University game
Are you mad about board games? Then we’ve got good news for you: we’ve developed our very own University game, HORA EST! It’s a fun way to learn more about the University. Get your family and friends together for an evening of fun and games!
The game has been specially developed for our 444th anniversary. The object is to describe and guess words that have something to do with Leiden University and its 444-year history: Sweat Room or Praesidium Libertatis, for example, but also buildings in Leiden and The Hague, historical figures such as Pieter van der Werf and student terms such as VriMiBo or hospiteren.
The beadle plays an important role in this game: if you draw the Beadle card and call ‘HORA EST!’ at the right moment, you win bonus points!
Fancy stepping in the Beadle’s shoes? Send a mail to and you might just receive a copy of the game.