Public lecture by Ziv Epstein (Stanford), "From Collective Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence and Back Again"
On Tuesday 23 January the Creative Intelligence Lab and Media Technology MSc program welcome Ziv Epstein from the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI to Leiden. He will give the public keynote to close off our 7th annual Social Technologies Symposium, entitled "The Art and Science of Social Scrying: From Collective Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence and Back Again".
Ziv Epstein works at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, and until recently MIT Media Lab. His work focuses on translating insights from design and the social sciences into the development of generative AI and social media platforms. Given that Ziv had to be in Europe for another collaboration as well, we are lucky enough to have him join us in person.

Program and Registration
Ziv's talk (Tuesday Jan 23, 16:00-17:00h) and drinks reception afterwards are open to the public. To attend the keynote lecture, please register via this link.
The talk will be in the CIL lab room, Huygens room 126, where the Social Technologies Symposium also takes place earlier that day (unless we get so many registrations that we need to move to a larger venue; if so this will be announced soon).
The Social Technologies Symposium
The Social Technologies Symposium is an annual event hosted by the Media Technology MSc programme and LIACS Creative Intelligence Lab. It is part of the Research Seminar in which students and lecturers jointly study the evolution of social networks and technologies “from campfires to Facebook & TikTok” from a multidisciplinary perspective. The Seminar traditionally includes a one-day Symposium at which students present their work and an international speaker is invited to engage in in-depth discussions with them. At the end of the day the international guest gives a keynote talk that is publicly accessible.