Latin America
Read the stories of our alumni specialized in Latin America here.

Alumni dreams #10
Ellen Boekelder is a boardmember of the student- and young-professional The West Wing Think Tank of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Through the PRINS course at the BA she developed a rich understanding of designing and writing policy recommendations.
As a boardmember, Ellen facilitates a group of 15 students and young-professionals with writing their policy recommendations for the Department of 'Multilateral Organizations and Human Rights'. Topics include urbanization, violence, city-state collaboration and youth particpation.
Glad to see her continue to use her brainpower and energy for the Ministry!

Alumni dreams #26
When Anne Jeen graduated she started her own business: Live in the Flow! It’s based on mindfulness and yin/yang yoga to bring more peace in the actual daily life.
Given her own experience, it’s been a dream to show people how to deal with something that changes their life situation and how to truly live: Here and Now!
Anne works at the Centre for Innovation in the mindfulness lab as trainee and does research on this topic. She says: "Live in the Flow: don’t swim against the waves but let yourself be carried away and discover/observe the moments you encounter!"

Alumni dreams #54
After her internship at BAIS Argentina in Buenos Aires, Megan Visscher became very aware of cultural differences in the workplace. This motivated her bachelor thesis, but as there was no space to examine this within a company, her curiosity was not fully satisfied.
This is why she selected the Master of Culture, Organisation and Management Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) and she could not have found a better match for her Bachelor given her aim towards a career in cultural consultancy.
It is like studying a continuation of International Studies; she can finally apply 'dusty' theories like Foucault to real-life situations within organizations. For her master thesis she will delve into the topic of diversity.
Although the master’s programme is intense, working hard for something that piques your interest makes it all worth it!

Alumni dreams #79
After the BA, Anne van Grootveld was admitted to the selective Master Conflict Studies and Human Rights at Utrecht University!
Next semester she will conduct fieldwork in Kosovo on how trust is built between police from different nationalities during the EULEX mission. This allows her to combine her police work experience with the academic knowledge gained in the past 3.5 years!
After Anne graduates she will pursue policy-based / think tank work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (inspired by the PRINS course) or focus on training inter-organisational trust building. In the long run she aims for a career in international mediation.
Her powerful message is that it is never too late to study!
Inspiring! Keep pursuing your goals Anne!

Alumni dreams #87
Puck van Eijk completed the BA with the area Latin America and a very successful and challenging internship in Yopal, Colombia. In a project of Universidad de La Salle, she taught Global Understanding and Leadership and English to youth from rural areas of limited income, affected by violence.
Now she is studying International Peace Studies at the University for Peace (UPEACE) - UN Mandated in Costa Rica. Besides she is setting up her own NGO The SOS with fellow students (triple wow)!
The Sovereignty of Subjectivity (SOS) is an ethical principle and universal code of conduct designed to protect individuals from social injustice, it is independent from distinctions such as culture, religion, gender and ethnicity. See Next she will aim for another internship.
Enjoy realizing more of your ambitions Puck!

Alumni dreams #92
After graduation, Gaia Alice Hefti decided to discover more of the area of Human Rights and how NGOs and other institutions work in that field. She did an internship at the Nuremberg Human Rights Center in Germany with a strong focus on promoting human rights locally as well as internationally, such as in Latin America (her area of specialization).
Currently she has decided to return to Chile to do 3 internships, all of which focus on human rights. One at the Henry Dunant Foundation in Latin America, one at the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, and finally one at her previous Exchange university Universidad Central (CL) to collaborate in a reaserch project on social media and politics (triple wow!).
All these experiences are in preparation for the Master in Human Rights she will start later this year at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Go Gaia!

Alumni dreams #119
During the BA, Ilinca Bogaciov started Reach & Teach (now a foundation) with friends and is grateful that the BAIS community continues to be involved (means they did something worthy!).
After graduating she received a scholarship to study foreign policy and international relations at Colegio de Mexico, an incredible learning experience. After Ilinca returned to Europe to start her Master's in International Peace and Security at King's College London!
She will also do an internship as a research assistant for The Centre for the Response to Radicalisation and Terrorism at the Henry Jackson Society, an independent policy think tank. Ilinca will focus particularly on extremism and radicalisation in Eastern Europe.
Her areas of interest have always been Latin America and Europe, so she is happy to continue developing her knowledge of security issues in both regions!
Enjoy these results Ilinca and taking your knowledge and impact further!

Alumni dreams #132
After the BA, Bente Horbeek did an internship at the Centre for the Promotion of Import from Developing Countries helping companies in Latin America to export to Europe. She is nfinishing her Master’s in Latin America Studies (Public Policy) at Leiden and working part-time in Finance at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). During the master she got to visit Colombia for field research and her thesis is on the reintegration of former combatants in Colombia.
She is also the treasurer of Youth Peace Initiative aiming to involve youth in conflict areas in their peace processes. In these areas youth often make up over 50% of the population and will be the generation that implements, yet often have no place at the negotiation table to impact the process.
Bente is also doing an International Research Project, customized research by students for companies' market expansion, soon she will visit Colombia for this! Next she hopes to work in an environment where she can grow further. Connecting commercial and public interests and her passion for Latin America is the dream!
Truly amazing Bente keep going! Here she is smiling with the Youth Peace Initiative Board (2nd from the right).

Alumni dreams #146
Petra Bitter started in the Young specialist program at Brunel ( and under their wings she experienced what it is to work for the Rabobank as a adviser for private individuals!
The second opportunity which Petra got through Brunel is working as an adviser in life insurances! She really enjoys that she can figure out through experiencing work what her qualities are and what she would like to become, when she grows old.
The courses in her minor on business sciences and the extra course of turnaround management and bankruptcy law are especially relevant to her job. Her BA International Studies courses taught her writing and communication skills that she is able to use in her work.
Way to go Petra! Enjoy your (business) life! Here she is smiling at the office!

Alumni dreams #149
After the BA International Studies Clotilde Sebag started the MA Intelligence and International Security at King's College London! She decided she wanted to focus on International Security after doing the Minor in Global Affairs at Leiden. It was through this minor that she developed a knowledge in security architectures and security struggles, which she wanted to expand.
At KCL her modules focused on authoritarianism, intelligence, and contemporary warfare. Clotilde learnt a lot about new fields such as intelligence and military strategy. While challenging at times, she found that the BA had prepared her well in being able to critically approach new topics from different angles.
Moreover, her specialisation in Latin America meant that Clotilde had concrete examples of phenomena that she could bring up. She is currently writing her final dissertation on the interaction of violent non-state actors in the cocaine trade in Latin America.
She is also applying for jobs to enter the field of political risk analysis or political economy, with the final goal of joining Europol or Interpol.
Enjoy applying accumulated skills and knowledge Clotilde! Here she is shining at graduation!

Alumni dreams #170
Sharon Gogar specialized in Latin America with thesis on Citizenship of Favela Residents in Rio de Janeiro on spatial inequality and urban inclusivity. Her PRINS project consulting OPCW on social media strategy, led to her working as a webcare volunteer at UNICEF the Netherlands.
Following up these experiences Sharon started an internship in communication and social media at the Dutch Consulate-General in Rio de Janeiro. She also began translating articles for Catalytic Communities from Portuguese to English for online publishing like on RioOnWatch a platform for favela community voices! It combines her interests in (Brazilian) urban issues and social media.
Sharon did her pre-master in Human Geography and this fall began her MA International Development Studies (IDS) in Utrecht. Continuing to focus on spatial inequality and urban inclusivity, she is eager to return to Brazil for masters’ research. She also started working as editor for the online publication of the IDS alumni research projects and a paperback edition of the 2018-2019 students.
Amazing Sharon! Here she is enjoying the view at the Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro!

Alumni dreams #179
After his BA Matthieu Chudoba did a Master’s in Political Science (specializing in International Politics). In parallel he worked as graduate teaching assistant with me on the redesign to online of the course Organizational Theory, Culture & Behavior.
Then he moved to Prague to intern at FleishmanHillard as Client Assistant in the Public Affairs team conducting political monitoring and analyses on the European and Czech legislative related to environmental projects (wow)!
Simultaneously he did an internship at the Economic Diplomacy department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic conducting economic analyses and reports to support the export of Czech companies (double wow)! During all of which he applied and put to the test his strong passion for EU, consultancy (special dedication to PRINS) and international politics.
Recently he obtained a full-time contract at FleishmanHillard and will start as Account Executive to work on new projects in energy, pharmaceutical and environmental sectors!
Always calm, collected and capable Matthieu! Here he is in his office enjoying the dynamics of consultancy!

Alumni dreams #181
Tirza Tenkink did her PRINS project with Transparency International NL and loved the topic so much she did her thesis on the influence of corruption on the resource curse in Venezuela. She continued with a Masters in Latin American Studies graduating cum laude with research in Mexico on the importance of understanding the local perspective of corruption in combating it.
Tirza then was hired as Anti-Money Laundering analist with Partner in Compliance working for large financial institutions and banks, helping them prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. A job she absolutely loves and she looks forward to growing her career in the compliance sector!
She says the broad diversity of her BA allowed learning from different cultures. International Politics and Economics still help with the broader context of transactions. Culture of Latin America taught that subjects can be handled differently. Knowing that certain action might be addressed one way in one culture, might no be the same in the other, helps her every day, not only with work.
Terrific Tirza! Here is she positively beaming about finding her path. Onto more of your successes and growth!

Alumni dreams #186
After a semester in Chile in the discretionary space of his BA International Studies and writing thesis Robin Hoogendoorn moved from Leiden to Utrecht and did a pre-Master's in Public Administration.
After he did a Master of Science in Communication, Policy & Management at Utrecht University. One of the courses that Robin followed was 'Cooperation in Intercultural Teams'. Here he noticed that his BA, due to the international mix of students and group assignments in courses such as Practising International Studies, had already taught him a lot on this matter in a very practical way.
Then he started a full time job as a (junior) contract manager in the procurement of HR- and organisation services, for the Dutch Ministry of Defence at the Kromhout Kazerne (military base) in Utrecht! A very inspiring and interesting working environment.
He is still very happy with his choice in BA. Especially the historical and (international) political courses still play a very useful role in understanding his work environment.
Onto greater heights Robin! Here he is in a chair of a F16 fighter aircraft while visiting a military base of the Royal Netherlands Air Force!
Alumni dreams #203
Yvet Jody Maassen was torn between Journalism and International Studies and chose the latter to gain a broader understanding of the world before writing about it. She specialized in Latin America and minored in Journalism and New Media. Yvet interned at BNR Nieuwsradio and co-created the first BASIS Yearbook.
She then worked for ProDemos as educational tour guide for students in The Hague and municipalities throughout the country. Yvet entered the MA Journalism and New Media and simultaneously the radioschool at KRO-NCRV to experience working with radio.
She worked on night show Fris at NPO Radio 1 and interned at radioshow Spraakmakers. This year she became junior editor at NTR for the program Hilversum Uit traveling around the Netherlands covering politics, culture and human interest stories.
The BA's interdisciplinary courses led to a broader understanding of the world. Courses as Latin American politics gave an advantage in covering foreign affairs for Fris e.g. the protests in Chile, but her favorite thing was the International classroom she was part of, which gave her a broad network.
Enjoy all your wonderful progress Yvet!