Paul Behrens
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. P.A. Behrens
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2935-4799

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Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Behrens P., Vijver M.G., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Quik J. & Cucurachi S. (2025), A framework for guiding safe and sustainable‐by‐design innovation, Journal of Industrial Ecology 29(1): 47-65.
- Blanco Rocha C.F., Quik J.T.K., Hof M., Fuortes A., Behrens P.A., Cucurachi S., Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Dimroth F. & Vijver M.G. (2024), A prospective ecological risk assessment of high-efficiency III–V/silicon tandem solar cells, Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 26(3): 540-554.
- Behrens P.A., Scherer L.A., Wang R., Yi J., Drews M., Larsen M.A.D. & Schaible C. (2024), Enforcing and improving water data reporting in the energy system is urgently needed, Next Energy 2: 100102 (100102).
- Engelenburg M. van, Deetman S.P., Fishman T., Behrens P.A. & Voet E. van der (2024), TRIPI: a global dataset and codebase of the total resources in physical infrastructure encompassing road, rail, and parking, Data in Brief 54: 110387.
- Pérez-Sánchez L.À., Fishman T. & Behrens P.A. (2024), Undoing the lock-in of suburban sprawl: towards an integrated modelling of materials and emissions in buildings and vehicles, Journal of Cleaner Production 451: 141954.
- Kortleve A.J., Harwatt H., Mogollón J.M. & Behrens P. (2024), Over 80% of the EU’s farming subsidies support emissions-intensive animal products – new study, The Conversation : .
- Jansen G.A.J., Wang R., Behrens P. & Hoekstra R. (2024), Beyond GDP: a review and conceptual framework for measuring sustainable and inclusive wellbeing, The Lancet 8(9): e695 - e705.
- Liu K., Wang R., Behrens P.A., Schrijver I.M., Jansen G.A.J., Rum I.A. & Hoekstra R. (2024), A comprehensive Beyond-GDP database to accelerate wellbeing, inclusion, and sustainability research, Scientific Data 11: 1166.
- Kortleve A.J., Mogollón J.M., Harwatt H. & Behrens P.A. (2024), Over 80% of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy supports emissions-intensive animal products, Nature Food 5: 288-292.
- Coudard A., Sun Z., Behrens P.A. & Mogollón J.M. (2024), The global environmental benefits of halving avoidable consumer food waste, Environmental Science and Technology 58(31): 13707-13716.
- Zhang Y., Dang M., Chu C., Behrens P., Berrill P., Zhong X., Jing R., Lei N., Jia H., Zhang L., Shao C., Masanet E., Ju M., Liu L., Chen W. & Cao Z. (2024), The climate opportunities and risks of improving building envelopes across 1,677 Chinese cities, Cell Reports Sustainability 1(12): 13 (100269).
- Verkuijl C., Dutkiewicz J., Scherer L., Behrens P., Lazarus M., Hötzel M.J., Nordquist R. & Hayek M. (2024), FAO's 1.5°C roadmap for food systems falls short, Nature Food 5: 264-266.
- Wang R., Hertwich E.G., Fishman T., Deetman S.P., Behrens P.A., Chen W., Koning A. de, Xu M., Matus K., Ward H., Tukker A. & Zimmerman J.B. (2023), The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(24): e2218828120.
- Zhao Z., Ding X., Behrens P.A., Li J., He M., Gao Y., Liu G., Xu B. & Chen D. (2023), The importance of flexible hydropower in providing electricity stability during China’s coal phase-out, Applied Energy 336: 120684.
- Zhao Z., Ding X., Behren P.A., Li J., He M., Gao Y., Liu G., Xu B. & Chen D. (2023), Corrigendum to “The importance of flexible hydropower in providing electricity stability during China’s coal phase-out” [Appl. Energy 336 (2023) 120684], Applied Energy 344: 121310.
- Yuang R., Rodrigues J.F.D., Wang J. & Behrens P.A. (2023), The short-term impact of US-China trade war on global GHG emissions from the perspective of supply chain reallocation, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 98: 106980.
- Tukker A., Behrens P., Deetman S.P., Hu M., Migoni Alejandre E., Meide M. van der, Zhong X. & Zhang C. (2023), Circular construction: six key recommendations, One Earth 6: 1425-1429.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Lyu L., Tang Z., Chen D., Cao Y., Gong Pu., Zhou W., Yang Y., Tukker A., Hertwich E. & Zhu B. (2023), Additional north-south differences in China revealed by the Planetary Pressure-adjusted Human Development Index, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 198: 107191.
- Wang R., Hertwich E.G., Fishman T., Deetman S.P., Behrens P.A., Chen W., Koning A. de, Xu M., Matus K., Ward H., Tukker A. & Zimmerman J.B. (2023), The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(24): e2218828120.
- Nijnens J., Behrens P.A., Kraan O., Sprecher B. & Kleijn E.G.M. (2023), Energy transition will require substantially less mining than the current fossil system, Joule 7(11): 2408-2413.
- Xu C., Behrens P.A., Gasper P., Smith K., Hu M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2023), Electric vehicle batteries alone could satisfy short-term grid storage demand by as early as 2030, Nature Communications 14: 119.
- Yuan R., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Wang J., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), A global overview of developments of urban and rural household GHG footprints from 2005 to 2015, Science of the Total Environment 806(Part 2): 150695.
- Sun Z., Scherer L.A., Tukker A., Spawn-lee S.A., Bruckner M., Gibbs H.K. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Dietary change in high-income nations alone can lead to substantial double climate dividend, Nature Food 3: 29-37.
- Sun Z., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Bruckner M. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Shared and environmentally just responsibility for global biodiversity loss, Ecological Economics 194: 107339.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Biodiversity loss from freshwater use for China’s electricity generation, Environmental Science and Technology 56(5): 3277-3287.
- Jin Y., Scherer L.A., Sutanudjaja E.H., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Climate change and CCS increase the water vulnerability of China's thermoelectric power fleet, Energy 245: 123339.
- Behrens P.A. & Briggs H. (2022), Veg diet plus re-wilding gives 'double climate dividend', .
- Zhong X., Deetman S.P., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Increasing material efficiencies of buildings to address the global sand crisis, Nature Sustainability 5: 389-392.
- Sun Z., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Bruckner M. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Global human consumption threatens key biodiversity areas, Environmental Science and Technology 56(12): 9003-9014.
- Sun Z., Scherer L., Zhang Q. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Adoption of plant-based diets across Europe can improve food resilience against the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Nature Food 3(11): 905-910.
- Menacho A.J.H., Rodrigues J.F.D. & Behrens P.A. (2022), A triple bottom line assessment of concentrated solar power generation in China and Europe 2020-2050, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 167: 112677.
- Rong Y., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), The statistical projection of global GHG emissions from a consumption perspective, Sustainable Production and Consumption 34: 318-329.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Yang Y.H., Tang Z.P., Chen D.J., Yu Y.D., Liu L., Gong P., Zhu S.J., Zhou W.J., Zhu B. & Tukker A. (2022), Different material footprint trends between China and the world in 2007-2012 explained by construction- and manufacturing-associated investment, One Earth 5(1): 109-119.
- Zhong X., Hu M., Deetman S.P., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Lin H., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2021), The evolution and future perspectives of energy intensity in the global building sector 1971–2060, Journal of Cleaner Production 305: 127098.
- Zhong X., Hu M., Deetman S.P., Steubing B.R.P., Lin H., Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Harpprecht C.I., Zhang C., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2021), Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060, Nature Communications 12: 6126.
- Yang Z., Sun G., Behrens P.A., Ostergaard P.A., Egusquiza M., Egusquiza E., Xu B., Chen D. & Patelli E. (2021), The potential for photovoltaic-powered pumped-hydro systems to reduce emissions, costs, and energy insecurity in rural China, Energy Conversion and Management: X 11: 100108.
- Xu B., Zhang J., Egusquiza M., Chen D., Li F., Behrens P.A. & Egusquiza E. (2021), A review of dynamic models and stability analysis for a hydro-turbine governing system, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144: 110880.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L. (2021), The energy-water nexus of China’s interprovincial and seasonal electric power transmission, Applied Energy 286: 116493.
- Bamberger M., Behrens P.A. & Scherer L. (2021), Environmental impacts of the nutrition transition and potential hunger eradication in emerging countries, Sustainability Science 16: 565-579.
- Sun Z., Scherer L., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2020), Linking global crop and livestock consumption to local production hotspots, Global Food Security 25: 100323.
- Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (2020), Food and Sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Usubiaga-Liaño A., Behrens P. & Daioglou V. (2020), Energy use in the global food system, Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(4): 830-840.
- Behrens P.A. & Niles M. (2020), Climate Change. In: Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (red.), Food and Sustainability: Oxford University Press.
- Behrens P.A. (2020), Energy. In: Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (red.), Food and Sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kiefte J.C. & Behrens P.A. (2020), Nutrition. In: Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (red.), Food and Sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (2020), Summary: a view towards the future. In: Behrens P.A., Bosker T. & Ehrhardt D.W.L. (red.), Food and Sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 364.
- Behrens P.A. (2020), The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Futures from the Frontiers of Climate Science. London: The Indigo Press.
- Ottelin J. Cetinay H. Behrens P.A. (2020), Rebound effects may jeopardize the resource savings of circular consumption: evidence from household material footprints, Environmental Research Letters 15(10): 104044.
- Jiang M., Liu L., Behrens P.A., Wang T., Tang Z., Chen D., Yu Y., Ren Z., Zhu S., Tukker A. & Zhu B. (2020), Improving subnational input-output analyses using regional trade data: a case-study and comparison, Environmental Science and Technology 54(19): 12732-12741.
- Rodrigues J.F.D. Wang J. Behrens P.A. Boer P. de (2020), Drivers of CO2 emissions from electricity generation in the European Union 2000–2015, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 133: 110104.
- Qian Y. Scherer L.A. Tukker A. Behrens P.A. (2020), China's potential SO2 emissions from coal by 2050, Energy Policy 147: 111856.
- Bosker T., Bouwman L.J., Brun N.R., Behrens P. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Microplastics accumulate on pores in seed capsule and delay germination and root growth of the terrestrial vascular plant Lepidium sativum, Chemosphere 226: 774-781.
- Scherer L.A., Behrens P.A. & Tukker A. (2019), Opportunity for a Dietary Win-Win-Win in Nutrition, Environment, and Animal Welfare, One Earth 1(3): 349-360.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Wang T., Tang Z., Yu Y., Chen D., Liu L., Ren Z., Zhou W., Zhu S., He C., Tukker A. & Zhu B. (2019), Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(52): 26484-26490.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2019), Water use of electricity technologies: A global meta-analysis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 115: 1364-0321.
- Wang J., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Hu M., Behrens P.A. & Tukker A. (2019), The evolution of Chinese industrial CO2 emissions 2000–2050: A review and meta-analysis of historical drivers, projections and policy goals, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 116: 1364-0321.
- Sun Z., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2019), Going global to local: connecting top-down accounting and local impacts, a methodological review of spatially-explicit input-output approaches, Environmental Science and Technology 53(3): 1048–1062.
- Qian Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Pinke L. & Scherer L.A. (2019), Environmental responsibility for sulfur dioxide emissions and associated biodiversity loss across Chinese provinces, Environmental Pollution 245: 898-908.
- Yuan R., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Behrens P.A. (2018), Impact of non-fossil electricity on the carbon emissions embodied in China's exports, Journal of Cleaner Production 192: 582-596.
- Yuan R., Behrens P.A. & Dias Rodrigues J.F. (2018), The evolution of inter-sectoral linkages in China's energy-related CO2emissions from 1997 to 2012, Energy Economics 69: 404-417.
- Yuan R., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Dias Rodrigues J.F. (2018), Carbon overhead : The impact of the expansion in low-carbon electricity in China 2015 – 2040, Energy Policy 119: 97-104.
- Bauer K., Bosker T., Dirks K.N. & Behrens P.A. (2018), The impact of seating location on black carbon exposure in public transit buses : Implications for vulnerable groups, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 62: 577-583.
- Dias Rodrigues J.F., Moran D., Wood R. & Behrens P.A. (2018), Uncertainty of Consumption-Based Carbon Accounts, Marine Pollution Bulletin 52(13): 7577-7586.
- Bosker T., Guaita L. & Behrens P.A. (2018), Microplastic pollution on Caribbean beaches in the Lesser Antilles, Marine Pollution Bulletin 133: 442-447.
- Yuan R., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Tukker A. & Behrens P. (2018), The impact of the expansion in non-fossil electricity infrastructure on China's carbon emissions, Applied Energy 228: 1994-2008.
- Xu B., Chen D., Behrens P.A., Ye W., Guo P. & Luo X. (2018), Modeling oscillation modal interaction in a hydroelectric generating system, Energy Conversion and Management 174: 208-217.
- Zalk J. van & Behrens P.A. (2018), The spatial extent of renewable and non-renewable power generation: A review and meta-analysis of power densities and their application in the U.S, Energy Policy 123: 83-91.
- Scherer L.A., Behrens P.A., Koning A. de, Heijungs R., Sprecher B. & Tukker A. (2018), Trade-offs between social and environmental Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental Science & Policy 90: 65-72.
- Besley A.P.A., Vijver M.G., Behrens P.A. & Bosker T. (2017), A standardized method for sampling and extraction methods for quantifying microplastics in beach sand, Marine Pollution Bulletin 144(1): 77-83.
- Walsh B.M., Plank S. van der & Behrens P.A. (2017), The effect of community consultation on perceptions of a proposed mine: a case study from southeast Australia, Resources Policy 51: 163-171.
- Bosker T., Behrens P.A. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Determining global distribution of microplastics by combining citizen science and in-depth case studies, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13(3): 536-541.
- Behrens P.A., Vliet M.T.H. van, Nanninga T., Walsh B. & Rodrigues J.F.D. (2017), Climate change and the vulnerability of electricity generation to water stress in the European Union, Nature Energy 2: 17114.
- Lots F.A.E., Behrens P., Vijver M.G., Horton A.A. & Bosker T. (2017), A large-scale investigation of microplastic contamination: Abundance and characteristics of microplastics in European beach sediment, Marine Pollution Bulletin 123(1-2): 219-226.
- Behrens P., Kiefte-de Jong J.C., Bosker T., Rodrigues J.F.D., Koning A. de & Tukker A. (2017), Evaluating the environmental impacts of dietary recommendations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): 13412-13417.
- Plank S van der, Walsh B. & Behrens P.A. (2016), The expected impacts of mining: Stakeholder perceptions of a proposed mineral sands mine in rural Australia, Resources Policy 48: 129-136.
- Behrens P.A., Rodrigues J.D.F., Bras T. & Silva C. (2016), Environmental, economic, and social impacts of feed-in tariffs: A Portuguese perspective 2000–2010, Applied Energy 173(2016): 309–319.
- Behrens P. (27 september 2016), The Remote Sensing of Wind in Complex Terrain (Dissertatie, Physics, Auckland University). Promotor(en): Bradley Stuart.
- Behrens P. (2014), Developing baseline data and monitoring mechanisms for tracking progress towards a smarter grid in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.
- Behrens P. (2013), Languages in Aotearoa New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Royal Society of New Zealand.
- Behrens P.A., O'Sullivan J., Archer R. & Bradley S. (2012), Underestimation of Monostatic Sodar Measurements in Complex Terrain, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 143(1): 97-106.
- Behrens P. (2012), Consultation on the 1996 HSNO Act. Wellington, New Zealand: Royal Society of New Zealand.
- Bradley Stuart, Perrott Yvette, Behrens Paul & Oldroyd Andy (2012), Corrections for Wind-Speed Errors from Sodar and Lidar in Complex Terrain, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 143(1): 37-48.
- Behrens Paul, Bradley Stuart & Wiens Travis (2010), A Multisodar Approach to Wind Profiling, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY 27(7): 1165-1174.
- Wiens T. & Behrens P. (2009), Turbulent flow sensing using acoustic tomography. International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering.
- Behrens P. & Bradley S. (2008), A scanning bi-static SODAR. 14th International Symposium of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing.