Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities
Past events
Conferences, Workshops and Lectures showcasing research and tools in Digital Humanities.
- 21 March 2025: Iconclass (SAILS/LUCDH/Iconclass)
- 14 February 2025: Codecheck Workshop, 1-day (hosted)
- 10 & 11 February 2025: Data Carpentry with R for Social Science & Humanities, 2-day Workshop (hosted)
- 31 January 2025: Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium.
- 27 Jan - 231 Jan 2025: Digital Skills Winter Week - 4 Workshops: Quarto Publishing; ATLAS.ti demystifying; Digital Mapping for the Humanities with QGIS; Working with Handwriting Text Recognition.
- 3 December 2024: Opening Humanities Hub in Huizinga - Leiden University
- 30 August 2024: The 34th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 34), organized by the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), in collaboration with the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), and the Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH)
- Dream Lab Workshops: Digital Humanities meets East Asia The first workshops are taking place in the Digital Lab 27 - 30 Aug. 2024. For further info contact: Nadia Kreeft-Mishkovskyi (Leiden University).
- 20 & 21 June 2024: MODIFED: Morphosyntactic Dialect Feature Detection Workshop
- 5,6,7 June: Counterjam
- 14 May 2024: LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series - Corine Gerritsen 'From Pixel to Caesar: Using Atlas.ti to discover the past in early digital games'
- 16 April 2024: LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series - Aron van de Pol 'Colonial Print Shops through Computer Vision'
- 5 March 2024: LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series - Dr. Rogier Creemers & Vincent Brussee
'Digital Humanities for Contemporary Policy Research - the Case of China' - 23 February 2024: 'Responsible Extended Reality (XR) Workshop' John Walker, Liselore Tissen, Monique Theron, Maarten Struijk-Wilbrink and Angus Mol
- 13 February 2024: LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series - Keerthi Sridharan Vaidehi 'Beyond Discourse: An Introduction to Conversation Analysis in Linguistics Research and Elsewhere'
- 29 Jan - 2 Feb: 2024 Digital Skills Winter Week - 5 Workshops: Harnessing AI for Education; Quarto Publishing; Introduction to Podcasting; Introduction to QGIS; Introduction to Text Mining.
- 29 January 2024: Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium.
- 19 December: Lunchtime Speaker Series: - Gijs Wijnholds
'Between Logic, Language and Information: adventures in understanding Large Language Models in hybrid settings' - 15 December, GlühTwine Workshop - Angus Mol & Aris Politopoulos.
- 7 November: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Mike Preuss
'What is the AI in Game AI?' - 30 June: Onderwijsparade: Jouw plaats in de digitale wereld! - LUCDH staff
- 6 June: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Crit Cremers
'Meaning or what? The semantics of ChatGPT' - 2 May: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Carina van den Hoven & Robert Voûte
'Developing a Proof of Concept on the digital documentation of Theban Tomb 45 (Luxor, Egypt): some recent results on geo-referenced 3D modelling' - 21 April: Workshop - Enrique Manjavacas Arevalo
'An Introduction to Large Language Models in the Humanities' - 4 April: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Karin de Wild & Mirjam Cuper
'Exploring Web Archives' - 17 March: Workshop - Kristina Hettne & Peter Verhaar
'FAIR Workshop - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable' - 1 March: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Matthijs Westera
'Testing linguistic theories with deep learning: a case study on meaning predictability' - 16 Feb, 2 Mar, 16 Mar, 30 Mar, 13 Apr: Workshop Series (x5) - Aron van de Pol,
'Deep Learning for Beginners: How to Make a Computer Think like a Human' - 7 Feb - 4 Apr: Workshop Series (x6) Special Topics in Dialectology - Matthew Sung.
- 8 Feb: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Mo Gordon & Hester Groot
'From the Archive to the Internet: digitizing the Language of the Poor in Late Modern Scotland' - 30 Jan - 3 Feb: DH Pilot Projects Symposium and Digital Skills Workshops – Winter Week 2023
Digital Pilot Projects Symposium; 3D scanning & printing; ATLAS.ti; x2 Podcast; Introduction to QGIS.
- 15 Dec 2022: LUCDH & Past-at-Play GlühTwine Workshop - Angus Mol & Aris Politopoulos
- 12 December 2022: DH Minor Prompt Smithing - Jelena Prokic & Aron van de Pol.
- 7 December 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Bart Barendregt & Reza Shaker Ardekani
'One Among Zeroes: AI, Islam and what computational analysis can teach us about religious futures' - 30 Nov 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Janessa Vleghert
'Digital Analyses: Old English Poems and Modern Comics' - 5 Oct 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Ruben Ros
'Studying the History of Technocratic Reasoning in DigitizedParliamentary Debates' - Leiden Dialectology Workshop Series 2022 - Matthew Sung:
(1) 28 Sep; (2) 19 Oct; (3) 2 Nov; (4) 9 Nov; (5) 23 Nov - 30 Sept 2022: Open Lab and Demos Afternoon in the Digital Lab: Explore our 'little digital planet' in the LUCDH Digital Lab & Studio with LUCDH Staff
- 11 May 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Carmen van den Bergh
'Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods and Tools for New Approaches to Literary Studies' - 6 Apr 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Hilde de Weerdt
'Designing a Digital History of the Lives and Afterlives of Chinese Material Infrastructures' - 2 Mar 2022: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Lauren Fonteyn & Enrique Manjavacas Arevalo
'MacBERTh: A Historically Pre-Trained Language Model for English (1450-1950)' - 28 Jan 2022: The Leiden 'Humanities in a Digital World' Symposium
- 24-28 Jan 2022: Teach the Teacher and Winter Digital Skills Workshop - Jelena Prokic, Angus Mol, Ben Companjen & Peter Verhaar
- 3 Nov: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Christopher Handy
'Full Stack Language Apps from the Bottom Up' - 29 Oct: Official Opening of the Digital Lab in P.J. Veth 1.07
- 12 Oct: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Susanna Lindberg
'Three Ethical Perspectives on the Digital World' - 13 Sept: DH Minor social event - Faculty Club
- 2-4 June: DH Benelux (Online): -'The Humanities in a Digital World'
- 27 May: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Joost Grootens (ACPA)
'The Blue Dot: Post-Representational Reading of Google Maps' - 7 April: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Robin de Lange
'How will Mixed Reality Change the Ways we Learn and Solve Problems?' - 10 March: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Ksenia Fedorova (LUCAS)
'Sense Acts and Decision-Making: Electronic Tools and Artistic Models' - 5 Feb: Small Grant Symposium - 2020 awardees
- 29 Jan: 'Digital Skills and Thinking for the Humanities'- Mini-symposium hosted by LUCDH & CDS
- 25 - 29 Jan: Teach the Teacher Workshop in Digital Skills hosted by LUCDH & CDS
- 18 Dec: LUCDH and Past at Play GlühTwine Workshop - Angus Mol & Aris Politopoulos
- 11 Dec: Q&A session faculty wide electives Digital Humanities
- 4 Nov: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Emma Grootveld & Sabine Périgault
'Fluvial chronotypes and cultural identity in Early Modern Italian poems' and the data visualization of the macrostructural distribution of themes. - 25 Sept: Introduction to Text Mining Workshop - Alex Brandsen
- 3 - 5 June: DH Benelux - Online 2020: DH Benelux is an initiative that aims to further the collaboration between Digital Humanities activities in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary DH researchers to meet, present, and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects. Presentations will be uploaded to the DH Benelux 2020 Community at Zenodo.org.
- 15 April: Lunchtime Speaker Series (Online) - Katy Kavanagh Webb (Joyner Library, E. Carolina Univ.)
'Data, Video, Coding, Digital Humanities: Libraries are Spaces to Create' - 4 Mar: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Lotte Fikkers
'Unopened Manuscripts: Making the Unreadable Readable' - 5 February: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Angus Mol
'Playful Time Machines: Research and Outreach at the Interface of Games, History, and Heritage'
- 3 Dec: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Prof. Arianna Betti (UvA)
'Computational Humanities: Models, Methods, and Tools' - 29 Nov: LUCDH Studium Digitale - Angus Mol
QGIS3 Workshop given by Jonathan Bos - 21 Nov: CDS/UBL
Symposium on Tools Criticism - 6 Nov: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Roos van Oosten
'Making Social Inequality Tangible: Mapping Historical Leiden 1557 - 1894' - 17 Oct - Prof. dr. Robert Erdmann (Rijksmuseum/UvA)
The Secret Life of Art: Data Science for Art History and Art Conservation - 8 Oct: A. Brandsen, L. Bylinina, J. Hu, C. van den Hoven & S. Stolk
LUCDH Small Grants Symposium - 2 Oct: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Jelena Prokic
'When Computers Tell Stories' - Lunchtime Speaker Series - Manolis Fragkiadakis
'Sign Language Recognition and Automatic Annotation'
- 12 Dec: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Karina van Dalen-Oskam
'The Riddle of Literary Quality: A Part of the Answer' - 14 Nov: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Joris van Zundert
'Modelling Multidimensional Narratives and the Object Oriented Fox' - 17 Oct: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Marnix van Berchum
'Early Music & Modern Technologies: Developments in Digital Musicology' - 9 Oct: LUCDH Small Grants Symposium
- 26 Sept: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Krista Murchison & Ben Companjen
'Manuscripts, Metadata, and Medieval Multinguilism'
- 7 Dec: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Research Catalogue
- 24 Nov: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Portable Light Dome Demonstration
- 21 Sept: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Daily Forecasts and the Dutch Image of Europe
- 14 June: Seminar Mind, Text and Mining
- 18 May: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Digital Inequality and the Digital Humanities
- 10 May: Lunchtime Speaker Series - Biographical Databases
- 3 May: LUCIS Masterclass Text Reuse
- 26 April: Lunchtime Speaker Series - International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)
- 20 April: Opening Symposium LUCDH
- 30 Mar: Future directions in Digital Humanities
- 22 Mar: Shadow Libraries: The Politics of Mass Digitization