Carolien Rieffe
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C.J. Rieffe
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3674
- 0000-0002-7584-6698

Carolien Rieffe leidt het onderzoekslab Focus On Emotions bij de sectie Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie van het Instituut Psychologie en University of Twente. Ze is hoogleraar Social Interaction Technology aan de University of Twente en honorary hoogleraar op het Institute of Education van UCL (University College London) in Londen.
Meer informatie over Carolien Rieffe
Leiden Psychology Blog
Carolien Rieffe leidt het onderzoekslab Focus On Emotions bij de sectie Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie van het Instituut Psychologie en University of Twente. Ze is hoogleraar Social Interaction Technology aan de University of Twente en honorary hoogleraar op het Institute of Education van UCL (University College London) in Londen.
Onderzoek naar emoties in sociale ontwikkeling
Rieffe doet onderzoek naar de functies van emoties en hoe deze de sociale ontwikkeling en de geestelijke gezondheid van kinderen beïnvloeden. Centraal hierbij staat de interactie met de omgeving. Rieffe onderzoekt jeugd van alle leeftijden en richt zich hierbij onder anderen op het begrijpen van de impact van individuele verschillen op de ontwikkeling van kinderen met gehoorverlies en autistische kinderen en jongeren.
Focus on Emotions Lab
Onderzoekers van het Focus on Emotions Lab verkennen verschillende aspecten van emotionele intelligentie, zoals emotiebewustzijn, coping, empathie en het uiten van boosheid. Binnen een andere onderzoekslijn richten ze zich op culturele verschillen.
Het lab werkt nauw samen met Computer Science (LIACS (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science) en de technische University of Twente), waardoor onderzoekers in het lab nieuwe technieken kunnen toepassen om het sociale gedrag van kinderen te monitoren, zoals het gebruik van sensor data.
Onderzoek naar de sociaal inclusieve omgeving
Rieffe doet ook onderzoek naar hoe nieuwe technologieën kunnen bijdragen aan het creëren van sociaal inclusieve omgevingen. In een sociaal inclusieve omgeving wordt rekening gehouden met individuele verschillen, waardoor iedereen zich veilig en gewaardeerd voelt, en zich daardoor optimaal kan ontwikkelen. Twee lopende onderzoekslijnen zijn:
Speelpleinen zijn de plek waar kinderen en jongeren zich ontwikkelen, maar voor lang niet elk kind is het (school)plein een aangename plek. Veel kinderen staan aan de kant, voelen zich eenzaam of buitengesloten, en doen niet mee met de anderen. De sociale omgeving, maar ook de fysieke omgeving kan voor veel kinderen en jongeren een belemmering vormen om mee te doen. Door slechte akoestiek kan een jongere met gehoorverlies zijn of haar klasgenoten bijvoorbeeld amper verstaan.
In het Schoolplein-project werkt Rieffe o.a. samen met Computer Science en de afdeling Kinderpsychiatrie om te onderzoeken in hoeverre het schoolplein een toegankelijke plek is voor verschillende kinderen en jongeren. Ze gebruikt hierbij sensortechnologie om te onderzoeken hoe kinderen zich over het schoolplein bewegen, en werkt samen met de afdeling Architectuur van de TU Delft om schoolpleinen te ontwerpen waarop alle kinderen zich optimaal kunnen bewegen.
Rieffe is ook critical friend van de stichting Musea Bekennen Kleur, die zich inzet voor meer diversiteit in musea. Nederlandse musea schetsten vaak een eenzijdig beeld van mensen van kleur en de Nederlandse koloniale geschiedenis. Veel Nederlandse musea veranderen dit nu door exposities te tonen waarin verschillende perspectieven worden getoond. Rieffe is actief om dergelijke tentoonstelling ook in virtual reality beschikbaar te maken, zodat deze tentoonstelling bewaard blijven, en kunnen worden gebruikt binnen het onderwijs.
Een voorbeeld is het onderzoek van de tentoonstelling 'HIER. Zwart in Rembrandt’s Tijd', die in 2020 werd getoond in het Museum Het Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam. Deze tentoonstelling biedt een respectvol en gepersonaliseerd perspectief op mensen van kleur in Nederland in de 17e eeuw en nu en deze tentoonstelling is nu ook in VR te zien. Rieffe en collega’s onderzoeken of en hoe een nieuwe VR-representatie van mensen van kleur in kunst, beïnvloedt hoe jongeren naar die periode kijken.
Andere samenwerkingen in dit verband zijn met het Nationaal Archief (tentoonstelling Curaçao) en de kunstenaar Remy Jungerman, winnaar 2022 van de KNAW Heineken prijs en wiens solo-expositie in het Stedelijk Museum in 2022 de basis vormt voor het bouwen van een nieuwe tentoonstelling van zijn werk in VR.
Rieffe geeft les over sociale en emotionele ontwikkeling, met een speciale focus op klinische groepen, zoals kinderen met autisme of gehoorverlies. Ze doceert in de bachelor, master, honours en aan PhD’s.
Kort CV
Rieffe behaalde haar master Psychologie Methodologie (with Honours) aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en een PhD aan de VU Universiteit Amsterdam. Daarna werkte ze als universitair docent aan het Institute of Education (Universiteit van Londen, VK). In 2010 werd ze bijzonder hoogleraar aan Universiteit Leiden en in 2020 hoogleraar aan de University of Twente. Ook heeft ze sinds 2015 een ereprofessoraat aan UCL (Universiteit van Londen, VK).
Ze ontving verschillende beurzen ontvangen en prijzen waaronder een NWO VIDI grant, een prijs voor het meest invloedrijke onderzoeksartikel in 25 jaar in Kind en Adolescent, prijs voor beste docent en de Award voor Smartest City Project of the Netherlands.
Rieffe zat of zit in verschillende adviesraden en commissies, waaronder de adviesraad van het Honours College, LCDS (Leiden Center for Data Science), Female Autism Network of the Netherlands en de examencommissie van Univesiteit Leiden.
Ze werkt ook nauw samen met professionele organisaties en academische instellingen in het buitenland, waaronder ENT-LUMC, Curium, INTER-PSY, Museum Rembrandt Huis, Nationaal Archief, en Center for Autism.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Tsou Y., Kovács L.V., Louloumari A., Stockmann L., Blijd-Hoogewys E.M.A., Koutamanis A. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), School-based interventions for increasing autistic pupils’ social inclusion in mainstream schools: a systematic review, Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders : .
- Ahandany Z.S., Tsou Y., Soltani S.R., Arya A.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), Validation of the brief shame and guilt questionnaire for children and young adolescents in Persian, European Journal of Developmental Psychology : 1-14.
- Li B., Heyne D., Scheeren A., Blijd-Hoogewysm E. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), School participation of autistic youths: the influence of youth, family and school factors, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice : .
- Li Z. Li B. Tsou Y. T. Rieffe C.J. (2024), Validation of the Chinese empathy questionnaire for pre-school children, Early Education & Development : 1-16.
- Rieffe C.J., Li Z. & Tsou Y. (2024), Development and validation of the short parent–child emotion communication questionnaire, European Journal of Developmental Psychology : 1-14.
- Li Z., Li B., Tsou Y. T., Wang L., Liang W. & Rieffe C. (2024), A longitudinal study on moral emotions and psychosocial functioning among preschool children with and without hearing loss, Development and Psychopathology : 1-29.
- Li Z., Li B., Tsou Y.T., Frijns J.H M., Meng Q., Yuen S., Wang L., Liang W. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), Empathy development in preschoolers with/without hearing loss and its associations with social-emotional functioning, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology : .
- Groot B. de, Gorr N.D., Kret M.E., Rieffe C., Tsou Y.T. & Straffon L.M. (2023), Development and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to measure parental support for drawing, Thinking Skills and Creativity 47: 101228.
- Nasri M., Baratchi M., Tsou Y., Giest S., Koutamanis A. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), A novel metric to measure spatio-temporal proximity: a case study analyzing children’s social network in schoolyards, Applied Network Science 8: 50.
- Tsou Y., Wiefferink C.H., Broekhof E. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), Short report: longitudinal study on emotion understanding in children with and without developmental language disorder, Research in Developmental Disabilities 137: 104493.
- Eichengreen A., Tsou Y., Nasri M., Klaveren L. van, Li B., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M., Blijd-Hoogewys E., Kok J. & Rieffe C. (2023), Social connectedness at the playground before and after COVID-19 school closure, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 87: 101562.
- Eichengreen A., Rooijen M. van, Klaveren L. van, Nasri M., Tsou Y., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M. & Rieffe C. (2023), The impact of loose‐parts‐play on schoolyard social participation of children with and without disabilities: a case study, Child: Care, Health and Development 50(1): e13144.
- Li. B., Blijd-Hoogewys E.M.A., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C. (2023), The early development of emotion recognition in autistic children: decoding basic emotions from facial expressions and from emotion-provoking situations, Development and Psychopathology : .
- Li B., Tsou Y., Stockmann A.P.A.M., Greaves-Lord K. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), See the self through others' eyes: the development of moral emotions in young children with autism spectrum disorder, Development and Psychopathology : 1-11.
- Eichengreen A., Broekhof E., Tsou Y. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), Longitudinal effects of emotion awareness and regulation on mental health symptoms in adolescents with and without hearing loss, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : .
- Li Z., Li B., Tsou Y., Oosterveld P. & Rieffe C.J. (2023), Moral emotions in early childhood: validation of the Chinese moral emotion questionnaire, Social Development : .
- De Sousa da Silva B.M., Rieffe C.J. & Veiga G. (2022), Empathy in preschool Portuguese children: validation of the empathy questionnaire (EmQue), Social Development : .
- Nasri M., Tsou Y.-T., Koutamanis A., Baratchi M., Giest S., Reidsma D. & Rieffe C. (2022), A novel data-driven approach to examine children’s movements and social behaviour in schoolyard environments, Children 9(8): 1177.
- De Sousa da Silva B.M., Ketelaar L., Veiga G., Tsou Y. & Rieffe C. (2022), Moral emotions in early childhood: validation of the Moral Emotions Questionnaire (MEQ), International Journal of Behavioral Development 46(2): 157-168.
- Yuen S., Li B, Tsou Y-T., Meng Q., Wang L., Liang W. & Rieffe C. (2022), Family systems and emotional functioning in deaf or hard-of-hearing preschool children, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 27: 125-136.
- Groot B. de, Gorr N.D., Kret M.E., Rieffe C.J., Tsou Y. & Mendoza Straffon L. (2022), Development and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to measure parental support for drawing, Thinking Skills and Creativity 47: 101228.
- Tsou (2022), Reading emotional faces in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children [Reading emotional faces in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children.] (vertaling Tsou Y., Li B., Kret M.E., Costa Inês S. da & Rieffe C.J.), Emotion 22(6): 1307-1320.
- Gómez-Maureira M.A. (2022), Academic games: mapping the use of video games in research contexts [Academic Games - Mapping the Use of Video Games in Research Contexts] (vertaling Gómez Maureira M.A., Duin M. van, Rieffe C.J. & Plaat A.). Karpouzis K. & Gualeni S. (red.), FDG22: 17th international conference on the foundations of digital games. 17th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games 5 september 2022 - 9 september 2022: ACM.
- De Sousa da Silva Brenda (2022), Being deaf in mainstream schools : the effect of a hearing loss in children’s playground behaviors [Being Deaf in Mainstream Schools: The Effect of a Hearing Loss in Children’s Playground Behaviors] (vertaling De Sousa da Silva B.M., Rieffe C.J., Frijns J.H.M., Sousa H., Monteiro L. & Veiga G.), Children 9: 1091.
- O'Connor Rachel (2022), Friendship quality among autistic and non-autistic (pre-) adolescents: protective or risk factor for mental health? [Friendship quality among autistic and non-autistic (pre-) adolescents: Protective or risk factor for mental health?] (vertaling O'Connor R.A.G., Bedem N.P. van den, Blijd-Hoogewys E.M.A., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C.J.), Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 26(8): 2041-2051.
- Boya L. (2022), Toward feeling, understanding, and caring: the development of empathy in young autistic children [Toward feeling, understanding, and caring: The development of empathy in young autistic children] (vertaling Boya L., Blijd-Hoogewys E., Stockmann L., Vergari I. & Rieffe C.J.), Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 0: 136236132211179.
- Gotlieb R.J.M., Hickey-Moody A., Güroglu B., Burnard P., Horn C., Willcox M., Saadatmand M., Linzarini A., Vandenbroucke A.R.E., Albanese D.L., Bayley A., Blaise M., Blanchet P., Campos A.L., Cavioni V., Cefai C., Collie R.J., Dumontheil I., Emery H.F., Fuligni A., Glaveanu V., Gibson J., Glozah F.N., Kuo H., Lagi R., Lammes S., Macfarlane A.H., Martinsone B., Mclellan R., Pekrun R., Poulou M., Rey J., Rieffe C.J., Rodriguez V., Rojas N., Rosenbaum G., Sinha P., Wu J. & Zhou J. (2022), The social and emotional foundations of learning. In: , Reimagining education: the international science and evidence based assessment nr. 3. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. 182-282.
- Rieffe C.J., De Sousa da Silva B.M., Moutinho G.F.V. & Gibson J. (2022), Emotions in play: the role of physical play in children’s social well-being. In: Dukes D., Samson A.C. & Walle E.A. (red.), The Oxford handbook of emotional development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 339-353.
- Tsou Y., Li B., Kret M.E., Frijns J. & Rieffe C. (2021), Hearing status affects children's emotion understanding in dynamic social situations: an eye-tracking study, Ear and Hearing 42(4): 1024-1033.
- Takamatsu R., Tsou Y.T., Kusumi T. & Rieffe C.J. (2021), The Japanese empathy questionnaire (EmQue) for preschool children: psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender, International Journal of Behavioral Development 45(5): 453-462.
- Tsou Y., Li B., Eichengrün A., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2021), Emotions in deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically hearing children, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 26(4): 469-482.
- Tsou Y., Li B., Wiefferink C.H., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2021), The developmental trajectory of empathy and its association with early symptoms of psychopathology in children with and without hearing loss, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 49(9): 1151-1164.
- Takamatsu R., Tsou Y., Kusumi T. & Rieffe C.J. (2021), The Japanese empathy questionnaire (EmQue) for preschool children: psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender, International Journal of Behavioral Development 45(5): 453-462.
- Broekhof E., Bos M.G.N. & Rieffe C.J. (2021), The roles of shame and guilt in the development of aggression in adolescents with and without hearing loss, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 49(7): 891-904.
- Blancas M., Wierenga S., Ribbens K., Rieffe C., Knoch H., Billib S. & Verschure P. (2021), Active learning in digital heritage: introducing geo-localisation, VR and AR at holocaust historical sites. In: , Digital holocaust memory, education and research. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 145-176.
- Rieffe C., Kamp S., Pentinga J., Becker M., van Klaveren L. & Blijd-Hoogewys E. (2021), Sociale inclusie en ASS op middelbare scholen, wat is er nodig?, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 20(3): 51-59.
- Straaten T.F.K. van der, Briaire J.J., Dirks E., Soede W., Rieffe C.J., Frijns & J.H.M. (2021), The school career of children with hearing loss in different primary educational settings: a large longitudinal nationwide study, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 26(3): 405-416.
- Broekhof E., Kouwenberg M., Oosterveld P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2020), Use of the brief shame and guilt questionnaire in deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, Assessment 27(1): 194-205.
- Samson A.C., Bedem N.P. van den, Dukes D. & Rieffe C.J. (2020), Positive aspects of emotional competence in preventing internalizing symptoms in children with and without developmental language disorder: a longitudinal approach, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50(4): 1159-1171.
- Eichengreen A., Broekhof E., Güroğlu B. & Rieffe C. (2020), Fairness decisions in children and early adolescents with and without hearing loss, Social Development 29(3): 888-902.
- Li B., Bos M.G.N., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C. (2020), Emotional functioning and the development of internalizing and externalizing problems in young boys with and without autism spectrum disorder, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 24(1): 200-210.
- Broekhof E., Kouwenberg M., Oosterveld P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2020), Use of the Brief Shame and Guilt Questionnaire in deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, Assessment 27(1): 194-205.
- Dirks E., Stevens A., Kok S., Frijns J. & Rieffe C. (2020), Talk with me! Parental linguistic input to toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Journal of Child Language 47(1): 186-204.
- Straaten T.F.K. van der, Rieffe C., Soede W., Netten A.P., Dirks E., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M., Dekker F.W., Bohringer S. & Frijns J.H.M. (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education: a longitudinal study, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128: 109701.
- Bedem N.P., Dockrell J.E., Alphen P.M. van & Rieffe C. (2020), Emotional competence mediates the relationship between communication problems and reactive externalizing problems in children with and without developmental language disorder: a longitudinal study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(16): 6008.
- Rieffe C., Pouw. L & Bos M. (2020), Een beetje boos is okay; emotie regulatie bij kinderen met autisme. In: Blijd-Hoogewys M., Bezemer M. & Mol A. (red.), Lifehacks voor meiden met autisme: Handige tips voor dagelijkse problemen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP. 91-94.
- Rieffe C. (2020), Wie is jour BFF? . In: Blijd-Hoogewys M., Bezemer M. & Mol A. (red.), Lifehacks voor meiden met autisme: Handige tips voor dagelijkse problemen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SWP. 45-49.
- Rieffe C.J., O’Connor R., Bülow A., Willems D., Hull L., Sedgewick F., Stockmann A.P.A.M. & Blijd-Hoogewys E. (2020), Quantity and quality of empathic responding by autistic and non-autistic adolescent girls and boys, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 25(1): 199-209.
- Veiga G., O’Connor R.A., Neto C. & Rieffe C.J. (2020), Rough-and-tumble play and the regulation of aggression in preschoolers, Early Child Development and Care : 1-13.
- Veiga G., O'Connor R., Neto C. & Rieffe C.J. (2020), Rough-and-tumble play and the regulation of aggression in preschoolers, Early Child Development and Care 192: 980-992.
- Novin S., Broekhof E. & Rieffe C.J. (2019), Bidirectional relationships between bullying, victimization and emotion experience in boys with and without autism, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 23(3): 796-800.
- Van den Bedem N.P., Willems D., Dockrell J.E., Van Alphen P.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2019), Interrelation between empathy and friendship development during (pre)adolescence and the moderating effect of developmental language disorder: A longitudinal study, Social Development 28(3): 599-619.
- Kruythoff-Broekman A., Wiefferink C., Rieffe C. & Uilenburg N. (2019), Parent-implemented early language intervention programme for late talkers: Parental communicative behaviour change and child language outcomes at 3 and 4 years of age, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 54(3): 451-464.
- Bedem N.P. van den, Willems D., Dockrell J.E., Alphen P.M. van & Rieffe C. (2019), Interrelation between empathy and friendship development during (pre)adolescence and the moderating effect of developmental language disorder: A longitudinal study, Social Development 28(3): 599-619.
- Dirks E. & Rieffe C. (2019), Are you there for me? Joint engagement and emotional availability in parent-child interactions for toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Ear and Hearing 40: 18-26.
- O'Connor R.A.G., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C. (2019), Spontaneous helping behavior of autistic and non-autistic (pre-)adolescents: A matter of motivation?, Autism Research 12(12): 1796-1804.
- Camodeca M. & Rieffe C. (2019), Lo sviluppo emotivo [Emotional development]. In: Gillibrand R., Lam V., O’Donnell V.L. & Tallandini M.A. (red.), Psicologia dello sviluppo [Developmental psychology]. Torino: Pearson Italia. 269-294.
- Gómez Maureira M.A., Kniestedt I., Duijn M.J. van, Rieffe C. & Plaat A. (2019), Shinobi Valley: Studying curiosity for virtual spatial exploration through a video game. Arnedo J. & Nacke L.E. (red.), CHI PLAY '19 Extended Abstracts: Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts. CHI Play'19. Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction 22 oktober 2019 - 25 oktober 2019: Association for Computing Machinery. 421–428.
- Dahamat Azam N., Novin S., Oosterveld P. & Rieffe C. (2019), Aggression in Malaysian adolescents: Validation of the IRPA self-report to measure reactive and proactive aggression, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16(2): 225-235.
- Veiga G., Oosterveld P., Fernandes J. & Rieffe C. (2019), Validation of the Portuguese emotion awareness questionnaire for children and adolescents, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16(2): 215-224.
- Silva B.M.S da, Veiga G. & Rieffe C. (2018), A review on playground behaviors - the case of children with hearing loss. In: Rodrigues P., Rebolo A., Vieira F., Dias A. & Silva L. (red.), Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança. Lisbon: Edições Piaget. 305-310.
- Broekhof E., Bos M.G.N., Camodeca M. & Rieffe C.J. (2018), Longitudinal associations between bullying and emotions in deaf and hard of hearing adolescents, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 23(1): 17-27.
- Novin S., Bos M.G.N., Stevenson C.E. & Rieffe C.J. (2018), Adolescents' responses to online peer conflict: How self-evaluation and ethnicity matter, Infant and Child Development 27(2): e2067.
- Veiga G. & Rieffe C. (2018), Monitoring children’s behaviors in their natural settings: Applying RFID sensors to study child development, SAGE Research Methods Cases 2: .
- Van den Bedem N.P., Dockrell J.E., Van Alphen P.M., De Rooij M.J., Samson A.C., Harjunen E.L. & Rieffe C.J. (2018), Depressive symptoms and emotion regulation strategies in children with and without developmental language disorder: a longitudinal study, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 53(6): 1110-1123.
- Bos M.G.N., Diamantopoulou S., Stockmann L., Begeer S. & Rieffe C.J. (2018), Emotion Control Predicts Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Boys With and Without an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48(8): 2727-2739.
- Rieffe C., Broekhof E., Eichengreen A., Kouwenberg M., Veiga G., Da Silva B.M.S., Van der Laan A. & Frijns J.H.M. (2018), Friendship and emotion control in pre-adolescents with or without hearing loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 23(3): 209-218.
- Netten A.P., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L., Soede W., Gadow K.D. & Frijns J.H.M. (2018), Terrible Twos or Early Signs of Psychopathology? Developmental Patterns in Early Identified Preschoolers With Cochlear Implants Compared With Hearing Controls, Ear and Hearing 39(3): 495-502.
- Van den Bedem N.P., Dockrell J.E., Alphen P.M. van, Kalicharan S.V. & Rieffe C. (2018), Victimization, bullying, and emotional competence: Longitudinal associations in (pre)adolescents with and without Developmental Language Disorder, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61(8): 2028-2044.
- Van Hoorn J. & Rieffe C. (2018), Beïnvloeding van sociaal gedrag bij adolescenten met autisme, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 17(1): .
- Veiga G., Ketelaar L., Leng W. de, De Gouveia da Costa Cachucho R.E., Kok J.N., Knobbe A.J., Neto C. & Rieffe C. (2017), Social Competence at the Playground: Preschoolers During Recess. Infant and Child Development, Infant and Child Development 26(1): e1957.
- Veiga G., Ketelaar L., De Leng W., Cachucho R., Kok J.N., Knobbe A.J., Neto C. & Rieffe C. (2017), Alone at the Playground, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 14(1): 44-61.
- Hoorn J. van, Dijk E. van, Crone E.A., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C. (2017), Peers influence prosocial behaviour in adolescent males with autism spectrum disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47(7): 2225-2237.
- Overgaauw S., Rieffe C.J., Broekhof E., Crone E.A.M. & Güroğlu B. (2017), Assessing Empathy across Childhood and Adolescence: Validation of the Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (EmQue-CA), Frontiers in Psychology 8(870): 1-9.
- Laugen N.J., Jacobsen K.H., Rieffe C.J. & Wichstrom L. (2017), Emotion understanding in preschool children with mild-to-severe hearing loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22(2): 155-163.
- Laugen N.J., Jacobsen K.H., Rieffe C.J. & Wichstrom L. (2017), Social skills in preschool children with unilateral and mild bilateral hearing loss, Deafness & Education International 19(2): 54-62.
- Ketelaar L., Wiefferink C.H., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C.J. (2017), Children with cochlear implants and their parents: relations between parenting style and children's social-emotional functioning, Ear and Hearing 38(3): 321-331.
- Netten A.P., Rieffe C.J., Soede W., Dirks E., Korver A.M.H., Konings S., Briaire J.J., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M., Dekker F.W. & Frijns J.H.M. (2017), Can you hear what I think? Theory of mind in young children with moderate hearing loss, Ear and Hearing 38(5): 588-597.
- Dirks E., Ketelaar L., Van der Zee R., Netten A.P., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2017), Concern for others: A study on empathy in toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22(2): 178-186.
- Rieffe C.J. & Wiefferink C.H. (2017), Happy faces, sad faces: emotion understanding in toddlers and preschoolers with language impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities 62: 40-49.
- Netten A.P., Dekker F.W., Rieffe C.J., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2017), Missing data in the field of otorhinolaryngology and head & neck surgery: need for improvement, Ear and Hearing 38(1): 1-6.
- Grazzani I., Ornaghi V., Pepe A., Brazzelli E. & Rieffe C. (2017), The Italian version of the Empathy Questionnaire for 18-to 36-months-old children: psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender of the EmQue-I13, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 14(1): 118-126.
- Rieffe C.J., Bülow A., Willems D., Blijd-Hoogewys E. & Stockmann L. (2017), Meisjes met autisme, hoe empathisch zijn ze?, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 16(2): 2-14.
- Rieffe C., Broekhof E., Kouwenberg M., Faber J., Tsutsui M.M. & Güroğlu B. (2016), Disentangling proactive and reactive aggression in children using self-report, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 13(4): 439-451.
- Dirks E., Uilenburg N. & Rieffe C. (2016), Parental stress among parents of toddlers with moderate hearing loss, Research in Developmental Disabilities 55: 27-36.
- Rieffe C. & Camodeca M. (2016), Empathy in adolescence: Relations with emotion awareness and social roles, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 34(3): 340-353.
- Van Hoorn J., Van Dijk E., Meuwese R., Rieffe C. & Crone E.A. (2016), Peer influence on prosocial behavior in adolescence, Journal of Research on Adolescence 26(1): 90-100.
- Netten A.P., Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Soede W., Dirks E., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2016), Baja empatía en (Pre)Adolescentes sordos e hipoacúsicos comparados con pares normoyentes, Revista Integración 78: 10-24.
- Laugen N.J., Jacobsen K.H., Rieffe C. & Wichstrom L. (2016), Predictors of psychosocial outcomes in hard-of-hearing preschool children, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 21(3): 259-267.
- Veiga G., Neto C. & Rieffe C. (2016), Preschoolers’ free play: Connections with emotional and social functioning, International Journal of Emotional Education 8(1): 48-62.
- Rieffe C., Dirks E., Vlerken W. van & Veiga G. (2016), The empathic mind in children with communication impairments: The case of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH); children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); and children with Specific Language Impairments (SLI). In: Slaughter V. & Rosnay M. de (red.), Theory of mind development in context. Hove, Uk: Psychology Press. 106-120.
- Rieffe C., Pouw L. & Bos M. (2016), Een beetje boos is okay; emotie regulatie bij kinderen, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 15(4): 154-158.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Soede W., Briaire J.J., Ketelaar L., Kouwenberg M. & Frijns J.H.M. (2015), Symptoms of psychopathology in hearing-impaired children, Ear and Hearing 36(4): e190-198.
- Ketelaar L., Wiefferink C.H., Frijns J.H.M., Broekhof E. & Rieffe C. (2015), Preliminary findings on associations between moral emotions and social behavior in young children with normal hearing and with cochlear implants, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 24(11): 1369-1380.
- Rieffe C., Netten A.P., Broekhof E. & Veiga G. (2015), The role of the environment in children's emotion socialization: The case of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.. In: Knoors H. & Marschark M. (red.), Educating deaf learners: Creating a global evidence base. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. 369-388.
- Netten A.P., Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Soede W., Dirks E., Korver A.M.H., Konings S., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M., Dekker F.W. & Frijns J.H.M. (2015), Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 79(12): 2221-2226.
- Novin S. & Rieffe C. (2015), Validation of the brief Shame and Guilt Questionnaire for children, Personality and Individual Differences 85: 56-59.
- Netten A.P., Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Soede W., Dirks E., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2015), Low empathy in deaf and hard of hearing (pre)adolescents compared to normal hearing controls, PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124102.
- Schmitz E.A., Banerjee R., Pouw L.B.C., Stockmann L. & Rieffe C. (2015), Better to be equal? Challenges to equality for cognitively able children with autism spectrum disorders in a social decision game, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 19(2): 178-186.
- Broekhof E., Ketelaar L., Stockmann L., Van Zijp A., Bos M.G.N. & Rieffe C. (2015), The understanding of intentions, desires and beliefs in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45(7): 2035-2045.
- Rieffe C., Bedem N.P. van den, Zee R. van der & Wiefferink K. (2015), Gedachtenlezen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis, FOSS taal (2): .
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Kouwenberg M., De Raeve L.J., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2014), Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: The influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 23(4): 187-196.
- Rieffe C., De Bruine M., De Rooij M. & Stockmann L. (2014), Approach and avoidant emotion regulation prevent depressive symptoms in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 39: 37-43.
- Rieffe C. (2014), La regulación emocional infantil en contexto social (Children's emotion regulation in a social context). In: González R. & Villanueva L. (red.), Emociones y bienestar en el desarrollo humano (Emotions and well-being in human development ). Valencia: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia. 125-150.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Netten A.P., Briaire J.J., Soede W., Schoones J.W. & Frijns J.H.M. (2014), Psychopathology and its risk and protective factors in hearing-impaired children and adolescents a systematic review, JAMA Pediatrics 168(2): 170-177.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Netten A.P., Briaire J.J., Soede W., Kouwenberg M. & Frijns J.H.M. (2014), Self-esteem in hearing-impaired children: The influence of communication, education, and audiological characteristics, PLoS ONE 9(4): e94521.
- Overgaauw S., Güroğlu B., Rieffe C. & Crone E.A. (2014), Behavior and Neural Correlates of Empathy in Adolescents, Developmental Neuroscience 36(3-4): 210-219.
- Pouw L.B.C., Rieffe C., Oosterveld P., Huskens B. & Stockmann A.P.A.M. (2013), Reactive/proactive aggression and affective/cognitive empathy in children with ASD, Research in Developmental Disabilities 34(4): 1256-1266.
- Ketelaar L., Rieffe C., Wiefferink C.H. & Frijns J.H.M. (2013), Social competence and empathy in young children with cochlear implants and with normal hearing, Laryngoscope 123(2): 518-523.
- Broekhof E., Ketelaar L., Wiefferink K. & Rieffe C. (2013), De ontwikkeling van empathie bij kinderen met gehoorverlies, Van Horen Zeggen 54(5): 10-13.
- Pouw L.B.C., Rieffe C., Stockmann A.P.A.M. & Gadow K.D. (2013), The link between emotion regulation, social functioning, and depression in boys with ASD, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7(4): 549-556.
- Camodeca M. & Rieffe C. (2013), Validation of the Italian Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children and adolescents, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 10(3): 402-409.
- Wiefferink C.H., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L., De Raeve L. & Frijns J.H.M. (2013), Emotion understanding in deaf children with a cochlear implant, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 18(2): 175-186.
- Kouwenberg M., Rieffe C. & Banerjee R. (2013), Developmetrics A balanced and short Best Friend Index for children and young adolescents, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 10(5): 634-641.
- Kouwenberg M., Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M. & De Rooij M.J. (2012), Peer victimization experienced by children and adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing, PLoS ONE 7(12): e52174.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Kouwenberg M., Raeve L. de, Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2012), Anxiety in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants, compared to normally hearing controls, Laryngoscope 122: 654-659.
- Rieffe C. & De Rooij M.J. (2012), The longitudinal relationship between emotion awareness and internalising symptoms during late childhood, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 21(6): 349-356.
- Kouwenberg M., Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M. & Oosterveld P. (2012), Pathways underlying somatic complaints in children and adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 17: 319-332.
- Wiefferink C.H. & Rieffe C. (2012), De gevolgen van ernstige spraak-/taalmoelijkheden voor het sociaal-emotioneel functioneren: Een overzicht van de literatuur, Logopedie en Fonometrie 2: 40-44.
- Rieffe C., Theunissen S.C.P.M. & Kouwenberg M. (2012), Depressieve symptomen bij jongeren met gehoorverlies; samenhang met inzicht in eigen en andermans emoties, Van Horen Zeggen, periodiek van de VEDON en de VeBOSS 53(3): 10-18.
- Harris P.L., Rieffe C. & Aken M.A.G. van (2012), Editorial introduction: The social cognition of Willem Koops, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9(3): 291-294.
- Mishra V.S., Maudgal S., Theunissen S.C.P.M. & Rieffe C. (2012), Alexithymia in children with cancer and their siblings, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72(4): 266-268.
- Gadow K.D., Guttmann-Steinmetz S., Rieffe C. & DeVincent C.J. (2012), Depression symptoms in boys with autism spectrum disorder and comparison samples, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42(7): 1353-1363.
- Ketelaar L., Rieffe C., Wiefferink C.H. & Frijns J.H.M. (2012), Does hearing lead to understanding? Theory of mind in toddlers and preschoolers with cochlear implants, Journal of Pediatric Psychology 37(9): 1041-1050.
- Rieffe C. (2012), Awareness and regulation of emotions in deaf children, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 30(4): 477-492.
- Novin S., Banerjee R. & Rieffe C. (2012), Bicultural adolescents' anger regulation: In between two cultures?, Cognition and Emotion 26(4): 577-586.
- Rieffe C., Camodeca M., Pouw L.B.C., Lange A.M.C. & Stockmann L. (2012), Don't anger me! Bullying, victimization, and emotion dysregulation in young adolescents with ASD, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9(3): 351-370.
- Wiefferink C.H., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L. & Frijns J.H.M. (2012), Predicting social functioning in children with a cochlear implant and in normal-hearing children: The role of emotion regulation, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 76: 883-889.
- Novin S. & Rieffe C. (2012), Anger communication in bicultural adolescents, Journal of Research on Adolescence 22(1): 80-88.
- Lahaye M., Mikolajczak M., Rieffe C., Villanueva L., Van Broeck N., Bodart E. & Luminet O. (2011), Cross-validation of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children in three populations, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 29: 418-427.
- Van Zijp A., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L., Kok S. & Stockmann L. (2011), Gedeelde smart? Empathie bij jonge kinderen met autisme, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 10: 65-74.
- Kouwenberg M., Rieffe C. & Theunissen S.C.P.M. (2011), Intrapersonal and Interpersonal factors related to self-reported symptoms of depression in DHH youth, International Journal of Mental Health and Deafness 1(1): 46-57.
- Rieffe C., Wiefferink C.H., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Kouwenberg M. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), The own and others' emotions in adolescents with CI or hearing aids, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 5.
- Wiefferink C.H., Ketelaar L. & Rieffe C. (2011), Emotion recognition in young children with CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 62-63.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Kouwenberg M., Rieffe C., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Depression and social anxiety in youth with cochlear implants, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 61.
- Otten A.J.C., Ketelaar L., Rieffe C. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Joint attention and intention understanding in young children with a CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 72-73.
- Vermeij B.A.M., Wiefferink C.H., Ketelaar L. & Rieffe C. (2011), Empathy in toddlers with a cochlear implant, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(S1): 70.
- Kouwenberg M., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Soede W., Briaire J.J., Rieffe C. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Somatic complaints in youth with CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 62.
- Kouwenberg M., Theunissen S.C.P.M., Briaire J.J., Soede W., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2011), Friends and bullies of youth with implants, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 66.
- Kok S., Otten A.J.C., Ketelaar L., Frijns J.H.M. & Rieffe C. (2011), Testing emotional development in young children with CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 62.
- Ketelaar L., Rieffe C., Wiefferink C.H., Kok S., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Understanding other people: Theory of mind in young children with a CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 62.
- Rieffe C., Pouw L., Schnetz V., Van Zijp A. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2011), Sociale angst bij hoogfunctionerende jongens met Autismespectrumstoornis, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 10: 4-11.
- Rieffe C., Oosterveld P., Meerum Terwogt M., Mootz S., Van Leeuwen E. & Stockmann L. (2011), Emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 15: 655-670.
- Andreou E., Rieffe C., Ketelaar L., Wiefferink C.H. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Social emotions in young children with CI, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 63.
- Begeer S., Banerjee R., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Potharst E., Stegge H. & Koot H.M. (2011), The understanding and self-reported use of emotional display rules in children with autism spectrum disorders, Cognition and Emotion 25: 947-956.
- Theunissen S.C.P.M., Rieffe C., Kouwenberg M., Soede W., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2011), Depression in hearing-impaired children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(10): 1313-1317.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Westenberg P.M. (2011), Children's sense of coherence and trait emotional intelligence: A longitudinal study exploring the development of somatic complaints, Psychology & Health 26(3): 307-320.
- Novin S., Rieffe C., Banerjee R.A., Miers A.C. & Cheung J. (2011), Anger response styles in Chinese and Dutch children: A socio-cultural perspective on anger regulation, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 29(4): 806-822.
- Ketelaar L., Rieffe C., Otten-Koens J.C., Frijns J.H.M., Wiefferink C.H., Zijp A. van & Stockmann A.P.A.M. (2010), Social emotions in deaf children with a cochlear implant between one and five years of age, Cochlear Implants International 11(S1): 315-318.
- Begeer S., Meerum Terwogt M., Rieffe C., Stegge H., Olthof T. & Koot H.M. (2010), Understanding emotional transfer in children with autism spectrum disorders, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 14(6): 629-640.
- Rieffe C., Ketelaar L. & Wiefferink C.H. (2010), Assessing empathy in young children: Construction and validation of an Empathy Questionnaire (EmQue), Personality and Individual Differences 49(5): 362-367.
- Wright M., Banerjee R.A., Hoek N.W., Rieffe C. & Novin S. (2010), Depression and social anxiety in children: Differential links with coping strategies, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 38(3): 405-419.
- Rieffe C., Oosterveld P., Meerum Terwogt M., Novin S., Nasiri H. & Latifian M. (2010), Relationship between alexithymia, mood and internalizing symptoms in children and young adolescents: Evidence from an Iranian sample, Personality and Individual Differences 48(4): 425-430.
- Novin S., Rieffe C. & Mo T.J.H. (2010), The role of situational goals and audience on self-reported emotion experience and expression: Dutch and South Korean children compared, Infant and Child Development 19(4): 406-421.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), Do I feel sadness, fear or both? Comparing self-reported alexithymia and emotional task-performance in children with many or few somatic complaints, Psychology & Health 24(8): 881-893.
- Novin S. & Rieffe C. (2009), Boosheid onder vrienden bij autochtoon-Nederlandse en Marokkaans-Nederlandse kinderen: intensiteit, uitingsvormen en gevolgen, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 30: 168-180.
- Novin S., Banerjee R.A., Dadkhah A. & Rieffe C. (2009), Self-reported use of emotional display rules in the Netherlands and Iran: Evidence for sociocultural influence, Social Development 18(2): 397-411.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), Lichamelijke klachten bij kinderen: Vindt er bekrachtiging plaats door positieve ouderreacties?, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 30: 24-35.
- Rieffe C., Kouwenberg M., Scheper I., Wiefferink C.H. & Smit C. (2009), Inzicht in de eigen emoties bij dove kinderen, Van Horen Zeggen, periodiek van de VEDON en de VeBOSS 50: 10-14.
- Rieffe C., Villanueva L., Adrian G.E. & Gorriz A.B. (2009), Somatic complaints, mood states, and emotional awareness in adolescents, Psicothema 21(3): 459-464.
- Nasiri H., Latifian M. & Rieffe C. (2009), Alexithymia and its relationship with physical complaints and emotional competency in children and adolescents, Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 15(3): 248-257.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Westenberg P.M. (2008), Do parents reinforce somatic complaints in their children?, Health Psychology 27(2): 280-285.
- Colonnesi C., Rieffe C., Koops W. & Perucchini P. (2008), Precursors of a theory of mind: A longitudinal study, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 26(4): 561-577.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2008), My peers, my friend, and I: Peer interactions and somatic complaints in boys and girls, Social Science & Medicine 66(11): 2195-2205.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Jellesma F.C. (2008), Emotional competence and health in children. In: Vingerhoets A.J.J.M., Nyklíček I. & Denollet J. (red.), Emotion regulation: Conceptual and clinical issues. New York: Springer. 184-201.
- Begeer S., Koot H.M., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Stegge H. (2008), Diagnostiek en ontwikkeling van emotionele vaardigheden bij kinderen met autisme. In: Didden R. & Huskens B. (red.), Begeleiding van kinderen en jongeren met autisme: Van onderzoek naar praktijk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghem. 84-101.
- Mavroveli S., Petrides K.V., Rieffe C. & Bakker F. (2008), Trait emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and peer-rated social competence in adolescence. In: Cassady J.C. & Mourad A.E. (red.), Emotional intelligence: Perspectives on educational and positive psychology. New York: Peter Lang Pubishing Inc.. 47-62.
- Olthof T., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Lalay-Cederburg C., Reijntjes A.H.A. & Hagenaar J. (2008), The assignment of moral status: Age-related differences in the use of three mental capacity criteria, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 26: 233-247.
- Begeer S., Banerjee R.A., Lunenburg P., Meerum Terwogt M., Stegge H. & Rieffe C. (2008), Brief report: Self-presentation of children with autism spectrum disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders : 1187-1191.
- Rieffe C., Oosterveld P., Miers A.C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Ly V. (2008), Emotion awareness and internalising symptoms in children and adolescents: The Emotion Awareness Questionnaire revised, Personality and Individual Differences 45(8): 756-761.
- Begeer S., Koot H.M., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Stegge H. (2008), Emotional competence in children with autism: Diagnostic criteria and empirical evidence, Developmental Review 28(3): 342-369.
- Garnefski N., Rieffe C., Jellesma F.C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Kraaij V. (2007), Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems in 9-11-year-old children. The development of an instrument, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 16(1): 1-9.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Bosch J.D., Kneepkens C.M.F., Douwes A.C. & Jellesma F.C. (2007), Interaction between emotions and somatic complaints in children who did or did not seek medical care, Cognition and Emotion 21(8): 1630-1646.
- Begeer S., Koot H.M., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Stegge H. (2007), Emotionele competentie van kinderen met autisme spectrum stoornissen, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 2007(1): 4-22.
- Mavroveli S., Petrides K.V., Rieffe C. & Bakker F. (2007), Trait emotional intelligence, psychological well-being and peer-rated social competence in adolescence, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(2): 263-275.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Kotronopoulou K. (2007), Awareness of single and multiple emotions in high-functioning children with autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 37(3): 455-465.
- Miers A.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Linden W. (2007), The relation between anger coping strategies, anger mood and somatic complaints in children and adolescents, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35(4): 653-664.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2007), The Somatic Complaint List: Validation of a self-report questionnaire assessing somatic complaints in children, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63(4): 399-401.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Petrides K.V., Cowan R., Miers A.C. & Tolland A. (2007), Psychometric properties of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children, Personality and Individual Differences 43(1): 95-105.
- Begeer S., Meerum Terwogt M., Rieffe C., Stegge H. & Koot H.M. (2007), Do children with autism acknowledge the influence of mood on behaviour?, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 11(6): 503-521.
- Lunenburg P., Begeer S., Meerum Terwogt M., Stegge H. & Rieffe C. (2006), Zelpresentatie bij kinderen met autisme, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 2: 52-58.
- Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2006), Anger communication in deaf children, Cognition and Emotion 20(8): 1261-1273.
- Banerjee R.A., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Gerlein A.M. & Voutsina M. (2006), Popular and rejected children's reasoning regarding negative emotions in social situations: The role of gender, Social Development 15(3): 418-433.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2006), Do nonproductive thoughts contribute to more somatic complaints in children?, Psychology & Health 21(Suppl): 72-73.
- Novin S. & Rieffe C. (2006), Het ervaren en uiten van emoties door Marokkaans-Nederlandse en autochtoon-Nederlandse kinderen, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 27: 169-179.
- Rieffe C., Oosterveld P. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2006), An alexithymia questionnaire for children: Factorial and concurrent validation results, Personality and Individual Differences 40(1): 123-133.
- Meerum Terwogt M., Rieffe C., Miers A.C., Jellesma F.C. & Tolland A. (2006), Emotions and self-esteem as indicators of somatic complaints in children, Infant and Child Development 15(6): 581-592.
- Begeer S., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Stockmann A.P.A.M. (2006), Attention to facial emotion expressions in children with autism, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 10(1): 37-51.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Kneepkens C.M.F. (2006), Somatic complaints and health care use in children: Mood, emotion awareness and sense of coherence, Social Science & Medicine 63(10): 2640-2648.
- Jellesma F.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Bosch J.D., Kneepkens C.M.F. & Kindermann A. (2006), Emotioneel functioneren van kinderen met lichamelijke klachten, Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 3: 139-150.
- Jellesma F.C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Rieffe C. (2006), De Nederlandstalige sense of coherence vragenlijst voor kinderen, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 34: 18-26.
- Rieffe C., Villanueva L. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2005), The use of trait information in the attribution of intentions by popular, average and rejected children, Infant and Child Development 14: 1-10.
- Jellesma F.C., Meerum Terwogt M., Reijntjes A.H.A., Rieffe C. & Stegge H. (2005), De vragenlijst Non-Productieve Denkprocessen voor Kinderen (NPDK): Piekeren en Rumineren, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 26: 368-378.
- Rieffe C., Potharst E.S., Meerum Terwogt M., Begeer S., Stockmann A.P.A.M. & Cowan R. (2005), Expressie van emoties bij hoogfunctionerende kinderen met autisme, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 26(2): 214-226.
- Adrián JE, Clemente RE, Villanueva L & Rieffe C. (2005), Parent-child picture-book reading, mothers¿ mental state language and children¿s theory of mind, Journal of Child Language 32(3): 673-686.
- Begeer S., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Stockmann A.P.A.M. (2005), Begrip en gebruik van sociaal-emotionele regels bij kinderen met autisme spectrum stoornissen, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 26: 181-194.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Cowan R. (2005), Children's understanding of mental states as causes of emotions, Infant and Child Development 14(3): 259-272.
- Begeer S., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2004), Eclairage sur le comportement à partir des états émotionnels chez les enfants avec autism, Bulletin Scientifique de l¿ARAPI 12: 21-24.
- Begeer S., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2004), Sociaal-emotionele competentie van normaal intelligente kinderen met autisme. In: Vyt A., Aken M.A.G. van, Bosch J.D., Gaag R.J. van der & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (red.), Jaarboek ontwikkelingspsychologie, orthopedagogiek en kinderpsychiatrie deel 6. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 252-275.
- Meerum Terwogt M. & Rieffe C. (2004), Deaf children¿s use of beliefs and desires in negotiation, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 9: 27-38.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Bosch J.D. (2004), Emotional awareness and somatic complaints in children, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 1: 31-47.
- Meerum Terwogt M. & Rieffe C. (2004), Behavioural problems in deaf children: Theory of Mind delay or communication failure?, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 2: 231-240.
- Begeer S., Rieffe C. & Meerum Terwogt M. (2004), Onderkennen kinderen met autisme de invloed van stemming op gedrag?, Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme 1: 4-16.
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