Awarding first year diplomas
On Thursday 3 November, International Studies organized an informal award ceremony of the so-called ‘propaedeutic diplomas’, or first year diplomas. About 210 students came to receive their diploma and celebrate their success with a drink.
The diplomas were awarded by the Chair of the Programme, Prof. dr. Isabelle Duyvesteyn, the Chair of the Board of examiners, dr. Kamila Krakowska and the Programme Manager, dr. Jaap Kamphuis.
To many of our international students, the tradition of awarding a first year diploma is foreign. In the Netherlands, there has always been emphasis on the importance of passing your first year courses, preferably within your first year of studies. This is, first of all, because passing your first year courses within the allotted time, is a good indicator that you are up to the task. In other words, you show that you have the necessary capacities to successfully complete the programme. Secondly, a first year diploma is an official diploma and can, in certain cases, also be used as an entrance to other study programmes. The most well-known version of this in the Netherlands is that first year diplomas of universities of applied science (e.g. De Haagse Hogeschool) open the doors to programmes at research universities (like Leiden University).
We are proud of the fact that about 350 of our first year students passed their first year and we hope that they see this diploma as an encouragement!
All in all, the festive event was a success: We were happy to be able to congratulate so many of our students personally with passing their first year and we are looking forward to next year’s celebration!