Read the stories of our alumni specialized in Africa here.

Alumni dreams #137
Dineke Vrolijk completed the BA with an internship at NGO Africa Legal Aid devoted to promoting human rights and international criminal justice in Africa. She assisted in the organization of high profile events related to the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC and the African Union Heads of State Summit in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
She discovered a passion for criminal justice and international security, which motivated an extracurricular course in International Humanitarian Law, online course in International Law in Action and a Masterclass Terrorism!
Dineke was then accepted for a 6 month internship at the Victims and Witnesses Section of the International Criminal Court to be a part of the dynamics of the Court, through supporting operational case management of the Section and organizing conferences, visits and trainings.
The multidisciplinary character of BAIS and the Organisational Theory course prepared her very well for working in the culturally diverse environments of international organizations.
Amazing Dineke! Here is she is smiling at the African Union Heads of States Summit in Addis Abeba!

Alumni dreams #184
After graduation Nevena Bojovic took some well deserved time off and decided not to go into a Master's programme right away. Instead she started her internship at Unknown Group a global innovation agency connecting startups to corporates, engaging in internal and external venturing.
She works in the scouting and sales departments and is exposed to both startup interaction as well as campaigns and projects with corporates. Nevena is getting a well-rounded image of startup and investment ecosystems. On the daily, she discusses with startups and matches these with innovation opportunities/ventures, spanning various industries and the global sphere.
She says PRINS was most helpful as it combined the theory we learned and putting it to practice, combined with courses like Configuring the World, this has really manifested itself in her day to day work.
Interning has been a great opportunity to learn new skills. She will be there for six months, after which she aims to further her place in the startup universe, and eventually pursue a master. Though not in a rush, she is very much enjoying the working world.
Go Nevena! Here she is enjoying her new office!
Alumni dreams #191
During her BA, Alba Medina Bermejo cultivated interests in politics, human rights, social justice and cultural studies. She deepened her understanding in the MA Global Ethics and Human Values at King's College London by exploring topics as abortion, human rights, gender, migration, conflict resolution and climate change using philosophical lenses.
Alba joined the Postgraduate Law Society, Lawyers Without Borders after to advocate for issues she strongly believes in. She now works at the IOM Egypt to address the challenges in the region and gain work experience in international agencies. It also expands her knowledge of the region (north from East Africa) and she is learning Arabic.
In the Canary Islands she works with an organization linking African migrants, government and partners to further integration, cultural exchange and relations with West African countries.
During her studies at Leiden she discovered her passion and it opened so many doors. The elective space and PRINS provided useful skills and the support from professors and supervisors was difficult to find elsewhere. Be welcome Alba! Here she is lighting up the room, joyful in her journey.