Second EU Talks?! event: panel discussion on sustainable agriculture
On 21 June 2024, the student-based initiative EU Talks?! was delighted to host its second event in the form of a panel discussion entitled 'Sustainable ambition vs. agricultural consideration'.
The guests at this event were Ernst Boutkan (former Dutch parliamentarian and policy officer at Volt), Christian Holzleitner (European Commission, DG CLIMA, Head of Unit), Dr Vincent Delhomme (Assistant Professor, Leiden University). The panel was moderated by Dr Pieter Zwaan (Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute).

The panelists discussed a number of topics linked to the sustainable transformation of the EU food and agricultural system. The current shortcomings of the Common Agriculture Policy were discussed, along with potential solutions to facilitate the green transition of farming and farmers. A number of political considerations associated with the recent European and national elections, the rise of populism and the European Commission's priorities were also addressed.
EU Talks?! is a student-led initiative supported by Leiden University's Europe Hub and Europa Institute. If you're interested in attending an upcoming session, you can find more information on our social media channels (LinkedIn, Instagram): EU Talks?!