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North America

Read the stories of our alumni specialized in the North America here.

Evan Lunt

Alumni dreams #247

Evan Lunt’s time in the BA International Studies (BA IS) program was driven by a unique combination of ambition, curiosity, and a passion for both global and personal exploration.

Choosing the program was a decision inspired by his dream of becoming a pilot, combined with a desire to gain a world-class education that would enrich his perspective on international issues. The multidisciplinary approach at BA IS, which integrates a wide range of global topics, offered Evan precisely the depth he sought to understand the world in a way that would complement his future travels.

Evan’s academic focus culminated in a thesis titled "From the Sky to the Ground: A Top Down Analysis of the American-Led War on Drugs in Colombia." His research took a critical look at how the U.S.-backed War on Drugs, through methods like aerial fumigation, impacted the Colombian state and its people. In exploring how military tactics adversely affected local farmers and empowered cartels, Evan argued that policies should address the root socioeconomic issues rather than intensifying military interventions. This detailed work reflects his commitment to studying complex issues with a nuanced perspective—an approach that was likely honed during his time at International Studies.

Beyond academics, Evan was no stranger to advocacy. He took a bold stand when he challenged Leiden University in court over the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty, arguing that it should allow American students the same tuition rates as Europeans. Although he ultimately lost, this experience gave him a deeper appreciation for the complexities of law and international agreements—and a memorable story of standing up for a principle.

After graduation, Evan returned to the U.S. for some well-deserved rest and adventure. He reconnected with nature, surfed, flew planes, and even worked at his brother’s brewery. This time also allowed him to plan his next steps: working toward his Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) license with an eye on becoming a firefighter pilot. Though his path could lead him to a commercial cockpit, Evan seems prepared for any change in his plans, embodying the flexibility he has learned from both life and his study experience.

Evan’s message to current and future BA IS students speaks to his learned wisdom: focus on what needs to be done today, trust in your path, and reach out for help when needed. His story is a testament to the spirit of the BA International Studies program—where academic rigor meets real-world passion, shaping graduates ready to make their mark on a global stage.


Alumni dreams #268

Lila Menard chose this BA because it offered a unique blend of political science within the broader humanities spectrum, a combination she found nowhere else. The BA IS program allowed her to study international political dynamics through a classical academic lens, with subjects such as International Relations, History, Politics, and Macroeconomics, while also exploring areas like Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, foreign languages, and Sociolinguistics. This multidisciplinary approach provided Lila with meaningful insights and the ability to conduct original analyses in the field of international politics.

Specializing in North American studies, Lila deepened her high-school interest in American history, culture, politics, and economics. This focus has proven valuable in her current applications to work in European and Franco-American diplomatic relations.

For her thesis, Lila completed two distinct pieces of research. Her first thesis, titled “Between Hegemony and Defiance: Evolution of Franco-American Diplomatic Relations Regarding the Middle East During the War on Terror,” explored Franco-American relations in the context of political philosophy, diplomacy, and realist theory. Her second thesis, “A Generational Desire of National Common Ground and Classless Shared Experience: McDonald’s Implantation and Success in France Since the 2000s,” took a Marxist approach, analyzing McDonald's cultural and economic success in France as a way for youth to reclaim social cohesion in a society struggling with identity issues.

During her time in the BA IS program, Lila was able to participate in an exchange in Québec, Canada, where she studied North American politics from a less US-centered perspective. She also challenged herself by taking courses in political communication and marketing, which sparked a newfound interest in political communication and reshaped her professional goals. She is now pursuing an internship as a communication specialist in the cabinet of an elected representative and aspires to contribute to French diplomacy in the future.

One of the most valuable skills Lila gained from the BA IS program is the ability to think critically and apply rigorous methods of analysis. She believes these analytical skills are crucial not only for her academic and professional life but also for solving everyday problems.

After graduating from BA IS, Lila began a Master’s degree in International Relations at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS) in Rome, Italy, where she was awarded a scholarship.

In her master's program, Lila is focusing on diplomacy and foreign affairs, with a minor in Political Thought in the MENA region and ongoing studies in Arabic. She envisions a career in political communication, particularly in the context of Franco-American relations or working in French embassies, as well as in areas such as education, migration, and culture.

Reflecting on her time at Leiden University, Lila encourages prospective students to fully embrace the BA IS program. Though she initially left the Netherlands with mixed feelings, Lila now fondly remembers her time at Leiden University, the methodologies, the diverse perspectives, and the international environment. She highly recommends the university to anyone interested in political humanities. "I would 100% recommend Leiden University and the BA IS program," she says, noting that the experiences gained there continue to shape her professional aspirations.

Looking forward to see where you’ll go next Lila!

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