Vincent Delhomme
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. V.N. Delhomme
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-9788-0344

Vincent Delhomme is Assistant professor of EU Law at the Europa Institute, Leiden Law School since 1 May 2023. He coordinates the activities of the Leiden University Europe Hub on behalf of Leiden Law School. Between 2022 and 2024, Vincent was Visiting professor at UCLouvain, Belgium, and College of Europe, Belgium. Vincent researches and offers expert advice in the fields of EU internal market law, EU health law and food law.
More information about Vincent Delhomme
Vincent Delhomme is Assistant professor of EU Law at the Europa Institute, Leiden Law School since 1 May 2023. Between 2022 and 2024, Vincent was Visiting professor at UCLouvain, Belgium, and College of Europe, Belgium. Vincent obtained a PhD in law from UCLouvain (2023), with a dissertation entitled ‘Regulating lifestyle risks in EU law: Promoting health in a diverse market’.
Vincent teaches various courses at bachelor’s and master’s level, mostly focused on EU internal market law and the free movement of persons. He also coaches the Leiden teams for the European Law Moot Court. He coordinates the activities of the Leiden University Europe Hub on behalf of the Leiden Law School.
Vincent researches and publishes in the fields of EU internal market law (fundamental freedoms of movement, harmonisation), EU health law (EU Health Union, non-communicable diseases, lifestyle determinants, crisis management) and food law (nutrition, sustainable food systems). In 2024, he was awarded, together with Dr. Darinka Piqani, a Starter Grant from Leiden Law School, with a research project entitled ‘Squaring the circle? Reimagining the internal market (for food) in light of the EU’s sustainability challenges’ (2025-2029).
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Consumer Law and Case Commentary Editor of the European Journal of Risk Regulation. Vincent is a contributor to the Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law and a member of the Food Law Academics Network.
Vincent provides consulting services and expertise to public administrations, including the European Commission. He contributed to the evaluation of the Tobacco Products Directive and to the study on the effectiveness of health information on alcoholic beverages. He is also the co-author of a report on the Climate and Energy Union, commissioned by the European Parliament.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Delhomme V.N. & Piqani D. (4 March 2025), Rethinking the EU’s food market. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Hervey T., Fyfe A. & Delhomme V.N. (2024), Management of the European Union's (internal and external) borders during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Flood C.M., Chen Y.Y.B., Deonandan R., Halabi S. & Thériault S. (Eds.), Pandemics, public health, and the regulation of borders: lessons from COVID-19. London: Routledge. 65-78.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (2024), Tax legislation on short-term rentals and obligations of intermediation services providers: Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK, Common Market Law Review 61(1): 195-222.
- Delhomme V.N. (2024), Minimum harmonization, experimentation and the internal market: balancing unity and diversity in the regulation of lifestyle-related health risks. In: Brink T. van den & Passalacqua V. (Eds.), Balancing Unity and Diversity in EU Legislation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 194-210.
- Schebesta H., Alessandrini M., Cazzini F., Rolandi S., Hillesheim A., Vos E., Helmlinger M., Calo A., Mezzacapo E., Delhomme V.N., Fortin N., Milian Gomez J., Macchi C., Tracz M., Coli F., Paganizza V., Vanuzzo M., Jager C. de & Pierson-Brown T. (2024), The future of food law: synopsis article and research agenda, Rivista di Diritto Alimentare 18(1): 62-81.
- Delhomme V.N. (2024), New EU rules on registration and data sharing [in] the short-term accommodation rental market, EU Law Live (Weekend Edition) 190: 1-8.
- Delhomme V.N. (31 July 2024), Narrowing the Scope of Free Movement Restrictions? (C-598/22 – Società Italiana Imprese Balneari). EU Law Live. [blog entry].
- Delhomme V.N. (2024), Rethinking consumer empowerment: new directions for sustainable food law in an era of EU discontent, European Journal of Risk Regulation 15(2 - Special Issue on the Future of Food Law): 232-252.
- Delhomme V.N. (2024), The legality of Covid-19 travel restrictions in an ‘area without internal frontiers’: Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) 5 December 2023, Case C-128/22, Nordic Info, European Constitutional Law Review 20(2): 307-328.
- Delhomme V.N. (18 November 2024), Purely internal Situations and Proportionality in free Movement cases (C-16/23, FA.RO. di YK & C.). EU Law Live. [blog entry].
- Cuyvers A., Delhomme V.N., Kukovica E., Mulcahy S.M., Piqani D. & Reijgwart C.N.I. (2024), Towards a Climate and Energy Union: The constitutional basis for a sustainable transformation. Brussels: Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs Directorate-General for Internal Policies.
- Delhomme V.N. (2023), Tobacco Composition: [last updated January 2023]. In: , The Oxford Encylopedia of EU Law [OEEUL]. The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Delhomme V.N. (2023), Tobacco Packaging and Labelling: [last updated January 2023]. In: , The Oxford Encylopedia of EU Law [OEEUL]. The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Delhomme V.N. (2023), Tobacco as a Health Threat: [last updated: January 2023]. In: , The Oxford Encylopedia of EU Law [OEEUL]. The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Delhomme V.N. (2023), Gambling as a Health Threat: [last updated: January 2023]. In: , The Oxford Encylopedia of EU Law [OEEUL]. The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Delhomme V.N. (2 June 2023), Regulating lifestyle risks in EU law: promoting health in a diverse market (Dissertatie, Faculty of Law, UCLouvain). Supervisor(s): Sibony A.-L.
- Nestoras. A. & Delhomme V.N. (2023), Reducing substance-related harm: The EU needs to embrace harm reduction. European Liberal Forum - Research Paper no. 4. European Liberal Forum. [discussion paper].
- Delhomme V.N. (2023), Compte-rendu de la rencontre avec les autorités (28 mars 2023, Bruxelles) organisée par BFSO Legal, l’Association belge pour le droit alimentaire: Gestion des crises et incidents, durabilité et protection des consommateurs dans le secteur alimentaire, Food Science & Law 2023(3): 106-112.
- Delhomme V.N. & Hervey T. (2023), The European Union’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and (the legitimacy of) the Union’s legal order, Yearbook of European Law 41(2022): 48-82.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (23 January 2023), Member States may require short-term accommodation rental platforms to provide data and withhold tax: airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK (C-83/21). EU Law Live. [blog entry].
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (2022), Regulating composite platform economy services: examining the applicable legal framework in light of recent judicial developments, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 49(1): 43-70.
- Delhomme V.N. (2022), Origin labelling, food nationalism, and the EU: better information to consumers or single market fragmentation?, Future Europe Journal 1(1): 105-114.
- Delhomme V.N. (6 October 2022), Tax measures in the gambling sector and the outer limits of Article 49 TFEU (Joined Cases C-475/20 to C-482/20 –Admiral Gaming Network). EU Law Live. [blog entry].
- Delhomme V.N. & Jan B. (2022), Achat « local » et libre circulation des produits alimentaires: quelle prise en compte de l’impératif environnemental dans le marché intérieur européen?, Annales de Droit de Louvain 2022(1): 157-174.
- Delhomme V.N. (2021), Front-of-pack nutrition labelling in the European Union: a behavioural, legal and political analysis, European Journal of Risk Regulation 12(4): 825-848.
- Delhomme V.N. (2021), Information nutritionnelle et indication d’origine dans la stratégie européenne « De la ferme à la table »: un nouveau cap dans la protection du consommateur?, Droit de la Consommation = Consumentenrecht 2021(3): 3-26.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (2021), Affaire Publicité et vente de médicaments en ligne (C-649/18, A): la libéralisation de la publicité pour les professionnels de santé se poursuit, Revue Européenne de droit de la consommation = European Journal of Consumer Law 2021(1): 131-142.
- Delhomme V.N. (2021), Les modes de vie sains: réflexions sur un champ émergent du droit de l'Union européenne. In: Blumann C. & Picod F. (Eds.), Annuaire de droit de l'Union européenne 2020. Paris: Editions Panthéon-Assas. 259-276.
- Delhomme V.N. (2020), Emancipating health from the internal market: for a stronger EU (Legislative) competence in public health, European Journal of Risk Regulation 11(4 - Special issue "Beyond COVID-19: Towards a European Health Union"): 747-756.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (2020), Regulating composite platform economy services: the state-of-play after Airbnb Ireland, European Papers 5(1): 411-428.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (4 December 2020), Member States may subject the activity of ride-hailing platforms in their territory to prior authorisation: Star Taxi App (C-62/19). EU Law Live. [blog entry].
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (30 October 2020), Digital Platforms Should Contribute to the Enforcement of Sector-Specific Regulations. Promarket: George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State. [blog entry].
- Hillion C.A.P. & Delhomme V. (2019), EU Enlargement, Extra-Territorial Application of EU Law and the International Dimension. In: Govaere I. & Garben S. (Eds.), The Interface Between EU and International Law: Contemporary Reflections. Modern Studies in European Law. London: Hart Publishing. 229-242.
- Delhomme V.N. (2019), The ban on tobacco for oral use upheld by the Court of Justice: on subsidiarity and proportionality in EU lifestyle risks policy, European Journal of Risk Regulation 10(1): 227-235.
- Chapuis-Doppler A. & Delhomme V.N. (2019), Non-discrimination and free movement in a Member State to Member State fiscal dispute: case C-591/17 Austria v. Germany, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 26(6): 849-858.
- Decoster F., Delhomme V.N. & Rousselle J. (2019), The Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament: an evolving relationship?. In: Costa O. (Ed.), The European Parliament in times of EU Crisis: dynamics and transformations. European Administrative Governance. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 99-118.
- Delhomme V.N. & Larripa L. (22 November 2018), C-416/17 Commission v France: failure of a Member State to fulfil its obligations under Article 267(3) TFEU. European Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Delhomme V.N. (2018), Between Market Integration and Public Health: The Paradoxical EU Competence to Regulate Tobacco Consumption College of Europe - Research Paper in Law no. 01/2018. Bruges: College of Europe. [Working paper].
- Delhomme V.N. (2018), Smoke-free environments: the missing link in EU anti-tobacco policy CEPOB - College of Europe Policy Brief no. 8.18. Bruges: College of Europe. [Policy Brief].
- Delhomme V.N. (2017), Internal Market as an Excuse: The Case of EU Anti-Tobacco Legislation College of Europe - Case Notes no. 02/2017. Bruges: College of Europe. [Working paper].
- Visiting Professor