Exhibition of student works "LIVING", June 13 - 16
We are delighted that our annual "Science to Experience" exhibition will again be hosted by the V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, June 13-16. Students were challenged to communicate their own science-inspired statements as experiences within the exhibition, this year along the theme "LIVING".
All are cordially invited to attend the public project exhibition by students of the Media Technology MSc program. In small groups and through their own process, these students have created experiences for a public audience, this year around the theme "Living".
LIVING is the resulting exhibition with 9 works, each with a different take on the overall theme.

Program details
Audience: public exhibition, free of charge
Location: V2_ Exhibition Gallery, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012XL, Rotterdam
Formal opening: Thursday June 13, 17:00 - 19:00h; ceremony at 17:30h
Public opening hours: Friday June 14 - Sunday June 16, 12:00 - 18:00h
Additional evening opening: Friday June 14, 18:00 - 21:00h
V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media
As in previous editions, the exhibition is presented by the V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam. V2_ presents, produces, archives and publishes research at the interface of art, technology and society, and offers a platform for artists, designers, scientists, theorists, and developers from various disciplines to discuss their work and share their findings. It aims to create a context in which issues regarding the social impact of technology are explored through critical dialogue, artistic reflection and practice-oriented research.

Science to Experience
The course Science to Experience is a good example of the general approach of the Media Technology MSc program: students are challenged to translate their own science-inspired statements into works that communicate these statements as experiences within the exhibition. We find that modern researchers must be capable of creating installations, games, books, etcetera as meaningful output of their academic research.

What's Next? Talks by Media Technology alumni
During the exhibition period we organise a What's Next? event near the V2_ gallery space.
Esra Isguzar is a strategic product designer and Alice Bodanzky runs projects at TU Delft Library Learning Centre. These two Media Technology alumni will speak about their current work and talk about how they came to do what they do now.
Friday June 14th, 15:30-16:30h at Kunstinstituut Melly
Works in the Exhibition
The following nine student works can be experienced at the public exhibition.
— Sanne Dekker, Nikki Rademaker, Yanna Smid
Life has its obstacles, but luckily, enough research is done every second of the day to help society overcome most of them. However, how much of it actually helps you in living your life? We invite you to join our race. Compete against someone else and see who reaches the finish line more easily.
— Dewi Becu, Reyhan Danişan, Carita Muhli
“Hey, I just tripped and dropped all my memories on the floor. Help me find them! But be careful, if you pick the wrong ones, I might not be the same anymore...”
In Remember Me!, you need to trust your guts and visual capacities to help this poor fellow find their memories. Pick one of the four and help them recover their identity.
— Alicia Cai, Amber van der Tuin, Tijmen van Wel
Life’s dilemmas challenge animals and humans alike. We must all sacrifice something, whether we live our lives in comfort and safety or want to achieve a lasting impact in the world. With lots of priorities, not everything is achievable at the same time. This work seeks to explore the tension of sacrifice and priorities, what will you choose?
— Emma Boom, Joseph Catlett, Linthe van Rooij
When are you living? A heartbeat? A breath? Explore the dualism of your living and existing. When your heartbeat stops, do you cease to exist? What (or who) does it take to exist beyond living? Join our world of Testified Existence, prove that you are existing and not just living.
— Marlinde van den Bosch, Robert Weber
We live our lives relying on our organs to handle everything we throw at them. However, how often do we show appreciation? Well, now they stopped working for good and you’ll have to do their job. Come interact with our work and switch to your body's perspective.
— Bart Han, Huien Tan, Jiaxin Zhang
What happens when your view alters reality? How does focus reshape the essence of an idea? As meaning transforms with attention, the fluidity of interpretation comes to light. Reflect on the individual’s role in this continuous cycle of seeing, understanding, and interpreting, and explore how this parallels daily experiences.
— Larissa Boerenstam, Boet Bouten, Nataliia Kaminskaia
Viruses are elusive, almost alive. They exist in between the boundaries of life and non-life. What if we are confronted with a novel virus that defies conventional understanding? How would it evolve with us and how could we come to know anything about it? Welcome to the world of TOE-ViR24.
— Alexander van Bakel, Dominik Podgórski, Esmeralda van Werkhoven
Welcome immortal! Humankind has defeated death and humans can live their infinite life peacefully and without fear. Nonetheless, at times you can feel lost. Visit the Ministry of Finalisation and discover your true and optimised self. Let our sophisticated algorithm Khaira analyse your deepest desires and unfulfilled ambitions and start your journey towards finalisation.
— Bob van Dorresteijn, Charlotte Marosvölgyi, Sven Paqué
How important are connections in your life? Friends, family, lovers, or even total strangers. This artwork explores the social aspect of humans and how all those connections form the bigger picture. Witness how your interactions with others breathe life into a dynamic and organic display showcasing the beauty of human connections.