Hall of Fame 2016
Many of our staff and students have won prizes over the past year. Others have been awarded a subsidy, or, because of their eminence in their field, they have been appointed member of an academic society or have taken on a position in the community. Reasons enough to be proud of them and to include them in our 2016 Hall of Fame.
International prizes, grants and funds
- LIACS alumnus receives ACM Multimedia Rising Star Award - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
ERC Consolidator Grant
- Eveline Crone - Institute for Psychology
- Roberta D'Allessandro - Centre for Linguistics (DUTCH)
- Caroline Waerzeggers - Institute for Area Studies (DUTCH)
- Erik Bähre - Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
- Petra Sijpesteijn - Arabic Language and Culture
ERC Starting Grant
- Training children in self-control - Institute for Psychology
ERC Advanced Grant
- ERC Advanced Grant for Physicist Alexey Boyarsky - Leiden Institute of Physics
- ERC Advanced Grant for Bernhard Hommel - Institute for Psychology
Membership of prestigious international academic organisations
- Femke Bakker appointed to ISPP Early Career Committee - Institute of Political Science
- Jan Erk elected Smuts Memorial Fellow at Cambridge University - Institute of Political Science
Recognition of merit and fellowships
- Leonard Blussé wins ‘Special Book Award of China’ - Institute for History
- Richard Griffiths wins Coursera Outstanding Educator Award - Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
And also...
- In Burkina Faso is water kostbaarder dan goud: grote subsidie voor Sabine Luning - Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (DUTCH)
- Tim Ziermans krijgt NARSAD-beurs voor zijn onderzoek naar autisme en psychose - Institute Pedagogische Wetenschappen (DUTCH)
- Physics Nobel Prize to Former Lorentz Professor - Leiden Institute of Physics
- 2016 John Ziman Award for Leiden Manifesto - Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Anna Wallerman wins 2015 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize - Institute of Public Law
- Marc Koper wins Brian Conway Prize 2016 for electrochemistry - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Farhad Arbab honoured by Sharif University in Iran - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
- Astrochemica Maria Nikolayevna Drozdovskaya krijgt Gruber Foundation Fellowship - Leiden Observatory (DUTCH)
- Leiden University wins three awards at Telders International Law Moot Court Competition - Institute of Public Law
- Gezondheidspsycholoog Stan Maes benoemd op wisselleerstoel in Brussel - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Michel Orrit Wins Edison Volta Prize - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Human Frontier Science Program award for Katharina Riebel - Institute of Biology Leiden
- Leiden Political Science and International Studies rank highly - Institute of Political Science
- Leiden Law School #24 in QS ranking 2016 - Leiden Law School
- Freya Baetens gastprofessor aan de National University Singapore - Institute of Public Law
- Prof. dr. W.A. Schabas wins the ASIL 2015 Certificate of Merit - Institute of Public Law
- Prof. dr. W. Jiskoot listed in Thomson Reuters 2015 Highly Cited Researchers - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- H2020grant awarded to Leiden team as part of a European network to research the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood strategy
National prizes and grants
NWO - Internationalisation in the Humanities
- NWO grant Nadine Akkerman for Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered research - Centre for Arts in Society
- NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities Grant for 'Text in Context' - Institute for Area Studies
- NWO grant Yra van Dijk for international Holocaust research - Centre for Arts in Society
NWO - VICI grant
- Gabrielle van den Berg receives prestigious VICI grant - Institute for Area Studies
NWO - VIDI grant
- Sophie van Rijn ontvangt Vidi voor onderzoek naar kinderen met extra X of Y chromosoom - Institute ofr Edeucation and Child Studies (DUTCH)
NWO - VENI grant
- Face-to-face politics: why small states matter - Institute of Political Science
- To target or protect? Militias and political order in African civil wars - Institute of Political Science
- Veni-grants for four Dutch Humanities researchers:
Berthe Jansen - Institute for Area Studies
Anne-Isabelle Richard - Institute for History
Marijn van Putten - Linguistics
Maaike Warnaar-Schuitmaker - Institute for Area Studies - Veni grant for astronomer Hacar - Leiden Observatory
- Psycholoog Davood Ghara Gozli ontvangt Veni-beurs - Institute of Psychology
- Veni-subsidie voor Botond Szabó - Institute Mathematics (DUTCH)
- NWO Veni Grant for Bouncing Balls on Hot Plate - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Roos van Oosten - Faculty of Archaeology
NWO - Rubicon
- Renske Smit ontvangt Rubicon-beurs - Leiden Observatory (DUTCH)
- Rubicon for psychologist Barbara Braams - Institute for Psychology
- Rubicon for Physicist Jelmer Renema - Leiden Institute of Physics
NWO - TOP grants
- TOP-grants for four of Leiden's top scientists:
Siegfried Nijssen - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (DUTCH)
Charlene Kalle & Tim van Erven - Mathematical Institute
Ignas Snellen - Leiden Observatory - NWO TOP subsidie voor interdisciplinair project - Science (DUTCH)
NWO - Others
- NWO grant for Pavlov’s conditioning during sleep - Institute for Psychology
- NWO grant for early dementia detection - Institute for Psychology
- TA-subsidie voor Irene Groot - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (DUTCH)
- ECHO-grant for Marcellus Ubbink - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (DUTCH)
- TOP-PUNT grant awarded to prof. Gijs van der Marel - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Investment Grant NWO Medium for Simon Portegies Zwart - Leiden Observatory
- Major NWO subsidies for research on dark matter and quantum experiments - Leiden Observatory
- Anna van Duijvenvoorde krijgt ORA-subsidie voor onderzoek naar sociaal leren - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- €1.4 million for research into flavour in food - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- Two NWO ECHO grants for Leiden Chemistry - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- NWO-ZonMW-grant Coen van Hasselt, Thomas Hankemeier and Catherijne Knibbe - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- NWO-ZonMW-grant for a team led by Maartje Schoorl - Clinical Psychology
- Three FOM-Projectruimte Grants for Leiden Physics - Leiden Institute of Physics
- FOM Grant for Theoretical Model Majorana Gun - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Research Grant for tuning into photosynthesis - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Membership of national academic organisations
Honorary (academic) membership
- Rudy Andeweg appointed as member of the Dutch Electoral Council - Institute of Political Science
- Jacobine van den Brink per 1 januari 2017 benoemd tot lid van de Kiesraad - Institute for Public Law (DUTCH)
- Gerrard Boot Voorzitter Commissie Modelovereenkomsten ZZP’ers - Institute for Public Law (DUTCH)
And also...
- Biologiestudent Jannica Swieringa wint Unilever Researchprijs - Institute of Biology Leiden
- Stijn Voskamp wint prijs voor beste onderwijsrechtelijke publicatie - Institute for Private Law
- Sport Data Center receives 250,000 euros - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
- Leiden researchers win public award in Smartest Project contest - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
- Bernet Elzinga wint Libelle Medische Award 2016 - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Patrick Dassen wint Arenbergprijs voor Europese Geschiedenis - Institute for History (DUTCH)
- Afshin Ellian en Nico Schrijver, leden van het dreamteam van belangrijke wetenschappers - Leiden Law School (DUTCH)
- Subsidie Philip Spinhoven voor onderzoek naar angst bij ouderen - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Kees de Brabander verdient Prijs Beste Publicatie - Institute of Education and Child Studies (DUTCH)
- Adriaan in 't Groen ontvangt Gouden Speld van de stad Leiden - Dual PhD Centre (DUTCH)
- Heineken Young Scientists Awards voor Leidse wetenschappers - Medicine/ Institute for History
- Sylvia van Beugen wins award for publication on psychodermatology - Institute for Psychology
- Leidse hoogleraren Haring en Icke op eerste en tweede plaats Duidelijketaalprijs 2016 - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
- Ineke Sluiter receives Academy Professor Prize - Centre for the Arts in Society
- Elsemieke Daalder en Ruben de Graaff winnen VBR Publicatieprijs 2015 - Institute for Private Law (DUTCH)
- Inge Schilperoord genomineerd voor de Libris Literatuurprijs 2016 - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Ronny Boogaart wins LOT-Populariserings Award- Centre for Linguistics
- Michel Orrit wins Physica Prize 2016 - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Sandra van Dijk helpt nierpatiënten gezonder te leven - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Beurs Paul Smith voor onderzoek naar dierfabels - Centre for the Arts in Society (DUTCH)
PhD research (international and national)
- Bas de Wilde wint Moddermanprijs 2016 - Institute for Criminal Law (DUTCH)
- Bernard van Heck Wins Christiaan Huygens Prize 2016 - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Joris Oddens wint Dirk Jacob Veegensprijs - Institute for History (DUTCH)
- Bastiaan Rijpkema wint prijs voor beste politieke boek van het jaar! - Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law (DUTCH)
- Zsuzsa Bakk winner of PhD Dissertation Award - Institute for Psychology
- Anna Dlabačová wint Dissertatieprijs van de Stichting Praemium Erasmianum - Centre for the Arts in Society
Education prizes and grants
Faculty teaching awards
- Humanities: Marion Boers wins Humanities Education Award 2016 - Centre for Arts in Society
- Law: PAO Onderwijsprijs 2015 voor Yvonne Erkens en Bart Krans - Leiden Law School (DUTCH)
- Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences: FSW Prijswinnaars 2015 (DUTCH)
Sabine Luning wint Casimirprijs 2015 (DUTCH) - Faculteit of Science: Discoverer of the Year, Best Dissertation and Education prize 2015
Student prizes
Thesis awards
- Volkskrant-IISG Scriptieprijs voor Marlisa den Hartog - History (DUTCH)
- KHMW Graduation Prize for Anne Meeussen - Science
- Thomas Hansen wint de AkzoNobel Afstudeerprijs - Life Science & Technology (DUTCH)
- Leiden Alumni win NVER 2016 Awards for Master Theses - European Law
- Ross Gildea wins 2016 Research Master Thesis Prize - Political Science
- Samuel Jong wins MSc Thesis Prize 2016 - Political Science
- Arne Muis wint Fruinprijs 2016 - History (DUTCH)
- Leidse geschiedenisstudenten winnen scriptieprijzen Holland Historisch Tijdschrift - History (DUTCH)
- Jouke Tegelaar wint scriptieprijs Vereniging voor Financieel Recht - Institute for Private Law (DUTCH)
- Kaspar Pucek winnaar Leidse Universitaire Scriptieprijzen 2016 - History (DUTCH)
- Welmoet Wels wins the faculty Jongbloed thesisprize 2015 - Institute for Public Law
And also...
- Jong Talent Aanmoedigingsprijzen voor zes propedeusestudenten - Faculty of Science (DUTCH)
- Janneke Fruin-Helb Beurs voor Elise Kortink - Psychology (DUTCH)
- Archaeology student Ivo Verheijen wins award with internship report - Archaeology
- Rozemarijn van Dijk wint Van den Berg scriptieprijs 2016 - Political Science (DUTCH)
- Cath prize for lectures in care homes - Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
- International Studies students receive their diplomas - International Studies
- Record number of medals for mathematics students - Science
- Team Leiden wint Max Rood Pleitwedstrijd - Institute for Public Law (DUTCH)
- Niall Hodgins beste studentondernemer - Leiden Institute of Biology (DUTCH)
- Vera de Regt wins Photo Contest Antropology 2016 - Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
- Best Advocate General in the European Law Moot Court Competition – Another Victory for Leiden Law School - European and International Business
Toyal honours
- Royal decoration for Hans de Iongh - Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Psycholoog Kees van Putten koninklijk onderscheiden - Institute for Psychology (DUTCH)
- Orthopedagoog Adriana Bus koninklijk onderscheiden - Institute of Education and Child Studies (DUTCH)
Awards presented by Leiden University
- Hans Franken wordt 80 en ontvangt Meijerspenning - Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law
- Honorary Doctor Jennifer Chayes excels at Microsoft - Mathematical Institute