Vincent Delhomme and Carina Van Os on 'The European Health Union'
On 1 and 2 December 2022, Vincent Delhomme and Carina van Os participated (Europe Institute) in the workshop ‘The European Health Union - Setup, challenges and global outlook’, held at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. Vincent had the opportunity to present his research on EU prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and Carina to discuss her early PhD plans with the participants.

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Commission presented its plan for the building of a European Health Union, with the aim to improve the common response to health crises and the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer. One of the measures adopted is a new Regulation on serious cross-border threats to health and the creation of the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The workshop, gathering leading academics and practitioners in the field, aimed at discussing the constitutional, institutional and substantive implications of the building of a European Health Union.

Vincent Delhomme, lecturer EU law presented his research on EU prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (such as cancer or diabetes), calling in particular for an independent health policy, emancipated from the requirements of the internal market. Carina van Os, PhD candidate EU law discussed her early plans on EU health law and policy and public health emergencies.
The different contributions will be published in a future edited volume planned for 2023.