Record number of medals for mathematics students
Mathematics students Bob Zwetsloot, Daan Becker, Loek Veenendaal and Onno Berrevoets have won 3 medals during the International Mathematics Competition in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria last week.
A Leiden team has never won this many medals before during the International Mathematics competition.
More than 300 students from over 50 countries participated in this prestigious mathematical competition in Bulgaria.
During 2 days, the participants were handed out five problems that they had to resolve within five hours. Onno Berrevoets obtained 50 points, which was a solid result for the silver medal. First year students Bob Zwetsloot and Daan Becker obtained respectfully 27 and 26 points and these points were sufficient for a bronze medal. The Leiden team was supervised by PhD student Raymond van Bommel and sponsored by the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University.