puzyn T. (red.), Computational Nanotoxicology. New York: Jenny Stanford Publishing.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Chupani L., Zusková E., Peters R., Vancová M., Vijver M.G., Porcal P. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Method for Extraction and Quantification of Metal-Based Nanoparticles in Biological Media: Number-Based Biodistribution and Bioconcentration, Environmental Science and Technology 53(2): 946–953.
- Verschoor A.J., Harper S., Delmaar C.J.E., Park M.V.D.Z., Sips A.J.A.M., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Systematic selection of a dose metric for metal-based nanoparticles, NanoImpact 13: 70-75.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Chupani L., Vijver M.G., Vancová M. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Analytical approaches for characterizing and quantifying engineered nanoparticles in biological matrices from an (eco)toxicological perspective: old challenges, new methods and techniques, Science of the Total Environment 660: 1283-1293.
- Ohajinwa C., Bodegom P. van, Xie Q., Chen J., Vijver M.G., Osibanjo O. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2019), Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Soils and Dusts at Electronic Waste Recycling Sites: Occurrence and Possible Impacts of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(360): 1-18.
- Chen G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Xiao Y. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Developing species sensitivity distributions for metallic nanomaterials considering the characteristics of nanomaterials, experimental conditions, and different types of endpoints, Food and Chemical Toxicology 112: 563-570.
- Ohajinwa C.M., Bodegom P.M. van, Vijver M.G., Olumide A.O., Osibanjo O. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2018), Prevalence and injury patterns among electronic waste workers in the informal sector in Nigeria, Injury Prevention 24(3): 185-192.
- Xiao Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Chen G. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Impact of water chemistry on the particle-specific toxicity of copper nanoparticles to Daphnia magna, Science of the Total Environment 610-611: 1329-1335.
- Xiao Y., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2018), Impact of water chemistry on the behavior and fate of copper nanoparticles, Environmental Pollution 234: 684-691.
- Wang G., Zhang S., Zhong Q., Xu X., Li T., Jia Y., Zhang Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Effect of soil washing with biodegradable chelators on the toxicity of residual metals and soil biological properties, Science of the Total Environment 625: 1021-1029.
- Pallas G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Guinee J.B., Heijungs R. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Green and clean: reviewing the justification of claims for nanomaterials from a sustainability point of view, Sustainability 10(3): 689.
- Horton A.A., Jürgens M.D., Lahive E., Bodegom P.M. van & Vijver M.G. (2018), The influence of exposure and physiology on microplastic ingestion by the freshwater fish Rutilus rutilus (roach) in the River Thames, UK, Environmental Pollution 236: 188-194.
- Brun N.R., Koch B.E.V., Varela M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Spaink H.P. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Nanoparticles induce dermal and intestinal innate immune system responses in zebrafish embryos, Environmental Science: Nano 5(4): 904-916.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Hunting E.R., Heutink R., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2018), Assessing combined impacts of agrochemicals: Aquatic macroinvertebrate population responses in outdoor mesocosms, Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 341-347.
- Ohajinwa C.M., Bodegom P.M. van, Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2018), Impact of informal electronic waste recycling on metal concentrations in soils and dusts, Environmental Research 164: 385-394.
- Borgström M.T., Magnusson M.H., Dimroth F., Siefer G., Höhn O., Riel H., Schmid H., Wirths S., Björk M., Aberg I., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G., Tchernnycheva M., Piazza V. & Samuelson L. (2018), Towards Nanowire Tandem Junction Solar Cells on Silicon, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8(3): 733 - 740.
- Jaikumar G., Baas J., Brun N.R., Vijver M.G. & Bosker T. (2018), Acute sensitivity of three Cladoceran species to different types of microplastics in combination with thermal stress, Environmental Pollution 239: 733-740.
- Barmentlo S.H., Parmentier E.M., Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2018), Thiacloprid-Induced Toxicity Influenced by Nutrients: Evidence from In Situ Bioassays in Experimental Ditches, Environmental Toxicology 37(7): 1907–1915.
- Wang G., Zhang S., Zhong Q., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2018), Feasibility of Chinese cabbage (Brassica bara) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cultivation in heavily metals−contaminated soil after washing with biodegradable chelators, Journal of Cleaner Production 197(1): 479-490.
- Brun N.R., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Pomeren M. van & Vijver M.G. (2018), Implementing the current knowledge of uptake and effects of nanoparticles in an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework. In: Hauser-Davis R.A. & Parente T.E. (red.), Ecotoxicology - Perspectives on Key Issues. Baton Rouge, USA: CRC Press. 145-169.
- Zhai Y., Brun N.R., Bundschuh M., Schrama M.J.J., Hin E., Vijver M.G. & Hunting E.R. (2018), Microbially-mediated indirect effects of silver nanoparticles on aquatic invertebrates, Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 80: 44.
- Horton A.A., Vijver M.G., Lahive E., Spurgeon D.J., Svendsen C., Heutink R., Bodegom P.M. van & Baas J. (2018), Acute toxicity of organic pesticides to Daphnia magna is unchanged by co-exposure to polystyrene microplastics, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166: 26-34.
- Wang Z., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2018), Multiscale Coupling Strategy for Nano Ecotoxicology Prediction, Environmental Science and Technology 52(14): 7598-7600.
- Fantke P., Aurisano N., Bare J., Backhaus T., Bulle C., Chapman P.M., Zwart D. de, Dwyer R., Ernstoff A., Golsteijn L., Holmquist H., Jolliet O., McKone T.E., Owsianiak M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Roos S., Posthuma L., Schowanek D., Saouter E., Vijver M.G., Straalen N.M. van & Hauschild M. (2018), Toward Harmonizing Ecotoxicity Characterization in Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37(12): 2955-2971.
- Vijver M.G., Zhai Y., Wang Z. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2018), Emerging investigator series: the dynamics of particle size distributions need to be accounted for in bioavailability modelling of nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano 5: 2473-2481.
- Tukker A., Udo De Haes H.A., Groot W.T. de, Barendse G., Huppes G., Voet E. van der, Boersema J.J., Persoon G.A., Jongh H. de, Snoo G.R. de, Kleijn E.G.M., Guinee J.B., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2018), Forty years of Leiden environmental science: the history of the Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) 1978-2018. Leiden: Leiden University - CML.
- Besley A.P.A., Vijver M.G., Behrens P.A. & Bosker T. (2017), A standardized method for sampling and extraction methods for quantifying microplastics in beach sand, Marine Pollution Bulletin 144(1): 77-83.
- Mal J., Veneman W.J., Nancharaiah V., Hullebush E.D. van, Peijenburg W.J.G.M. van, Vijver M.G. & Lens P.N.L. (2017), A comparison of fate and toxicity of selenite, biogenically, and chemically synthesized selenium nanoparticles to zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryogenesis, Nanotoxicology 11(1): 87-97.
- Liu Y., Vijver M.G., Pan B. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2017), Toxicity models of metal mixtures established on the basis of “additivity” and “interactions”, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering 11(2): 10.
- Vijver M.G., Hunting E.R., Nederstigt T.A.P., Tamis W.L.M., Brink P.J. van den & Bodegom P.M. van (2017), Postregistration Monitoring of Pesticides is Urgently Required to Protect Ecosystems, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(4): 860-865.
- Verschoor A.J., Vijver M.G. & Vink J.P.M. (2017), Refinement and cross-validation of nickel bioavailability in pnec-pro, a regulatory tool for site-specific risk assessment of metals in surface water, Environmental Toxicology 36(9): 2367–2376.
- Bosker T., Behrens P.A. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Determining global distribution of microplastics by combining citizen science and in-depth case studies, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13(3): 536-541.
- Pomeren M. van, Brun N.R., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Exploring uptake and biodistribution of polystyrene (nano)particles in zebrafish embryos at different developmental stages, Aquatic Toxicology 190: 40-45.
- Hunting E.R., Jong S. de & Vijver M.G. (2017), Assessment of monitoring tools and strategies safeguarding aquatic ecosystems within the European water framework directive. CML reports nr. 192. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Veneman W.J., Spaink H.P., Brun N.R., Bosker T. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Pathway analysis of systemic transcriptome responses to injected polystyrene particles in zebrafish larvae, Aquatic Toxicology 190: 112-120.
- Chen G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Xiao Y. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Current Knowledge on the Use of Computational Toxicology in Hazard Assessment of Metallic Engineered Nanomaterials, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18(7): 1504.
- Zhai Y., Hunting E.R., Wouterse M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Importance of exposure dynamics of metal-based nano-ZnO, -Cu and -Pb governing the metabolic potential of soil bacterial communities, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 145: 349-358.
- Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2017), Setting the stage for debating the roles of risk assessment and life-cycle assessment of engineered nanomaterials, Nature Nanotechnology 12: 727-733.
- Ohajinwa C.M., Bodegom P.M. van, Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2017), Health Risks Awareness of Electronic Waste Workers in the Informal Sector in Nigeria, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(8): 911.
- Chen G., Vijver M.G., Xiao Y. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2017), A Review of Recent Advances towards the Development of (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships for Metallic Nanomaterials, Materials 10(9): 1013.
- Zhao J., Liu Y., Pan B., Gao G., Liu Y., Liu S., Liang S., Zhou D., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2017), Tannic acid promotes ion release of copper oxide nanoparticles: Impacts from solution pH change and complexation reactions, Water Research 127: 59-67.
- Lots F.A.E., Behrens P., Vijver M.G., Horton A.A. & Bosker T. (2017), A large-scale investigation of microplastic contamination: Abundance and characteristics of microplastics in European beach sediment, Marine Pollution Bulletin 123(1-2): 219-226.
- Brun N.B., Beenakker M.M.T., Hunting E.R., Ebert D. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Brood pouch-mediated polystyrene nanoparticle uptake during Daphnia magna embryogenesis, Nanotoxicology 11(8): 1050-1069.
- Pomeren M. van, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Brun N.R. & Vijver M.G. (2017), A Novel Experimental and Modelling Strategy for Nanoparticle Toxicity Testing Enabling the Use of Small Quantities, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(11): 1348.
- Schrama M.J.J., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Logtestijn R.S.P. van, Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2017), Pressure-Induced Shifts in Trophic Linkages in a Simplified Aquatic Food Web, Frontiers in Environmental Science 5(75): 1-10.
- Hunting E.R., Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Bodegom P.M. van, Zhai Y. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Agricultural constraints on microbial resource use and niche breadth in drainage ditches, PeerJ 41(75): e4175.
- Baas J., Vijver M.G., Rambohul J., Dunbar M., Zelfde M. van 't, Svendsen C. & Spurgeon D. (2016), Comparison and evaluation of pesticide monitoring programs using a process-based mixture model, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(12): 3113–3123.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Chen G., Richardson M.K. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2016), Dose metrics assessment for differently shaped and size metal-based nanoparticles, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(10): 2466-2473.
- Zhai Y., Hunting E.R., Wouters M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Silver nanoparticles, ions, and shape governing soil microbial functional diversity: Nano Shapes Micro, Frontiers in Microbiology 7(1123): 1123.
- Schreiner V.C., Szöcs E., Bhowmik A.K., Vijver M.G. & Schäfer R.B. (2016), Pesticide mixtures in streams of several European countries and the USA, Science of the Total Environment 573: 680-689.
- Hua J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2016), TiO2 nanoparticles reduce the effects of ZnO nanoparticles and Zn ions on zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio), NanoImpact 2(April 2016): 45-53.
- Ieromina O., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Musters C.J.M. & Vijver M.G. (2016), The effect of pesticides on the composition of aquatic macrofauna communities in field ditches, Basic and Applied Ecology 17(2): 125-133.
- Hunting E.R., Vonk J.A., Musters C.J.M., Kraak M.H.S. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Effects of agricultural practices on organic matter degradation in ditches, Scientific Reports 2016(6): 21474.
- Liu Y., Baas J., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Evaluating the Combined Toxicity of Cu and ZnO Nanoparticles: Utility of the Concept of Additivity and a Nested Experimental Design, Environmental Science and Technology 50(10): 5328-5337.
- Tamis W.L.M., Zelfde M. van 't & Vijver M.G. (2016), Analyse van imidacloprid in het oppervlaktewater tot en met februari 2016. CML-rapport nr. 190. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen.
- Baas J., Vijver M.G. & Zelfde M. van 't (2016), Evaluatie van bestrijdingsmiddelenmetingen in Nederland; effecten van simultane blootstelling aan meerdere bestrijdingsmiddelen?, H2O Online 08 augustus 2016: 1-10.
- Chen G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Kovalishyn V. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Development of nanostructure–activity relationships assisting the nanomaterial hazard categorization for risk assessment and regulatory decision-making, RSC Advances 6: 52227-52235.
- Ieromina O., Muster C.J.M., Bodegom P.M. van, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Trait modality distribution of aquatic macrofauna communities as explained by pesticides and water chemistry, Ecotoxicology 25(6): 1170–1180.
- Xiao Y., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Chen G. & Vijver M.G. (2016), Toxicity of copper nanoparticles to Daphnia magna under different exposure conditions, Science of the Total Environment 2016(563-564): 81-88.
- Rüdel H., Muñiz C.D., Garelick H., Kandile N.G., Miller B.W., Pantoja Munoz L., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Purchase D., Shevah Y., Sprang P. van, Vijver M.G. & Vink J.P.M. (2016), Advances in freshwater risk assessment: experiences with Biotic Ligand Models. Bristol: SCU, The University of the West of England (European Commission DG Environment.), Science for Environment Policy 441: .
- Christiansen K.S., Borggaard O.K., Holm P.E., Vijver M.G., Hauschild M.Z. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Experimental determinations of soil copper toxicity to lettuce (Lactuca sativa)growth in highly different copper spiked and aged soils, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(7): 5283-5292.
- Qiu H., Vijver M.G., He E., Liu Y., Wang P., Xia B., Smolders E., Versieren L. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Incorporating bioavailability into toxicity assessment of Cu-Ni, Cu-Cd, and Ni-Cd mixtures with the extended biotic ligand model and the WHAM-Ftox approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(23): 19213-19223.
- Chen G., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Summary and Analysis of the Currently Existing Literature Data on Metal-based Nanoparticles Published for Selected Aquatic Organisms: Applicability for Toxicity Prediction by (Q)SARs, Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 43(4): 221-240.
- Spaink H., Racz P., Ordas A., Veneman W., Vijver M., Wildwater M., Pieters R., Zope H.R., Kros A., Kantae V., Krekels E., Graaf P.H. van der & Hankemeier T. (2015), Automated zebrafish toxicology screening: effect assessment and uptake studies, Toxicology Letters 238(2): S54-S54.
- Hunting E.R., Vijver M.G., Geest H.G. van der, Mulder C., Kraak M.H.S., Breure A.M. & Admiraal W. (2015), Resource niche overlap promotes stability of bacterial community metabolism in experimental microcosms, Frontiers in Microbiology 6(105): 1-7.
- Tamis W.L.M., Zelfde M. van 't & Vijver M.G. (2015), Analyse van imidacloprid in het oppervlaktewater gebruikmakend van recente meetgegevens uit de Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas. CML-rapport nr. 185. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappenn (CML), Universiteit Leiden.
- Song L., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Tamara S., Galloway T.S. & Tyler C.R. (2015), A comparative analysis on the in vivo toxicity of copper nanoparticles in three species of freshwater fish, Chemosphere 139: 181-189.
- Liu Y., Vijver M.G., Qiu H., Baas J. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Statistically significant deviations from additivity: What do they mean in assessing toxicity of mixtures?, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 122: 37-44.
- Song L., Vijver M.G., Snoo G.R. de & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Assessing toxicity of copper nanoparticles across five cladoceran species, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(8): 1863-1869.
- Song L., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Comparative toxicity of copper nanoparticles across three Lemnaceae species, Science of the Total Environment 518-519: 217-224.
- Xiao Y., Vijver M.G., Chen G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2015), Toxicity and Accumulation of Cu and ZnO Nanoparticles in Daphnia magna, Environmental Science and Technology 49(7): 4657-4664.
- Rüdel H., Muñiz C.D., Garelick H., Kandile N.G., Miller B.W., Pantoja Munoz L., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Purchase D., Shevah Y., Sprang P. van, Vijver M.G. & Vink J.P.M. (2015), Consideration of the bioavailability of metal/metalloid species in freshwaters: experiences regarding the implementation of biotic ligand model-based approaches in risk assessment frameworks, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(10): 7405-7421.
- Liu Y., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Comparing three approaches in extending biotic ligand models to predict the toxicity of binary metal mixtures (Cu–Ni, Cu–Zn and Cu–Ag) to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), Chemosphere 112: 282-288.
- Ieromina O., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2014), Population responses of Daphnia magna, Chydorus sphaericus and Asellus aquaticus in pesticide contaminated ditches around bulb fields, Environmental Pollution 192: 196-203.
- Liu Y., Vijver M.G. & Peijenenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Impacts of major cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and protons on toxicity predictions of nickel and cadmium to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) using exposure models, Ecotoxicology 23(3): 385-395.
- Ehret J., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), The application of QSAR approaches to nanoparticles, Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 42(1): 43-50.
- Yen Le T.T., Wang P., Vijver M.G., Kinrade T.B., Hendriks A.J. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Delineating ion-ion interactions by electrostatic modelling for predicting rhizotoxicity of metal mixtures to lettuce Lactuca sativa, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(9): 1988-1995.
- Qiu H., Peijnenburg W.G.J.M., Gestel C.A.M. van & Vijver M.G. (2014), Can commonly measurable traits explain differences in metal accumulation and toxicity in earthworm species?, Ecotoxicology 24(1): 21-32.
- Song L., Conolly M., Fernández-Cruz M.L., Vijver M.G., Fernández M., Conde E., Snoo G.R. de, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Navas J.M. (2014), Species-specific toxicity of copper nanoparticles among mammalian and piscine cell lines, Nanotoxicology 8(4): 383-393.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Ahmad F., Richardson M.K. & Peijenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Toxicity of different-sized copper nano- and submicron particles and their shed copper ions to zebrafish embryos, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8): 1774–1782.
- Qiu H., Vijver M.G., Gestel C.A. van, He E. & Peijnenburg W.J. (2014), Modeling cadmium and nickel toxicity to earthworms with the free ion approach, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(2): 438-446.
- Vijver M.G. & Brink P.J. van den (2014), Macro-Invertebrate Decline in Surface Water Polluted with Imidacloprid: A Rebuttal and Some New Analyses, PLoS ONE 9(2): e89837.
- Ieromina O., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Snoo G.R. de, Müller J., Knepper T.P. & Vijver M.G. (2014), Impact of imidacloprid on Daphnia magna under different food quality regimes, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(3): 621-631.
- Vijver M.G., Bolte J.F.B., Evans T.R., Tamis W.L.M., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Musters C.J.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2014), Investigating short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields on reproductive capacity of invertebrates in the field situation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 33(1): 21-28.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Richardson M.K., Ahmad F. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Particle-specific toxic effects of differently shaped zinc oxide nanoparticles to zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(12): 2859-2868.
- Cucurachi S., Tamis W.L.M., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Bolte J.F.B. & Snoo G.R. de (2013), A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), Environment International 51: 116-140.
- Yen Le T.T, Vijver M.G., Kinrade T.B., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Hendriks A.J. (2013), Modelling metal-metal interactions and metal toxicity to lettuce Lactuca sativa following mixture exposure (Cu2+ - Zn2+ and Cu2+ - Ag+), Environmental Pollution 176: 185-192.
- Vijver M.G. & Tamis W.L.M. (2013), Bestrijden van de Trosbosbes in de Peel - overzicht van de mogelijkheden voor het inzetten van het chemische bestrijdingsmiddel glyfosaat en biologische bestrijding. Leiden: CML.
- Tamis W.L.M., Vijver M.G., Musters C.J.M. & Zelfde M. van 't (2013), Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater en koppeling met landgebruik versie 2.0 nr. 49. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Bolte J.F.B., Tamis W.L.M. & Vijver M.G. (2013), Ecologische effecten van elektromagnetische velden, Acta Simulatio (4): 40-43.
- Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2013), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Waterkwaliteit: 50 jaar na Silent Spring, Entomologische Berichten 73(4): 136-143.
- Yen Le T.T., Vijver M.G., Hendriks A.J. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2013), Modeling toxicity of binary metal mixtures (Cu2+–Ag+, Cu2+–Zn2+) to lettuce, Lactuca sativa, with the biotic ligand model, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32(1): 137-143.
- Qiu H., Vijver M.G., He E. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2013), Predicting Copper Toxicity to Different Earthworm Species Using a Multicomponent Freundlich Model, Environmental Science and Technology 47(7): 4796-4803.
- Verschoor A.J., Hendriks A.J., Vink J.P.M., Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2012), Multimetal accumulation in crustaceans in surface water related to body size and water chemistry, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(10): 2269-2280.
- Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Waterkwaliteit vanuit Europees perspectief (hoofdstuk 5). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 63-72.
- Snoo G.R. de, Vijver M.G. & Musters C.J.M. (2012), Productieve landbouw, schoon water (hoofdstuk 1). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 7-14.
- Vijver M.G., Zelfde M. van 't & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Milieubelasting (hoofdstuk 4). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 49-62.
- Musters C.J.M., Vijver M.G., Zelfde M. van 't, Heuvelink G.B.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlaktewater (hoofdstuk 3). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 33-48.
- Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2012), Vijftig jaar na Dode Lente (hoofdstuk 2). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 15-32.
- Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2012), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit: nu en de toekomst (hoofdstuk 14). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 163-174.
- Tamis W.L.M., Zelfde M. van 't, Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Bronnen van bestrijdingsmiddelen: buitenland en landbouw (hoofdstuk 8). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 97-110.
- Vijver M.G., Zelfde M. van 't, Zwart D. de, Roex E. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Ecologische schade aan aquatische ecosystemen (hoofdstuk 6). In: Snoo G.R de & Vijver M.G. (red.), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML). 73-84.
- Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Current pesticide loads in Dutch surface waters. In: Jokanovic M. (red.), The impact of pesticides. Serbia: 191-202.
- Zelfde M. van 't, Tamis W.L.M., Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2012), Linking land use with pesticides in Dutch surface waters. Boeckx P., Bossier P., Smagghe C., Van Damme E., Verhoest N. & Vandekerkhove B. (red.), Proceedings of the 64th International Symposium on Crop Protections. 64th International Symposium on Crop Protections. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences. Gent 407-4014.
- Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (red.) (2012), Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden - Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (CML).
- Vijver M.G., Tamis W.L.M., Musters C.J.M. & Zelfde M. van 't (2012), Bestrijdingsmiddelen in het oppervlakte water en koppeling met het landgebruik. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Linden A.M.A. van der, Kruijne R., Tiktak A. & Vijver M.G. (2012), Evaluatie van de nota Duurzame gewasbescherming deelrapport Milieu. Bilthoven: RIVM.
- Yen Le T.T., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Hendriks A.J. & Vijver M.G. (2012), Predicting effects of cations on copper toxicity to lecture Lactuca sativa by the biotic ligand model, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(2): 355-359.
- Verschoor A.J., Vink J.P.M. & Vijver M.G. (2012), Simplification of Biotic Ligand Models of Cu, Ni, and Zn by 1-, 2-, and 3-Parameter Transfer Functions, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8: 738-748.
- Verschoor A.J., Vink J.P.M., Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2011), Spatial and temporal variation of watertype-specific No-Effect Concentrations and Risks of Cu, Ni and Zn, Environmental Science and Technology 45: 6049-6056.
- Mann R.M., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2011), Metals and Metalloids in Terrestrial Systems: Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification and Subsequent Adverse Effects. In: Sanchez-Bayo F., Brink P. van den & Mann R.M. (red.), Ecological impacts of toxic chemicals. Australia: Bentham Science Publishers. 43-62.
- Hodson M.E., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2011), Bioavailibility of Soils. In: Swartjes F.A. (red.), Dealing with Contaminated Sites: From Theory towards Practical Application.. Amsterdam: Springer. 721-749.
- Zelfde M. van 't, Tamis W.L.M., Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2011), The contribution of neighbouring countries to pesticides levels in Dutch surface waters, Proceedings of the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protections. 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protections. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences. Gent 867-878.
- Vijver M.G., Kruijne R., Zelfde M. van 't, Linden A.M.A. van der, Tamis W.L.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2011), Similarities and differences between measured and predicted concentrations of pesticides in Dutch surface waters, Proceedings of the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protections. 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protections. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences. Gent 879-890.
- Vijver M.G., Heijungs R. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2011), Development of a biotic ligand model predicting copper toxicity to lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences.
- Vijver M.G., Elliot E.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2011), Response predictions for organisms water-exposed to metal mixtures: a meta-analysis, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(6): 1482-1487.
- Qiu H., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2011), Interactions of cadmium and zinc impact their toxicity to the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9): 2084-2093.
- Song L., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2011), Smart Nanotoxicity Testing for Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Science and Technology 45(15): 6229-6230.
- Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2010), Toxicological mixture models are based on inadequate assumptions, Environmental Science and Technology 44: 4841-4842.
- Diamond M.L., Gandhi N., Adams W.J., Atherton J., Bhavsar S.P., Bulle C., Campbell P.G.C., Dubreuil A., Fairbrother A., Farley K., Green A., Guinée J.B., Hauschild M., Huijbregts M.A.J., Humbert S., Jensen K.S., Jolliet O., Margni M., McGeer J.C., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Rosenbaum R., Meent D. van de & Vijver M.G. (2010), The clearwater consensus: the estimation of metal hazard in fresh water, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5(2): 143-147.
- Zelfde M. van 't, Tamis W.L.M. & Vijver M.G. (2010), Technische rapportage van de update van de bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas met gegevens van het jaar 2007. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Zelfde M. van 't, Musters C.J.M., Tamis W.L.M. & Vijver M.G. (2010), Technische rapportage van project: Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas Kader Richtlijn Water (KRW) proof. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2009), Earthworms and Their Use in Eco(toxico)logical Modeling. In: Devillers J. (red.), Ecotoxicology Modeling. US: Springer. 177-204.
- Vijver M.G. (2009), Current state-of-the-art for aquatic Biotic Ligand Models and metal-specific water type charactirisations. Leiden: CML Department of Conservation Biology.
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- Nahmani J., Hodson M.E., Devin S. & Vijver M.G. (2009), Uptake kinetics of metals by the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to field-contaminated soils, Environmental Pollution 157: 2622-2628.
- Gimbert F., Vijver M.G., Coeurdassier M., Scheifler R., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Badot P.M. & De Vaufleury A. (2008), How subcellar partitioning can help to understand heavy metal accumulation and elimination kineticis in snails, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6): 1284-1292.
- Posthuma L., Eijsackers H.J.P., Koelmans A.A. & Vijver M.G. (2008), Ecological effects of diffuse mixed pollution are site-specific and require higher-tier risk assessment to improve site management decisions: A discussion paper, Science of the Total Environment 16(16): 503-517.
- Vijver M.G., Koning A. de & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2008), Uncertainty of water type-specific hazardous copper concentrations derived with biotic ligand models, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27: 2311-2319.
- Zelfde M. van 't & Vijver M.G. (2008), Technische rapportage van de update van de bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas met gegevens van de jaren 2005/2006. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Vijver M.G., Snoo G.R. de, Knoben R. & Kalf D.F. (2008), Naar een optimalisatie van de monitoring van bestrijdingsmiddelen, H2O 16: 29-32.
- Vijver M.G., Zelfde M. van 't, Tamis W.L.M., Musters C.J.M. & Snoo G.R. de (2008), Spatial and temporal analysis of pesticides concentrations in surface water: pesticides atlas, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 43: 665-674.
- Vijver M.G., Spijker J., Vink J. & Posthuma L. (2008), Determining metal origins and availability in fluvial deposits by analysis, Environmental Pollution 156: 832-839.
- Vijver M.G., Koster M. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2007), Impact of pH on Cu accumulation kinetics in earthworm cytosol, Environmental Science and Technology 41(7): 2255-2260.
- Vijver M.G., Vink J.P.M., Miermans C.J.H. & Gestel C.A.M. van (2007), Metal accumulation in earthworms inhabiting floodplain soils, Environmental Pollution 148(1): 132-140.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. & Koster M. (2007), Interaction of pH on Cu accumulation kinetics in earthworm cytosol. In: Zhu Y., Lepp N. & Naidu R. (red.), Biogeochemistry of trace elements: environmental protection, remediation and human health.. Bei Jing: Tsighua University Press. 645-647.
- Snoo G.R. de, Vijver M.G., Musters C.J.M. & Zelfde M. van 't (2007), Pesticides atlas: an overview of pesticides concentrations in Dutch surface waters, Proceedings of SECOTOX and the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economy.. 371-376.
- El-Bahrawy A.A.F., Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2007), Threats and control of the Brown necked ravens (Corvus ruficollis) in Egypt, Threats and control of the Brown necked ravens (Corvus ruficollis) in Egypt.. . Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci. 221-233.
- Posthuma L. & Vijver M.G. (2007), Exposure and ecological effects of toxic mixtures at field-relevant concentrations: model validation and integration at the SSEO programme. Bilthoven: RIVM.
- Vijver M.G. & Koning A. de (2007), Quantifying HC5 using BLMs for Cu in different water types according different extrapolation options: sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. & Koning A. de (2007), Aanzet voor watertypespecifieke risicogrenzen voor metalen in oppervlaktewater, H2O 40(17): 35-37.
- Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2007), Pesticides monitoring in the Netherlands, Human Newsletter 3: 13-15.
- El-Bahrawy A.A.F., Vijver M.G. & Snoo G.R. de (2007), Threats and control of the Brown necked ravens (Corvus ruficollis) in Egypt, Agricultural Research Journal 7(2): 21-28.
- Veltman K., Huijbregts M.A.J., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2007), Metal accumulation in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Model predictions compared to field data, Environmental Pollution 146(2): 428-436.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2007), Metal-specific interactions at the interface of chemistry and biology, 79(12): 2351-2366.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zablotskaja M. & Vijver M.G. (2007), Monitoring metals in terrestrial environments within a bioavailability framework and a focus on soil extraction, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 67(2): 163-179.
- Vijver M.G., Vink J.P.M., Jager T. & Straalen N. van (2006), Kinetics of Zn and Cd accumulation in the isopod Porcellio scaber exposed to contaminated soil and/or food, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(7): 1554-1563.
- Vijver M.G., Gestel C.A.M. van, Straalen N.M. van, Lanno R.P. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2006), Biological significance of metals partitioned to subcellular fractions within earthworms (Aporrectodea Calignosa), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(3): 807-812.
- Koster M., Groot A., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2006), Copper in the terrestrial environment: verification of a laboratory-derived terrestrial biotic ligand model to predict earthworm mortality with toxicity observed in field soils, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(7): 1788-1796.
- Smith F., Zelfde M. van 't & Vijver M.G. (2006), Technische rapportage van de update van de bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas met gegevens van de jaren 1997, 1998 en 2004. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Koning A. de & Vijver M.G. (2006), `Biotic Ligand Models' voor de effectmodellering van metalen in enkele Nederlandse oppervlaktewateren. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences CML.
- Linden A.M.A. van der, Beelen P. van, Berg G.A. van, Boer M. de, Gaag D.J. van, Groenwold J.G., Huijsmans J.F.M., Kalf D.F., Kool S.A.M. de, Kruijne R., Merkelbach R.C.M., Snoo G.R. de, Vijftigschild R.A.N., Vijver M.G. & Wal A.J. van der (2006), Evaluatie duurzame gewasbescherming 2006: milieu. Bilthoven: RIVM.
- Vijver M.G., Kruijne R., Linden A.M.A. van der, Zelfde M. van 't & Tamis W.L.M. (2006), Nadere afstemming van het gebruik van de instrumenten Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas en Natuur Milieu Indicator in het licht van de Evaluatie Duurzame Gewasbescherming 2006. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Snoo G.R. de, Tamis W.L.M., Vijver M.G., Musters C.J.M. & Zelfde M. van 't (2006), Risk mapping of pesticides: the Dutch atlas of pesticide concentrations in surface waters:, Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci. 71: 49-58.
- Posthuma L. & Vijver M.G. (2006), Normoverschrijding beoordelen via locatiespecifieke risicobeoordelingen. De grauwsluier ontsluierd, Bodem 3(16(3)): 122-125.
- Rutgers M., Gestel C.A.M. van, Klok C., Vijver M.G. & Posthuma L. (2006), Het onderzoek en de locaties van het SSEO. Stimuleringsprogramma systeemgericht ecotoxicologisch onderzoek, Bodem 3(16(3)): 111-114.
- Eijsackers H.E., Posthuma L. & Vijver M.G. (2006), Gebiedsbeleid helpt diffuse verontreiniging oplossen, Milieu Dossier 7: 38-39.
- Posthuma L., Eijsackers H.E. & Vijver M.G. (2006), Toxische stoffen, normen en ecologsiche risico's - hoe zit dat?, Milieu Dossier 7: 19-23.
- Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Koning A. de (2006), Biotic Ligand-modellen in lijn met KRW, H2O 12: 29-31.
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. & Vijver M.G. (2006), Predicting toxicity of metal to soil, SETAC Globe 7(4): 19-20.
- Vijver M.G. (11 maart 2005), The Ins and Outs of Bioaccumulation. Metal Bioaccumulation Kinetics in Soil Invertebrates in Relation to Availability and Animal Physiology (Dissertatie, Aard- en Levenswetenschappen, VU University Amsterdam). Amsterdam: Febo druk b.v.. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Straalen N.M. van, Gestel C.A.M. van & Vink J.P.M.
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