Media over milieu-impactonderzoek voeding Paul Behrens
Ook het milieu profiteert als mensen hun nationale voedingsrichtlijnen te volgen, toonde Paul Behrens aan in onderzoek gepubliceerd in PNAS. De publicatie trok media-aandacht in binnen- en buitenland.
- The Independent - Healthiest diets are also best for the environment, finds global study
- Yahoo! News - Healthy Diet and the Environment: How You Can Save the World by Eating Better
- Scientias - Nationale voedingsrichtlijn volgen is (meestal) voor je goed gezondheid én het milieu
- Dotemirates - Want to improve Earth's environment? Healthy eating habits could help say scientists
- Tech Times - Healthy Eating Saves The Environment, Study Shows: Will You Change Your Diet Now?
- International Business Times - Eating Healthy Is Good For Earth’s Environment, Not Just For You
- Sonnenseite - Gesunde Ernährung ist auch gut für die Umwelt
LA times - Eating for your health is also better for the environment, study show
Newsweek - Healthy diet and environment how you can save world eating bette
Vice - People Who Eat Healthy Are Also Doing the Planet a Big Favor
NPR - Across The World, If You Eat For Your Health, You'll Help The Planet
Carbon brief - UK could cut food emissions by 17% by sticking to a healthy diet
BBC Radio 4 - Interview Paul Behrens (vanaf 36:00 minuut).
New York Times - How much food do we waste? Probably more than you think.
The Naked Scientists podcast - Environmental implications of healthier eating