What's Next? Alumni Talks on Life after Media Technology
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This December session of “What’s Next?” will feature two very recent Media Technology graduates, Michaël Grauwde and Marissa Memelink, who will discuss the initial steps they are taking in their respective fields after graduation. Although they work in different areas, both share an interest in a critical approach to the development and evaluation of AI technologies.
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni and students. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme.
These talks are organised by Media Technology students themselves, and followed by social drinks.

Michaël Grauwde, a 2022 Media Technology MSc graduate, is currently pursuing a PhD at TU Delft. He is exploring an inclusive, iterative, and deliberative approach to technology development through the creation of a value-based conversational agent.
Marissa Memelink, also a 2022 graduate, has already made waves in the art world with the publication of her thesis, which proposes a new framework for analysing and comparing art created with or by autonomous systems. She is also an artistic researcher at SETUP, a platform dedicated to fostering a critical approach to technology in society.
No registration required, free of costs, open to all!
Friday December 15, 16:00 - 17:00h
Snellius building, room 413
Followed by drinks in the FooBar!
P.S. Mark your calendar: The tentative dates for the “What’s Next?” series in the Spring 2024 semester are February 23, April 12, and June 14.