Anna Wallerman wins 2015 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize
During the 55th Leiden-London meeting, held on 25 June 2016 in Leiden, the Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review awarded the 2015 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize to Dr Anna Wallerman, for her article entitled “Towards an EU law doctrine on the exercise of discretion in national courts?”, which has since been published in the Review.
Submissions 2016 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize

The Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review welcomes submissions for the 2016 prize on a subject related to “European Union law in the digital era”. The maximum number of words is 10,000, including footnotes. Submissions should be sent to Alison McDonnell by 15 September 2016. Please indicate that this is a submission for the prize, and explain on which ground you come within the young academic category. In order to qualify as a young academic, authors should in principle be aged 30 or under. Authors over the age of 30 are eligible if it is less than 3 years since they completed their PhD.
Further information is available on