What's Next? Alumni Talks and Artificial Creatures Expo
Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? This April session of “What’s Next?” is organized in collaboration with the "Artificial Creatures" course. Besides the expo with student works, it will feature two of our alumni researching human-robot interaction, Helena Frijns and Bernd Dudzik.
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni and students.
Editions of the series are organized by Media Technology students themselves, generally around a particular theme, and followed by social drinks. No registration required. Free of cost to all.
14:00 - 15:30h | Artificial Creatures Expo |
15:30 - 16:30h | What's Next? talks by Helena Frijns and Bernd Dudzik |
16:30h | Social drinks |
Location: LMUY building, room 4.28 (see here how to find room 4.28)
Artificial Creatures Expo
Before Helena and Bernd’s talks, everyone is invited to see the projects at the Artificial Creatures 2024 Expo. It will feature artificial creatures made by current Media Technology MSc students where each creature is focussed on a particular human or creature-like quality. We all know intelligent robots, but what about emotional, creative, useless, curious, helpless or misbehaving robots? The Artificial Creatures Expo will show that bots can be more than just smart and invite us to reflect on how, by studying bots like ourselves, we can learn more about who we are as humans and speculate about our joint future.
Helena Frijns -
Bernd Dudzik receiving his PhD diploma in 2021
Helena Frijns graduated from Media Technology in 2017, on a thesis about body language for robots. She is pursuing a PhD in Human-Robot Interaction at the Vienna University of Technology. Her PhD research is dedicated to interaction design for end-user programming of human-robot interaction. Helena will be joining us online.
Bernd Dudzik (Media Technology MSc, 2015; TU Delft PhD, 2021) completed his postdoctoral research in the Intelligent Systems department at TU Delft in 2023 and is since an assistant professor. His work mainly focuses on imbuing intelligent systems that can estimate human thoughts and feelings during joint interactions.

P.S. Mark your calendar: The tentative dates for the next “What’s Next?” installments is on June 14.