"Hello World!" #4 - Lecture by Zane Kripe
The “Hello World!” series focuses on new encounters and new inspiration, inviting seven speakers with hugely varying backgrounds to give us their perspectives on what they see as currently important. The fourth speaker is Zane Kripe, antropologist, and Media Technology MSc programme alumna.
We proudly announce that Zane Kripe is the fourth speaker in our new Media Technology MSc lecture series. This edition of the "Hello World!" lecture series is part of the Media Technology MSc Hybrid exhibition in V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media Previous speakers were theorist of digital culture Lev Manovich, connector of artists and scientists Teun Verkerk, and engaged physicist Frans Saris.
Zane Kripe, "Temporality of Innovation"
Saturday June 11th, 15:30 - 16:45h
V2_, Eendrachtstraat 10, 3012XL Rotterdam
Temporality of Innovation
We take for granted certain ideas about time and the future. Most of us will easily agree that we follow the so called ‘clock time’ and see the future as ‘open’ for us to shape. Yet, looking at this historically and ethnographically we quickly discover that time and the future are not what they seem to be at the first glance.
Rather than being a neutral background or a blank canvas on which to project our plans and ideas, Zane sees time as a powerful tool for establishing social hierarchies and leading us to ask: which groups of people claim to have knowledge about the future, and as a result, who are labelled as ‘in need to catch up’ with the times, and who end up feeling like they can’t have a future at all?
Combining insights from the history of technology, anthropology, and her research in Southeast Asia Zane will guide us through ideas about time and progress that underlie creative production processes and invite to reflect on how we relate to the future(s) that are being created.
Zane Kripe
As anthropologist Zane Kripe is focusing on digital culture. She studied the web technology startup scene in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Singapore. At the intersections of technology and business cultures she explored the aspirations and ideas about a future linked to the developing knowledge economy. Her research interests concern the cultural politics of technologies and how they are produced. She holds an MSc in Media Technology (Leiden University) and BA in Political Science (Riga Stradins University).