Carmen van den Bergh
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. C. van den Bergh
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2067
- 0000-0002-7557-7483

Carmen Van den Bergh is assistant professor in Italian Literature at the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society (LUCAS) where she is director of the Italian Language and Culture Department, track leader for Italian in the MA Literary Studies and quartermaster for the new BA programme Modern Languages. Simultaneously she works in Belgium at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) as a Senior Research Fellow for the Flemish Council for Scientific Research (FWO) with a project on the role of writers in newspapers and magazines of the Italian Novecento. Other research specializations are Italian ‘modernism’, prose writings during the Italian interwar, (neo)realism in film and literature, archival research, the literary canon and digital humanities.
More information about Carmen van den Bergh
Current at University of Leiden (The Netherlands)
- Assistant Professor Italian Literature
- Director Italian Studies (BA Programme Italian Language and Culture)
- Track Leader Italian Literature (MA programme Literary Studies)
- Quartermaster for the new BA programme Modern Languages
at University of Leuven (Belgium)
- Senior researcher, FWO Flanders Research Council / MDRN group
- Lecturer Italian Literature and Modernist Studies (BA, MA)
2015-2018: Lecturer and Postdoctoral researcher, FWO Flanders Research Council (University of Leuven)
2016-2017 Visiting Professor in Milan (Università Cattolica di Milano and IULM University)
2011-2015: PhD researcher and lecturer, MDRN – Research Council (University of Leuven)
2008-2011: Research and Teaching Assistant of Italian Literature (University of Leuven)
Teaching at Leiden University
Master level (10 EC)
1. MA Letteratura e cinema 5204IIT07 (10 EC)
2. MA Letteratura e giornalismo 5204IIT08 (10 EC)
3. MA European Modernism 5204IEN38 (10 EC) – shared with Prof. P. Liebregts, A. Schulte-Nordholt
Bachelor level (5 EC)
1. BA3 Letteratura e cinema del Novecento 5603ILCI (5 EC)
2. BA3 Giornalismo culturale 5603ICMGC (5 EC)
3. BA2/ BA3 La tradizione Novellistica 5600VLK2C (5 EC)
4. BA2 Capolavori Moderni 5602VCMC (5 EC)
5. BA1 Moderne Italiaanse letterkunde 5601VLK1A (5 EC) –
6. BA2 Italia Oggi 5602VIO (5 EC) – shared with C. Di Felice
7. BA 2 Stesura della tesi 5602VW2I (5 EC) – shared with other lecturers
Research Grants and Projects
Project: “Things that Talk – Objects in the Decameron of Boccaccio” – A Digital Canvas of 100 novellas.
Project: For the organization of “Italy Today 2.0” – in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Hague, Leiden.
Recently awarded
Project: Student coaching clips for Research in Italian Studies (Innovation project Leiden University).
Project Italian Literature and Digital Humanities “L-SEVIR” awarded by LUCDH – Leiden University Centre Digital Humanities.
Project “Voices of the People – A Digital Edition of Italian Fan Mail” Funded by the KNAW-DANS (The Hague).
Project Seminar Series “Italian Studies and Digital Humanities”. A DH-tour in Leiden-Leuven-Brussels.
Project: For the organization of “Italy Today 1.0” – in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Hague, Leiden.
Past projects
Awarded by the Flemish Research Council (FWO), (KU Leuven 2018 – 2021) with a fulltime Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship for my project entitled: The Author’s Opinion in Italy (1901-1975). The Role of Writers in Printed Media: From the Elzeviro to the Agony Aunt. full-time 3 years research mandate (2018-2021)
Awarded by the Flemish Research Council (FWO), (KU Leuven 2015 – 2018) with a fulltime Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship for my project entitled: Italian Literary Anthologies of the 20th Century as a Vehicle for Literary Change. full-time 3 years research mandate (2015-2018)
Awarded by the GOA project (MDRN Research Lab), (KU Leuven 2011 – 2015) with a fulltime doctoral Fellowship for my project entitled: Il rinnovamento del romanzo italiano intorno al 1930: fra dinamiche contestuali e tendenze generazionali.
PhD in Italian Studies (KU Leuven)
PhD thesis: Van den Bergh, C. (2015). Il rinnovamento del romanzo italiano intorno al 1930: Fra dinamiche contestuali e tendenze generazionali, 366 pp. Defended on 27 May 2015 with Summa cum Laude
Supervised by Prof. dr. Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven)
Reviewed by Prof. dr. Riccardo Castellana (Siena) on the academic journal 'Incontri'.
Involvement in academic associations, journals, committees Since…. Association Role
2020 Scientific Committee, “Lingua e testi di oggi”, Academic Journal 2020 Scientific Committee, “Rifrazioni: Prospettive di italianistica” Academic Book Series
2019 Evaluation Committee, Reviewer Fonds de la recherche Scientifique FNRS
2019 Evaluation Committee, Reviewer National Science Centre Poland
2019 Responsible Cinemadamare Partnership Leiden University
2018 RSA Fellow, Royal Society of Arts member
2017 member ENSFR
2016 PhD Society Leuven Chair of Communication, Responsible Arts & Humanitites
2016 member ACLA
2015 member CEMS – European Modernist Studies Executive board Belgium & Netherlands
2013 Editor, Editorial board “Uit het Erasmushuis”
2013 Executive board Alumni Letteren Leuven (ALL)
2013 Executive board Alumni Lovanienses (AL)
2012 Executive board AIPI
2012 Responsible director AIPI Summer School (since 2016)
2012 Scientific Committee member, AIPI book series “Civiltà Italiana”, Academic Book Series
2012 Secretary AIPI (2012-2018)
2012 Executive board Werkgroep Italiëstudies (Benelux)
2012 Editorial board “Incontri”
2012 Member American Association for Italian Studies
2012 Member EAM Europe
2011 Senior Researcher MDRN – Research group and Executive board
2010 Editor and Editor-in-chief (since 2016 – now), “Romaneske”, Academic journal
2010 Executive board, VLR – Leuvense Romanisten
Ancillary Activities
Since 2019 Jury member for the Italian Literary prize “Premio Strega”, voting from abroad
Since 2018 Co-founder and President (Executive board) of the Dante Alighieri Society, Leuven
For an overview of our Italian activities.
March-May 2018 Belgian television (VTM) – consultancy content, local management tv programme
2008-2015 Honorary Consulate of Italy (Leuven)
July- august 2008 Belgian television (VTM) – editor, translator, interpreter for tv programme
Since 2008 Copy-editing and translations for cultural festivals and museums
Since 2008 Curator exhibitions, organization of Film festivals, events, interviews, lecture series in- and outside Academia
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Interdisciplinair