Updates from the Alumni Association
The Board is looking for new members and new ideas, and you can connect with local Alumni Chapters. Also, save the date for alumni drinks! 12 July in The Hague and open to everyone.
Local chapters
Keep an eye on our local chapters - you don’t wanna miss a get-together in a pub in London or a visit to a museum in Vienna with fellow International Studies alumni!
Are you based outside the Netherlands? Reach out to join one of our existing local groups or to start a new one in your city. Email us at baisalumniassociation@gmail.com.
Join Us! Get on Board
If you're eager to help build a stronger International Studies Alumni community, both locally and globally, we'd love to have you on our team.
Do you have a fresh idea for our social media? Want to organize an alumni get-together? Or something entirely different? There's no need for a formal application—simply share your ideas with us. Email us at baisalumniassociation@gmail.com.
Alumni drinks 12 July - The Hague
We will have alumni drinks in Den Haag on July 12. We have just confirmed the date, the exact location is TBC, but in case you are in town, save the date for a borrel with us! Find updates on our instagram account
Summer Alumni Reunion - Class of 2018 - August 10
Good news! We’re planning a Summer reunion for 2018 grads in The Hague! Save the date on August 10th and register via the following link: https://fd24.formdesk.com/universiteitleiden/fgw_agenda_BAIS-reunion-2024
Share your story
We know that many International Studies alumni have incredible stories to share. If you have a story you think is worth telling, we'd love to hear it! Your journey can inspire fellow alumni and current Internatoinal Studies students. Email us at baisalumniassociation@gmail.com.
If you have any suggestions for the Alumni Association, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram or send us an email at baisalumniassociation@gmail.com.