Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities
LUCDH Affiliated Researchers
LUCDH is creating a community of LU scholars researching in Digital Humanities. A selection of their DH Projects are listed on this page. If you are an Affiliated member and would like your project listed here or would like to be an Affiliated member, please email us at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Susanna de Beer
1) De Vereeuwigdestad
2) Digital Roman Heritage
3) Nodegoat
4) Article: Mapping Visions of Rome and Digital Roman Heritage. Connectivity between Literary and Artistic Heritage in a Digital Age
Carmen van den Bergh
1) 'Voices of the People: Charting Italian Reader's Letters' is an example of digital data set linked to the Bibliotecca di va Senato project,
2) Summer School Literature and DH
3) Literary exhibitions (online platforms)
4) Things That Talk: DeCameronalia
5) Arabeschi: arabeschi.it/la-ricerca-in-vetrina-riflessioni-su-un-esposizione/
6) Arabesci: arabeschi.it/testi-da-leggere-testi-guardare-i-discorsi-della-letteratura-attraverso-le-immagini-negli-anni-trenta/
7) Research in online archives of newspapers and magazines (= state of the art + student papers)
8) Online conference with scholars in the field
Krista Murchison
1) The Open Medieval Editions by Students Anthology
2) The Effects of the Seven Sins: An Edition and Commentary
3) French Literary Manuscripts in England, 1100-1500
4) Recovering and Analyzing Manuscript Archives Destroyed During World War II
5) With Thomas Hinton and Edward Mills at the University of Exeter: English Glosses to the Tretiz; TEI-encoding of the Tretiz.
Fresco Sam-Sin
1) Things That Talk
2) Qing Maps
3 Manc.hu: Your Manjuristic Hub
4) Buleku
Liselore Tissen
Hilde De Weerdt
1) De Weerdt, Hilde, and Ho, Brent.
MARKUS: A markup, reading, and visualization platform for classical Chinese texts 2014.
Code dhumanities/markus
2) De Weerdt, Hilde, Gelein, Mees, and Ho, Brent.
COMPARATIVUS: A text comparison platform 2017.
Code dhumanities/markus/comparativus
3) De Weerdt, Hilde, Jing, Hu, Gelein, Mees, Ho, Brent, Hyeon, Kim, and Baro, Kim. K
MARKUS: Korean text analysis and reading platform 2019.
4) De Weerdt, Hilde, Brent Ho, et al.
Information, Territory, and Networks Interactive Reading Platform. 2016
5) De Weerdt, Hilde, Gabe van Beijeren, and Mees Gelein.
Reading The Essentials of Governance Digitally. 2020
Currently being turned into Parallels, an edition comparison platform.
6) For a description of the logic of some of the project and tools, see Article: Creating, Linking, and Analyzing Chinese and Korean Datasets: Digital Text Annotation in MARKUS and COMPARATIVUS