Meet the professor
On the university's birthday (8 February), pupils in the final year of junior schools in Leiden and The Hague will have lessons from a real professor.
The children will learn about research and scientists, thanks to a lesson from a professor in their own classroom. Curiosity-driven learning is what it's all about: the pupils will have to do some preparation work in order to discover which professor will be coming to their class.
8 Februari
All the lessons will start at 11.00 hrs on Friday 8 February 2019, on the Foundation Day of Leiden University.
Who are the lessons for?
All regular junior schools in Leiden and The Hague can take place at no cost. Schools can register more then one class and each class will have its own professor. This activity is open to all year 7 classes.
In six short introductory lessons the pupils will discover more about the professor who will be coming to their class. The pupils' own teacher will teach these lessons based on a lesson pack provided by the Leiden Science Hub (Wetenschapsknooppunt Leiden).

The content of the lessons
The lessons will follow the steps in the research cycle and comprise a short intro (to the whole class) and one or more assignments (with different methods). No specific knowledge is needed to follow the lessons. The lessons are in the field of Science and Technology and are about science in general and about Leiden University in particular.
A number of professors will give the lessons in English. There will also be a lesson at a special location in the centre of Leiden. You can indicate on the application form whether your school would like to apply for these variants.
More possibilities
When they register, schools will also receive a pupils workbook on curiosity-driven learning. With this book, pupils can carry out a simple research task themselves in six steps parallel to the six Meet the professor lessons.
Registration closed on 12 october 2018 and is unfortunately no longer possible. For more information and questions about this activity, you can contact the Leiden Science Hub: