North America
Read the stories of our alumni specialized in North America here.

Alumni dreams #52
After her BA Marifer Aguirre Broca became the President of the Kingdom Youth Parliament, a platform in which youngsters of the Kingdom of the Netherlands get to debate and pose their ideas to the highest people in the Dutch diplomatic and political arena!
This made her interest in the Kingdom of the Netherlands grow even further, leading her to write her MA thesis on the subject. She recently graduated from her Masters in International Relations, as you can see!
Marifer is now working in Rotterdam as a Recruitment Consultant at LMH Engineering, a growing international enterprise. She also became a Board Member of the Genootschap Nederland-Aruba, a platform for exchanging thoughts about the relationship between Aruba and the Kingdom.
Many congratulations Marifer!

Alumni dreams #82
Thomas De Man spent four months teaching English in a remote village in northern Chile, then did internships at BNR Nieuwsradio and the late night talkshow Jinek!
With colleagues he created an online platform to curate news and present the brand Eva Jinek. For this they won a Dutch Interactive Award (see photo)!
He has started the MA Journalistiek & Media at University of Amsterdam (open to only 30 writers or researchers). Soon Thomas will start another internship at NRC Handelsblad.
The broad profile of the BA allowed him discover his true passion: journalism. He calls his journalism minor in the free space: best choice ever and the international environment of studies: one of a kind.
Thomas aims to start his journalism career after graduation, first in The Netherlands and later as correspondent in maybe Brazil.
Fantastic career building Thomas, enjoy!

Alumni dreams #94
Chantal Girgis is finishing her thesis for the MA North-American Studies on Coretta Scott King and Betty Shabazz (wives of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X) as her interest is women's history/studies and feminism.
Her new job is teaching (her biggest passion) extracurricularly at primary and secondary schools. Chantal will start with the Leadership Academy, 8 pupils VWO2, teaching them to develop the leaders/entrepreneurs inside them. After a Media Academy about the dangers of social media, how to use it, etc).
Chantal will also aid the start-up process and might become a project leader at JASTIN (Junior Academy of Science, Talents and INnovation) if there are more schools that will join. Ultimately, she hopes to teach full-time.
As long as Chantal can teach, coach and lead, she will be fine! She likes to transfer knowledge, make people think, motivate them and to show them that there is no limit.
Go Chantal!