Follow the module - Gen AI and LLMs in the Academic Community
An online module (in English) is now available for students and staff that explains the possibilities and misuse of GenAI, LLMs and Machine Translation. It contains videos, quizzes and information about the use and abuse of ChatGPT, for example. This is a first basic module about what LLMs are and how they work.
The online module was originally designed for first-year students, but is accessible to all humanities students! Since most BA-2, BA-3 and (Res)MA students have not yet had any training in GenAI, LLMS and Machine Translation this module is also interesting for them.
You can find the module here.
If you have any questions, feedback or comments for the education team that designed the module, please do not hesitate to contact Annebeth Simonsz from Educational Advice & Quality Assurance (a.simonsz@hum.leidenuniv.nl).