Research is meant to generate knowledge, in a rational and sensible way. Many research methods exist to do this, and creativity is an important factor. Our mission is to explore creative, playful, unexpected, and unconventional forms of academic research.
Through our research we hope to bring fresh views, challenging thoughts, and a creative spark to academia. Whether this is in the natural sciences, humanities or any other academic field is irrelevant.
Research output
See also our publications, theses and awards.
Due to reorganization of our website, the thesis list is not complete. We expect more to be added soon.
Our research vision
Research can study anything. It is not limited to certain themes or methods. Also, alternative forms of research output are valid, not just articles. There is plenty of room for creativity, and we want to explore it.
Research by creating can be important alongside more commonplace methods. By applying technology in fresh ways, one learns new things — new methods and alternative insights are discovered. We see this as a valid and productive way of doing research.
Students should engage in research practice. In our research, students are generally the principal investigator. We encourage students to submit their papers to international journals, conferences, and relevant festivals. In nearly all our publications, students are first author.
Interdisciplinary research and projects at the “scale of individuals” are important, as a way to stimulate research creativity.
Connected research initiatives
Our students and staff collaborate in several connected research initiatives. At Leiden University, these are
- the Creative Intelligence Lab
- the [A]Social Creatures Lab
- the Game Research Lab
- the Society, Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS) interdisciplinary program.