Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities


LUCDH are delighted to offer students of the Humanities a range of courses to develop their digital skills and critical thinking.

Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Minor 2024-2025

The Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence minor teaches BA students new ways to analyse and study cultures and languages and provides insight into how digital methods and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing our personal lives and societies. The programme provides an introduction to the critical application of computational methods and thinking in a wide range of humanities and social science subjects including linguistics, literature, history, the arts, religious studies, and media and area studies.

The minor offers two tracks to choose from: Core DH track and AI track

See our DH & AI Minor 2024-2025 (15 EC & 30 EC packages)


Elective Courses

LUCDH offers six elective courses to improve your practical skills and thinking about digital tools and media. Topics range from statistics and visualisation to critical thinking about the role of digital technologies.

These courses are open and useful for all students of the Humanities.

See our Elective courses (5 EC per course)

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