First "Hello World!" lecture by Lev Manovich
The world is slowly opening again, allowing for new encounters and new inspiration. In the new "Hello World!" lecture series, we invite seven speakers with varying backgrounds to give us their perspectives on what is currently happening in the world and what they thereby see as important. The first speaker was Lev Manovich, world-renowned innovator in digital humanities and theorist of digital culture and media art, with his lecture "AI and Myths of Creativity".
Lev Manovich
We are very pleased to have had Lev Manovich as the first speaker in our new lecture series, on Friday February 18. His lecture as titled "AI and Myths of Creativity".
Lev Manovich is a Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center of CUNY, and a director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. He is a world-renowned innovator in digital humanities and theorist of digital culture and media art. Manovich’s reputation in digital humanities stems from the tremendous impact of his 2001 book The Language of New Media (MIT Press). Other book publications include Artificial Aesthetics. A Critical Guide to AI, Media and Design, Cultural Analytics, AI Aesthetics, Theories of Software Culture, Instagram and Contemporary Image, Software Takes Command and Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database. His digital art projects were shown in over 100 international exhibitions including Centre Pompidou, ICA (London), ZKM, KIASMA and The Walker Art Center.
"Hello World!" is a new lecture series organized by the Media Technology master's programme. Seven speakers with a huge variety in backgrounds are invited to give us their perspectives on what is currently happening in the world and what they thereby see as important. The title "Hello world!" summarizes both the intention of the lecture series and is also the very first sentence a beginning computer programmer learns to print on the screen.
The lectures are announced strictly internal to LIACS and the Media Technology MSc programme and may not be (publicly) advertised otherwise. However, anybody who’s heard by word of mouth is welcome to attend.
Lev Manovich, photo by Evgenija Gorobets from manovich.net (CC BY-NC-SA). -
Lev Manovich, photo from manovich.net (CC BY-NC-SA).