Media Technology exhibition HYBRID in V2_ gallery space
- Experience science-inspired works by students
- Date
- Thursday 9 June 2022 - Sunday 12 June 2022
- Address
- V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media
Eendrachtsstraat 10
3012XL Rotterdam
We are delighted that our annual "Science to Experience" exhibition will again be hosted by the V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media. Students were challenged to communicate their own science-inspired statements as experiences within the exhibition, this year along the theme "HYBRID".
You are cordially invited to attend the public project exhibition by students of the Media Technology MSc program. In small groups and through their own process, these students have created experiences for a public audience, this year around the theme HYBRID.
HYBRID is the resulting exhibition with 6 works, each with a different take on the overall theme.
- Audience
- Public exhibition, free of charge
- Location
- V2_ Exhibition Gallery, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012XL, Rotterdam
- Formal opening
- Thursday June 9, 17:00 - 19:00h; ceremony at 17:30h
- Public opening hours
- Friday June 10 - Sunday June 12, 12:00 - 18:00h
- Extra evening
- Friday June 10, 18:00 - 21:00

V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media
As in previous editions, the exhibition is presented by the V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam. V2_ presents, produces, archives and publishes research at the interface of art, technology and society, and offers a platform for artists, designers, scientists, theorists, and developers from various disciplines to discuss their work and share their findings. It aims to create a context in which issues regarding the social impact of technology are explored through critical dialogue, artistic reflection and practice-oriented research.

Science to Experience
The course Science to Experience is a good example of the general approach of the Media Technology MSc program: students are challenged to translate their own science-inspired statements into works that communicate these statements as experiences within the exhibition. We find that modern researchers must be capable of creating installations, games, books, etcetera as meaningful output of their academic research.

Parallel Events
During the exhibition period we organise two parallel events at V2_ gallery space.
What’s Next?
— Friday June 10th, 15:30-17:00h
Two alumni of the Media Technology MSc program speak about their current work, how they came to do what they do now, and how it relates to the programme. More Information: What's Next - Alumni in Tech
“Hello World!” #4
— Saturday June 11th, 15:30-17:00h
This lecture series focusses on new encounters and new inspiration. For each lecture the speaker is asked to give their perspectives on what they see as currently important. The title "Hello World!" summarizes both the intention of the lecture series and is also the very first sentence a beginning computer programmer learns to print on the screen. See: "Hello World!" #4 - Zane Kripe
Works in the Exhibition
The following six student works can be experienced at the public exhibition.
We_Connect [WC]
— Zhu Ou, Wenxuan Xi, Joyce Den Hertog
Can we enjoy privacy in a public space? And can we exist publicly in a private space? This interactive installation aims to challenge our - socially defined - understanding of spaces and the boundaries between them, by publicly penetrating your private comfort zone.
— Nayoung Jung, Victor Liu, Céline Besse
Our project aims to demonstrate the process of information multiplication, which is the incarnation of hybridity, through a vast “waterfall of data” consisting of ropes. By interacting with the web of strings, the audience will be engaged with a unique experience between order and chaos, confusion and realisation.
Sensory Seasoning
— Hendrik Scheeres, Tom Breedveld, Zoë Breed
Senses cannot be ignored – senses cannot be controlled – senses cannot be separated from each other. In our exhibition experience the intertwining of the senses and engage with cross-modality (‘sense mixing’) to reevaluate sensory experiences and understand them beyond their simple combinations. From now on, appreciate everyday multi-sensory experiences in a new, hybrid light.
— Hussein Aldin, Ilse Driessen, Mathijs van Nieuwenhuijsen
We live in a world where more and more products are being combined and advertised as amazingly functional, cool and something you never knew you needed. But do we actually need these products? Are shoes that function as a watch the perfect new discovery? Is a backpack and bike in one essential to your life? Come to our recording stand and find out.
— Benjamin Haaksma, Cania Dwisani Antariksa, Helena Krogh Jensen
You are an amalgamation of stories. What happens if you try to erase one of your stories? Is this even possible? Write down a memory that you would like to forget and attempt to get rid of it. What will happen then?
Textual Tension
— Björn Keyser, Oana Burcă, Stefania Dumitru
Relationships these days are hybrid - lived out both in real life and digitally. Though all social interaction is played out onl(i/o)nely, we barely shine light on the textual tension embedded in the (dis)comfort of your pocket. Relive your digital conversations through another lens, and reflect on the hidden dynamics underlying your relations.