Maarten Schrama
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. M.J.J. Schrama
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7483

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Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Environmental Biology
- Dercksen J.A., Schrama M.J.J., Beentjes K.K., Bastiaans B.N., Blom R., Roon. A. van, Lindenburg P.W. & Trimbos K.B. (2025), Invasive Crayfish: Drivers or Passengers of Degradation in Freshwater Ecosystems?, Environmental DNA 7: e70062.
- Dellar M.E., Geerling G., Kok K., Bodegom P.M. van, Schrama M.J.J. & Boelee E. (2024), Creating the Dutch one health Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), Regional Environmental Change 24: 16.
- Krol L., Langezaal M., Budidarma L., Wassenaar D., Didaskalou E.A., Trimbos K.B., Dellar M.E., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W. & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), Distribution of Culex pipiens life stages across urban green and grey spaces in Leiden, The Netherlands, Parasites & Vectors 17: 37.
- Blom R., Krol L., Langezaal M., Schrama M.J.J., Trimbos K.B., Wassenaar D. & Koenraadt C.J.M. (2024), Blood-feeding patterns of Culex pipiens biotype pipiens and pipiens/molestus hybrids in relation to avian community composition in urban habitats, Parasites & Vectors 17: 95.
- Krol L., Remmerswaal L., Groen M., Beek J.G. van der, Sikkema R.S., Dellar M.E., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W. & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), Landscape level associations between birds, mosquitoes and microclimates: possible consequences for disease transmission?, Parasites & Vectors 17: 156.
- Marselis S.M., Hannula S.E., Trimbos K.B., Berg M.P., Bodelier P.L.E., Declerck S.A.J., Erisman J.W., Kuramae E.E., Nanu A., Veen G.F., Zelfde M. van 't & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), The use of living labs to advance agro-ecological theory in the transition towards sustainable land use: a tale of two polders, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 108: 107588.
- Boerlijst S.P., Gaast A. van der, Adema L.M.W., Bouman R.W., Boelee E., Bodegom P.M. van & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), Taking it with a grain of salt: tolerance to increasing salinization in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) across a low-lying delta, Parasites & Vectors 17(1): 251.
- Wouters R.M., Beukema W., Schrama M.J.J., Biesmeijer J.C., Braks M.A.H., Helleman P.J.J., Schaffner F. Slobbe J. van Stroo A. & Beek J.G. van der (2024), Local environmental factors drive distributions of ecologically-contrasting mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae), Scientific Reports 14: 19315.
- Beek J.G. van der, Schrama M.J.J., Ciliberti P., Helleman P.J.J., Wouters R.M., Schaffner F. & Braks M.A.H. (2024), First record of a phlebotomine sand fly (Diptera: Psychodidae) on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao, DEINSEA 22: 23-30.
- Mioulet C., Schrama M.J.J., Berg M.P. & Hannula S.E. (2024), Comparison of metrics to reveal the role of soil fauna in soil health assessment in peat meadow restoration, European Journal of Soil Science 75(6): e70018.
- Krol L., Blom R., Dellar M., Beek J.G. van der Stroo A.C.J., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W., Koenraadt C.J.M. & Schrama M.J.J. (2023), Interactive effects of climate, land use and soil type on Culex pipiens/torrentium abundance, One Health 17: 100589.
- Blom R., Schrama M.J.J., Spitzen J., Weller B.F.M., Linden A. van der, Sikkema R.S., Koopmans M.P.G. & Koenraadt C.J.M. (2023), Arbovirus persistence in North-Western Europe: are mosquitoes the only overwintering pathway?, One Health 16: 100467.
- Beek J.G. van der & Schrama M. (2023), Een eerste overzicht van de steekmuggen van Rotterdam, Straatgras 35(2): 52-58.
- Bakker J.P., Berg M.P., Grootjans A.P., Olff H., Schrama M.J.J., Reijers V.C. & Heide T. van der (2023), Biogeomorphological aspects of a model barrier island and its surroundings: interactions between abiotic conditions and biota shaping the tidal and terrestrial landscape: A synthesis, Ocean & Coastal Management 239: 106624.
- MacIntyre C., Guarido M.M., Riddin M.A., Johnson T., Braack L., Schrama M.J.J., Gorsich E., Almeida A.P.G. & Venter M. (2023), Survey of West Nile and Banzi viruses in mosquitoes, South Africa, 2011–2018, Emerging Infectious Diseases 29(1): 164-169.
- Guarido M.M., Fourie A., Meno K., Mendes A., Riddin M.A., MacIntyre C., Manyana S., Johnson T., Schrama M.J.J., Gorsich E.E., Brooke B.D., Almeida A.P.G. & Venter M. (2023), Alphaviruses detected in mosquitoes in the North-Eastern regions of South Africa, 2014 to 2018, Viruses 15(2): 414.
- Schrama M.J.J., Quist C.W., Groot A. de, Cieraad E., Ashworth D., Laros I., Hansen L.H., Leff J., Fierer N. & Bardgett R.D. (2023), Cessation of grazing causes biodiversity loss and homogenization of soil food webs, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290(2011): 20231345.
- Boerlijst S.P., Johnston E.S., Ummels A., Krol L., Boelee E., Bodegom P.M. van & Schrama M.J.J. (2023), Biting the hand that feeds: anthropogenic drivers interactively make mosquitoes thrive, Science of the Total Environment 858(2): 159716.
- Cieraad E., Strange E.F., Flink M., Schrama M.J.J. & Spoelstra K. (2023), Artificial light at night affects plant–herbivore interactions, Journal of Applied Ecology 60(3): 400-410.
- Navarre N.H., Schrama M.J.J., Vos C. de & Mogollon J.M. (2023), Interventions for sourcing EAT-Lancet diets within national agricultural areas: a global analysis, One Earth 6(1): 31-40.
- Nederstigt T.A.P., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Schrama M.J.J., Ommen, J.R. van & Vijver M.G. (2022), Impacts of a novel controlled-release TiO2-coated (nano-) formulation of carbendazim and its constituents on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, Science of the Total Environment 838(4): 156554.
- Trimbos K.B., Cieraad E., Schrama M.J.J., Saarloos A.I., Musters C.J.M., Bertola L.D. & Bodegom P.M. van (2021), Stirring up the relationship between quantified environmental DNA concentrations and exoskeleton‐shedding invertebrate densities, Environmental DNA 3(3): 605-618.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Snoo G.R. de, Bodegom P.M. van, Nieuwenhuijzen A. van & Vijver M.G. (2021), Experimental evidence for neonicotinoid driven decline in aquatic emerging insects, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(44): e2105692118.
- Schrama M.J.J. (2021), Muggen. Het Klokhuis, (NTR). [overig].
- Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Vijver M.G. & Schrama M.J.J. (2021), Naar een gezonder en duurzame landbouw. Pathogene bodemmicroben: onderwerp van internationale zorg, Tijdschrift Milieu 8: 54-57.
- Ochoa-Hueso R., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Risch A.C., Schrama M.J.J., Morriën E., Barmentlo S.H., Geisen S., Hannula S.E., Resch M.C., Snoek Basten L. & Putten W.H. van der (2021), Ecosystem coupling: a unifying framework to understand the functioning and recovery of ecosystems, One Earth 4(7): 951-966.
- Beek J.G. van der, Dijkstra K.-D.B., Hoorn B.B. van der, Boerlijst S.P., Busscher L., Kok M.L., Braks M.A.H., Schaffner F., Davelaar G.J., Henry M., Hulshof K., Leslie T. & Schrama M.J.J. (2020), Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Dutch Leeward Islands, with a key to the adults and fourth instar larvae, Contributions to Zoology 89(4): 373-392.
- Bakker J.P., Schrama M.J.J., Esselink P., Daniels P., Bhola N., Nolte S., Vries Y. de, Veeneklaas R.M. & Stock M. (2020), Long-term effects of sheep grazing in various densities on marsh properties and vegetation dynamics in two different salt-marsh zones, Estuaries and Coasts 43(2): 298-315.
- Makiola A., Compson Z.G., Baird D.J., Barnes M.A., Boerlijst S.P., Bouchez A., Brennan G., Bush A., Canard E., Cordier T., Creer S., Curry R.A., David P., Dumbrell A.J., Gravel D., Hajibabaei M., Hayden B., Hoorn B. van der, Jarne P., Jones J.I., Karimi B., Keck F., Kelly M., Knot I.E., Krol L., Massol F., Monk W.A., Murphy J., Pawlowski J., Poisot T., Porter T.M., Randall K.C., Ransome E., Ravigné V., Raybould A., Robin S., Schrama M.J.J., Schatz B., Tamaddoni-Nezhad A., Trimbos K.B., Vacher C., Vasselon V., Wood S., Woodward G. & Bohan D.A. (2020), Key Questions for Next-Generation Biomonitoring, Frontiers in Environmental Science 7: 197.
- Schrama M.J.J. Hunting E.R. Beechler B.R. Guarido M.M. Govender D. Nijland W. Zelfde M. van 't Venter M. Bodegom P.M. van Gorsich E.E. (2020), Human practices promote presence and abundance of disease-transmitting mosquito species, Scientific Reports 10(1): 13543.
- Sikkema R.S., Schrama M., Berg T. van den, Morren J., Munger E., Krol L., Beek J.G. van der, Blom R., Chestakova I., Linden A. van der, Boter M., Mastrigt T. van, Molenkamp R., Koenraadt C.J., Brand J. van der, Munnink B.B.O., Koopmans M.P. & Jeugd. H. van der (2020), Detection of West Nile virus in a common whitethroat (Curruca communis) and Culex mosquitoes in the Netherlands, 2020, Eurosurveillance 25(40): 2-7.
- Krol L., Gorsich E.E., Hunting E.R., Govneder D., Bodegom P.M. van & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), Eutrophication governs predator-prey interactions and temperature effects in Aedes aegypti populations, Parasites & Vectors 12(179): 1-10.
- Krol L., Hoorn B. van der, Gorsich E.E., Trimbos K.B., Bodegom P.M. van & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), How Does eDNA Compare to Traditional Trapping? Detecting Mosquito Communities in South-African Freshwater Ponds, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 260.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de, Musters C.J.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Neonicotinoids and fertilizers jointly structure naturally assembled freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, Science of the Total Environment 691: 36-44.
- Musters C.J.M., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Barmentlo S.H., Ieromina O., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Spatial and temporal homogenisation of freshwater macrofaunal communities in ditches, Freshwater Biology 64(12): 2260-2268.
- Musters C.J.M., Ieromina O., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Partitioning the impact of environmental drivers and species interactions in dynamic aquatic communities, Ecosphere 10(11): e02910.
- Boerlijst S.P., Trimbos K.B., Beek J.G. van der, Dijkstra K.D.B., Hoorn B.B. van der & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), Field evaluation of DNA based biodiversity monitoring of caribbean mosquitoes, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 240.
- Gorsich E.E., Beechler B.R., Bodegom P.M. van, Govender D., Guarido M.M., Venter M. & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), A comparative assessment of adult mosquito trapping methods to estimate spatial patterns of abundance and community composition in southern Africa, Parasites & Vectors 12(1): 462.
- Veen G.F., Wubs E.R.J., Bardgett R.D., Barrios E., Bradford M.A., Carvalho S., Deyn G.B. de, Vries F.T. de, Giller K.E., Kleijn D., Landis D.A., Rossing W.A.H., Schrama M.J.J., Six J., Struik P.C., Gils S. van, Wiskerke J.S.C., Putten W.H. van der & Vet L.E.M. (2019), Applying the Aboveground-Belowground Interaction Concept in Agriculture: Spatio-Temporal Scales Matter, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 300.
- Hunting E.R., Bundschuh M. & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), Editorial: Multiple Stressors Across Ecosystem Boundaries, Frontiers in Environmental Science 7: 98.
- Hunting E.R., Jong S. de & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), Significance of sunlight for organic matter degradation in aquatic systems, Environmental Research Communications 1(10): 101002.
- Koenraadt S., Pijlman G. & Schrama M.J.J. (2019), Ziekmakende muggen documentaire. [film].
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Hunting E.R., Heutink R., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2018), Assessing combined impacts of agrochemicals: Aquatic macroinvertebrate population responses in outdoor mesocosms, Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 341-347.
- Schrama M.J.J., Gorsich E.E., Hunting E.R., Barmentlo S.H., Beechler B. & Bodegom P.M. van (2018), Eutrophication and predator presence overrule the effects of temperature on mosquito survival and development, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(3): e0006354.
- Dijkstra K.D.B., Schrama M.J.J., Gorsich E.E. & Hochkirch A. (2018), "Deadly mosquito" or "living freshwater"?. AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE. [overig].
- Schrama M.J.J., Haan J.J. de, Kroonen M., Verstegen H. & Putten W.H. van der (2018), Crop yield gap and stability in organic and conventional farming systems, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 256: 123-130.
- Zhai Y., Brun N.R., Bundschuh M., Schrama M.J.J., Hin E., Vijver M.G. & Hunting E.R. (2018), Microbially-mediated indirect effects of silver nanoparticles on aquatic invertebrates, Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 80: 44.
- Schrama M.J.J., Plas F. van der, Berg M.P. & Olff H. (2017), Decoupled diversity dynamics in green and brown webs during primary succession in a saltmarsh, Journal of Animal Ecology 86(1): 158-169.
- Schrama M.J.J., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Logtestijn R.S.P. van, Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2017), Pressure-Induced Shifts in Trophic Linkages in a Simplified Aquatic Food Web, Frontiers in Environmental Science 5(75): 1-10.
- Hunting E.R., Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Bodegom P.M. van, Zhai Y. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Agricultural constraints on microbial resource use and niche breadth in drainage ditches, PeerJ 41(75): e4175.
- Dawson W. & Schrama M.J.J. (2016), Identifying the role of soil microbes in plant invasions, Journal of Ecology 104: 1211-1218.
- Schrama M. & Klink R. van (2016), Threats. In: Orgiazzi A., Bardgett R.D., Barrios E. & Wall D.H. (red.), Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas. Brussels: European Union. 124-125.
- Schrama M. & Bardgett R. (2016), Grassland invasibility varies with drought effects on soil functioning, Journal of Ecology 104: 1250-1258.
- Gosling C., Schrama M., Olff H., Cromsigt J.P. & Erk A. van (2016), Mammalian herbivores, grass height and rainfall drive termite activity at different spatial scales in an African savanna, Biotropica 48(5): 656-666.
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