International Mother Language Day Poster Competition
Leiden University in partnership with the Embassy of Bangladesh presents the International Mother Language Day Poster Competition.
In the run up to International Mother Language Day, celebrated on the 21st of February at the University Campus on Schouwburgstraat, the Embassy of Bangladesh is hosting a poster competition.
Students are encouraged to send in a creative work outlining an International Mother Language. This can be your own mother language, or perhaps the language of the region that you study. The work can be a poster, a painting or digital art – you can be as creative as you want!
Posters and work can be sent before the 11th of February in a pdf. or jpg. format to the events mailbox of International Studies: events_internationalstudies@hum.leidenuniv.nl for judging and the chance to be in the running to win a cash price, by presenting your poster to the ambassador on the 21st of February at Schouwburgstraat.