Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This March session of “What’s Next?” will feature two alumni of the Media Technology program, Mike Rijnierse and Daniel Simu, both active creating and performing artists. They will share their experiences after completing their studies and share how they have built their practices.
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This December session of “What’s Next?” will feature two alumni of the Media Technology program, Robin de Lange and Anastasia Thambwe, both active in the field of creative and immersive technologies.
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This October session of “What’s Next?” will feature two alumni of the Media Technology program, Daphne Wong-A-Foe and Giulio Barbero, who will share how they got their PhD positions and what their lives look like now.
We are delighted that our annual "Science to Experience" exhibition will again be hosted by the V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, June 13-16. Students were challenged to communicate their own science-inspired statements as experiences within the exhibition, this year along the theme "LIVING".
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This April session of “What’s Next?” is organized in collaboration with the "Artificial Creatures" course. Besides the expo with student works, it will feature two of our alumni researching human-robot interaction, Helena Frijns and Bernd Dudzik.
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This February session of “What’s Next?” will feature two students who studied in the Media Technology program, Patrick Heneise and Andrei Nesterov, who will speak about their careers after Media Technology and how that relates to our program.
Media Technology MSc student Michael "Mikkel" Olthof shows his work "Curved Sounds" at the Highlight Delft 2024 Festival. The project was made for the course "Sound, Space & Interaction".
On Tuesday 23 January the Creative Intelligence Lab and Media Technology MSc program welcome Ziv Epstein from the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI to Leiden. He will give the public keynote to close off our 7th annual Social Technologies Symposium, entitled "The Art and Science of Social Scrying: From Collective Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence and Back Again".
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This December session of “What’s Next?” will feature two very recent Media Technology graduates, Michaël Grauwde and Marissa Memelink, who will discuss the initial steps they are taking in their respective fields after graduation. Although they work in different areas, both share an interest in a critical approach to the development and evaluation of AI technologies.
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? The second session of “What’s Next?” will feature two Media Technology graduates who are doing academic research. Danica Mast is pursuing her PhD and Lise Stork her postdoc. We look forward to hearing how the Media Technology MSc program shaped their interests, and their advice on what one should consider if thinking about having an academic career in research.