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Meet the new members of the International Studies Programme Board

Since the beginning of the academic year, there are two new student members on the Programme Board, who are they, what do they want to achieve and how can you reach out to them?


Meet Clara Gonzalez 

"Hi! My name is Clara González, and I’m from Valencia, Spain. I specialize in the East Asia region, with a focus on the Japanese language, and have a particular interest in the history and politics of the region.

I decided to apply as a Student Representative because I believe students have enriching contributions to offer, and it’s important that their voices are heard. At the same time, the board can greatly benefit from our fresh ideas while providing valuable guidance and ensuring that we continue to participate in a prestigious program and institution. As students, we have the potential to help shape the direction of the program. 

Personally, I believe I can serve as a bridge between students and the board to ensure that ideas are heard and, when necessary, changes are made to support students and the Board in achieving its goals. Together with Michail Polakov, we will work to ensure that the program benefits from an active and engaged student community.

If you ever need to reach out, feel free to contact us via BA_Internationalstudies_Studentrepresentatives@hum.leidenuniv.nl. We are always open to hearing your ideas, suggestions, or concerns!"


Meet Michaił Polakov

"My name is Michaił Polakov, I am a third-year student, with a specialisation in Latin American region and Spanish language. I was born in Belarus, but at some point moved to Poland, where my family has roots from. Throughout my adventure with International Studies and Leiden University, I have met many active, passionate, and interesting people, whom I have a chance to represent in this position. My goal as a Student representative is to find a subtle balance of Student's needs, and academic and social life of University. You can find me in WhatsApp groups, but also on campus, or at some less formal parties. Please, feel free to contact!"

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