Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities
LUCDH facilitates workshops that promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge in employing digital tools.
- 14 February 2025: Codecheck Workshop, 1-day (hosted)
- 10 & 11 February 2025: Data Carpentry with R for Social Science & Humanities, 2-day Workshop (hosted)
- 31 January 2025: Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium.
- 27 Jan - 231 Jan 2025: Digital Skills Winter Week - 4 Workshops: Quarto Publishing; ATLAS.ti demystifying; Digital Mapping for the Humanities with QGIS; Working with Handwriting Text Recognition.
- 20 & 21 June 2024: MODIFED: Morphosyntactic Dialect Feature Detection Workshop
- 23 Feb: 'Responsible Extended Reality' Workshop with John Walker (SURF) and Liselore Tissen (LUCAS/TU Delft).
- Begins 6 Feb: 'Deep Learning for Beginners: How to Make a Computer Think like a Human' with Aron van de Pol. A series of 6 biweekly workshops: 6 Feb, 20, Feb, 5 Mar, 19 Mar, 2 Apr, 16 Apr.
Digital Skills - 29 Jan - 2 Feb: Winter Week of Workshops and Pilot Project Symposium
- 29 Jan: 'Harnessing AI for Education' with Aron van de Pol & Ecole;
- 30 Jan: 'Quarto Publishing' with Dr. Yann Ryan;
- 31 Jan: 'Podcasting' with Thomas Vorisek & Angus Mol;
- 1 Feb - 'Introduction to QGIS' with Matthew Sung & Dr. Jelena Prokic;
- 2 Feb: 'How to Count Words Responsibly: An introduction to text mining' with Ruben Ros.
- 15 December: Political Social Networks in Indonesia with Rizal Shidiq and Jelena Prokic.
- 21 November: Fine-tuning LLMS with Enrique Manjavacas Arevalo.
- Begins 27 September: Methods in Dialectology Workshop Series 2023. A series of 6 biweekly workshops with Matthew Sung, 27 Sept, 4 Oct, 11 Oct, 24 Oct, 8 Nov, 22 Nov.
- 26 September: 'ALICE': Understanding SLURM: Simplifying High-Performance Computing with Aron van de Pol.
- 21 April: An Introduction to Large Language Models in the Humanities with Enrique Manjavacas Arevalo.
- 17 March: FAIR Open Science with Dr. Kristina Hettne and Dr. Peter Verhaar.
- 16 February - 13 April: Deep Learning for Beginners (x5) workshops with Aron van de Pol.
- 7 February - 4 April: Special Topics in Dialectology series (x6) of workshops with Matthew Sung.
- 30 January: Digital Pilot Projects Symposium
- 31 Jan- 3 February : Digital Skills Winter Week 2023 Workshops in 3D scanning & printing; ATLAS.ti; Introduction to Podcasting; Introduction to QGIS
Would you like to suggest workshop topics ? Or would you like to offer a workshop or event yourself in the digital lab? We look forward to hearing your ideas - either via our feedback form or email: lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl.