Nadira Saab
Hoogleraar Onderwijswetenschappen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. N. Saab
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5726
- 0000-0003-0751-4277

Nadira Saab is als hoogleraar onderwijswetenschappen verbonden aan het ICLON van de Universiteit Leiden en is fellow van de Leiden Teachers' Academy.
Meer informatie over Nadira Saab
Nadira Saab is bijzonder hoogleraar en bekleedt de door Kennisnet gevestigde leerstoel e-Didactiek van het primair en voortgezet onderwijs. Tevens is zij Strategisch Adviseur Onderzoek bij Kennisnet.
Nadira Saab heeft Onderwijs- en Ontwikkelingspsychologie gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Leiden en is in 2005 gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (Instituut voor de Lerarenopleiding) op onderzoek naar samenwerkend leren in elektronische leeromgevingen. In dit project onderzocht zij hoe chattende leerlingen die op afstand maar wel samen aan natuurkundeprojecten op de computer werkten, ondersteund konden worden bij het samenwerken. Ondersteuningsmiddelen die werden getoetst zijn een instructie in samenwerking en applicaties in de leeromgeving.
Van 2007 tot 2014 heeft zij gewerkt als universitair docent bij de afdeling Onderwijsstudies, Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden. Van 2014 tot 2020 is zij werkzaam bij het ICLON als universitair docent en universitair hoofddocent.
Sinds 2016 is zij Fellow bij de Leiden Teachers’ Academy waar zij met andere fellows werkt aan onderwijsvernieuwing op het ICLON en op andere instituten binnen de universiteit. Daarnaast is zij bestuurslid bij het Catherine van Tussenbroek Fonds en voorzitter van de divisie Leren en Instructie van de Vereniging voor Onderwijsresearch (VOR).
Haar onderzoek is gericht op het gebruik van e-didactiek, technologie in het onderwijs, motivatie, formatieve assessment, samenwerkend leren en inclusief onderwijs.
Zij is projectleider (geweest) van verschillende onderzoeksprojecten, waaronder
- Kennis delen: gezamenlijke professionalisering op internationale scholen rond inquiry based learning,
- Kenniswerkplaats Diversiteit
- Technologie voor regulatie van leren: vormgeving, mechanismen en uitkomsten
- Stressless met behulp van Virtual Reality
- Chatten met het verleden
- Controverse in de les
- The use of self- and peer assessment with video in courses on professional practice
- Resultaatgericht computerondersteund samenwerkend leren in po en vo
Andere voorbeelden van recente onderzoeksprojecten zijn:
- onderzoek naar het gebruik van devices (Klassecontact) om zieke kinderen vanuit huis of ziekenhuis – synchroon - te betrekken bij de lessen in de klas
- onderzoek naar de effecten van het gebruik van weblectures (opgenomen hoorcolleges) in het hoger onderwijs
Saab begeleidt verschillende promovendi bij hun onderzoek.
Hoogleraar Onderwijswetenschappen
- Onderzoek
- Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Dusseldorp E.M.L, Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Asscher J.J. & Westenberg P.M. (2024), Teaching adolescents about stress using a universal school-based psychoeducation program: a cluster randomised controlled trial, School Mental Health 16: 467-482.
- Loon A.W.G. van Creemers H.E. Vogelaar S. Saab N. Miers A.C. Westenberg P.M. Asscher J.J. (2024), Implementation and experimental evaluation of school-based intervention programs promoting adolescent mental health: Lessons learned, School Psychology International 45(1): 70-84.
- Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Asscher J.J. & Westenberg P.M. (2023), Self-reported stressors in early adolescence: the role of educational track and ethnic background, Journal of Early Adolescence : 1-24.
- Klunder S., Smit B.H.J, Slegers K., Saab N., Nahon A., Mainhard M.T. & Admiraal W (2023), Meedoen op afstand in een hybride klas: Interactie met leerlingen met een chronische aandoening. Leiden: ICLON, Universiteit Leiden.
- Loon A.W.G. van Creemers H.E. Vogelaar S. Miers A.C. Saab N. Westenberg P.M. Asscher J.J. (2023), The Effectiveness of School-Based Skills-Training Programs Reducing Performance or Social Anxiety: Two Randomized Controlled Trials, Child and Youth Care Forum 52: 1323-1347.
- Lai Y., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), University students’ use of mobile technology in self-directed language learning: using the integrative model of behavior prediction, Computers & Education 179: 104413.
- van Loon A.W.G., Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2022), Trajectories of adolescent perceived stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, Scientific Reports 12: 15957.
- Lai Y., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Learning strategies in self-directed language learning using mobile technology in higher education: a systematic scoping review, Education and Information Technologies 27(6): 7749-7780.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2021), Prepandemic risk factors of COVID-19-related concerns in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Research on Adolescence 31(3): 531-545.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Okorn A., Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2021), The effects of school-based interventions on physiological stress in adolescents: a meta-analysis, Stress and Health : 1-23.
- Day I.N.Z., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2021), Designing assessment and feedback to improve student learning and student success. In: Shah M., Kift S & Thomas L. (red.), Student retention and success in higher education. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 217-249.
- Guo P., Saab N., Wu L. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), The Community of Inquiry perspective on students' social presence, cognitive presence, and academic performance in online project‐based learning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37(5): 1479-1493.
- Wei X., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: a systematic literature review, Computers & Education 163: 1-24 (104097).
- Zhang X., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2021), Teachers’ motivation to participate in continuous professional development: relationship with factors at the personal and school level, Journal of Education for Teaching 47: 714-731.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Final pilot report: IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Helsinki: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Final curriculum report: technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Helsinki: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Guo P., Saab. N., Wu. L. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Relationship between collaborative learning, need satisfaction, and student satisfaction with a blended project-based learning course. Scholkmann A., Telléus P.K., Ryberg T., Hung W., Andreasen L.B., Kofoed L.B., Christiansen N.L.S. & Nielsen S.R. (red.), Transforming PBL Through Hybrid Learning Models: Timely Challenges and Answers in a (Post)-Pandemic Perspective and Beyond. PBL2021 17 augustus 2021 - 19 augustus 2021. Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University Press. 240-245.
- Blankenstein F.M. van, O’Sullivan J.F., Saab N. & Steendijk P. (2021), The effect of peer modelling and discussing modelled feedback principles on medical students’ feedback skills: a quasi-experimental study, BMC Medical Education 21: 332.
- Saab N. (2021), Geleerde lessen uit onderzoek over afstandsonderwijs: : weten wat werkt, Stichting Kennisnet : 11729.
- Huisman B., Saab N., Van Driel J. & Van den Broek P.W. (2020), A questionnaire to assess students’ beliefs about peer-feedback, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 57(3): 328-338.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Beumer W.Y., Okorn A., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2020), Can schools reduce adolescent psychological stress? A multilevel meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school-based intervention programs, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49: 1127–1145.
- Guo P., Saab N., Post L.S. & Admiraal W. (2020), A review of project-based learning in higher education: Student outcomes and measures, International Journal of Educational Research 102: 101586.
- Mouw J., Saab N., Gijlers H., Hickendorff M., Paridon Y. van & Broek P. van den (2020), The differential effect of perspective-taking ability on profiles of cooperative behaviours and learning outcomes, Frontline Learning Research 8(6): 88-113.
- Tran T., Admiraal W. & Saab. N. (2020), Work-related values in international workplace in international workplaces in Vietnam: Cross-cultural differences between employers and employees, Open Journal of Business and Management 8(4): 1567-1586.
- Tran T. T. Q., Admiraal W. & Saab N. (2020), Effects of critical incident tasks on students’ awareness of intercultural communication (Efectos de un programa de actividades basadas en incidentes críticos en la competencia de los estudiantes sobre comunicación intercultural), Cultura y Educación. Culture and Education 32(4): 674-704.
- Zhang X., Admiraal W. & Saab N. (2020), University-school partnership in China: Teachers’ personal factors, working conditions, and principal leadership that explain their development in teaching, Frontiers of Education in China 15(4): 621-646.
- Guo P., Post L., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2020), Pilot 2 report. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program. Helsinki, Finland: Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences.
- Klunder S. & Saab N. (2020), Aan de slag met KlasseContact. Handboek voor gebruik in het voortgezet onderwijs. Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Dubbeljuf.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2019), Effects of critical incident tasks on the intercultural competence of English non-majors, Intercultural Education 30(6): 618-633.
- Wijsman L.A., Saab N., Schuitema J., Driel J.H. van & Westenberg P.M. (2019), Promoting performance and motivation through a combination of intrinsic motivation stimulation and an extrinsic incentive, Learning Environments Research 22(1): 65-81.
- Moses I., Admiraal W.F., Berry A. & Saab N. (2019), Student-teachers’ commitment to teaching and intentions to enter the teaching profession in Tanzania, South African Journal of Education 39(1): 1-15.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van den Broek P.W. & Van Driel J.H. (2019), The impact of formative peer feedback on higher education students’ academic writing: a Meta-Analysis, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 44(6): 863-880.
- Saab N., Turan E. & Voort R. van der (2019), De kracht van samen leren en samen werken, Schoolmanagement juni: 22-24.
- Kraal A., Van den Broek P., Koornneef A., Ganushchak L. & Saab N. (2019), Differences in text processing by low- and high-comprehending beginning readers of expository and narrative texts: Evidence from eye movements, Learning and Individual Differences 74: e101752.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2019), The effectiveness of school-based skills-training programs promoting mental health in adolescents: A study protocol for a randomized controlled study, BMC Public Health 19: e712.
- Wijsman L.A., Saab N., Schuitema J.A., Driel J.H. van & Westenberg P.M. (2019), Promoting performance and motivation through a combination of intrinsic motivation stimulation and an extrinsic incentive, Learning Environments Research 22(1): 65-81.
- Saab N., Turan E. & Voort R. van der (2019), Vernieuwen is teamwerk, Didaktief 49(8): .
- Mouw J.M., Saab N., Janssen J. & Vedder P. (2019), Quality of group interaction, ethnic group composition, and individual mathematical learning gains, Social Psychology of Education 22(2): 383-403.
- Blankenstein F.M. van, Trutescu G., Rijst R.M. van der & Saab N. (2019), Immediate and delayed effects of a modelling example on the application of principles of good feedback practice: A quasi-experimental study, Instructional Science 47(3): 299-318.
- Theeuwes B.C., Saab N., Denessen E. & Admiraal W. (2019), Docenten en hun cultuurdiverse klassen in het voortgezet onderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 96(4): 218-243.
- Post L.S., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Effects of remote labs on cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in higher education, Computers & Education 140: 1-9.
- Bosch R.M. van den, Espin C.A., Pat-El R.J. & Saab N. (2019), Improving teachers' comprehension of Curriculum-Based Measurement progress-monitoring graphs, Journal of Learning Disabilities 52(5): 413-427.
- Espin C.A., Bosch R.M. van den, Saab N., Chung S., Rippe R.C.A., Pat-El R., Beutick M. & Langa A. (2019), Data-based decision-making for students with learning problems: Why is it so difficult?. Vlaams-Nederlandse Interacademiale Leerproblemen 24 mei 2019 - 24 mei 2019.
- Admiraal W.F., Post L., Guo P., Saab N., Makinen S., Rainio O., Vuori J., Burgeois J., Kortuem G. & Danford G. (2019), Students as future workers: Cross-border multidisciplinary learning labs in higher education, International Journal of Technology in Education and Science 3(2): 85-94.
- Mouw J., Saab N., Janssen J. & Vedder P. (2019), Quality of Group Interaction, Ethnic Group Composition, and Individual Mathematical Learning Gains, Social Psychology of Education 22(2): 383-403.
- Theeuwes B., Saab. N., Denessen E. & Admiraal W. (2019), Docenten en hun cultuurdiverse klassen in het voortgezet onderwijs, Pedagogische Studiën 96(4): 2018-243.
- Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Pilot 1 report. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Post L., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Pilot Curriculum Report. General outline and implementation. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Post L., Guo P., Saab N. & Admiraal W. (2019), Review of student competences in learning labs in higher education. Technical report IoT Rapid-Proto Labs project 588386-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA. Erasmus Knowledge Alliance program.
- Mouw J.M., Leijenhorst L. van, Saab N., Danel M.S. & Broek P.W. van den (2019), Contributions of emotion understanding to narrative comprehension in children and adults, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 16(1): 66-81.
- Blankenstein F.M. van, Saab N., Rijst R.M. van der, Danel M.S., Bakker-Van den Berg A.S. & Broek P.W. van den (2019), How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?, Educational Studies 45(2): 209-225.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J. van & Broek P. van den (2018), Peer Feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 43(6): 955-968.
- Van der Zee T., Davis D., Saab N., Giesbers B., Ginn F., Van der Sluis F., Paas F. & Admiraal W. (2018), Evaluating retrieval practice in a MOOC: how writing and reading summaries of videos affects student learning. .
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2018), Cultural distance in the workplace: Differences in work-related attitudes between Vietnamese employees and Western employers. [conferentie poster].
- Vereijken Mayke, Saab Nadira, Smit Ben, Van Schijndel Tessa, Van Driel Jan, Berry Amanda & Admiraal Wilfried (2018), Delen van kennis: Samen professionaliseren rond inquiry-based teaching op internationale scholen; Het Sharing Knowledge Project [Eindrapport project 405-15-813]. Den Haag: NRO.
- Espin C.A., Saab N., Pat-El R., Boender P.D.M. & Veen J. van der (2018), Curriculum-Based Measurement progress data: Effects of graph pattern on ease of interpretation, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 21(4): 767-792.
- Kraal A., Koornneef A.W., Saab N. & Van den Broek P.W. (2018), Processing of expository and narrative texts by low- and high-comprehending children, Reading and Writing 31(9): 2017-2040.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J.H. van & Broek P.W. van den (2018), Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 43(6): 955-968.
- Wijsman L.A., Saab N., Warrens M.J., Driel J.H. van & Westenberg P.M. (2018), Relations of autonomous and controlled motivation with performance in secondary school students’ favoured and disfavoured subjects, Educational Research and Evaluation 24(1-2): 51-67.
- Moses I., Berry A., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student-teachers’ commitment to teaching, Journal of Education for Teaching 43(4): 444-457.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Effects of critical incident tasks on the intercultural competence of English Non-majors. [conferentie poster].
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Effects of critical incident tasks on students' awareness of intercultural communication. [overig].
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Enhancing students' communication skills through incorporating cultures into the English classrooms. [overig].
- Moses I., Berry A., Saab N. & Admiraal W.F. (2017), Who wants to become a teacher? Typology of student-teachers’ commitment to teaching, Journal of Education for Teaching 43(4): 444-457.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Peer feedback on college students’ writing: exploring the relation between students’ ability match, feedback quality and essay performance, Higher Education Research & Development 36(7): 1433-1447.
- Bosch R.M. van den, Espin C.A., Chung S. & Saab N. (2017), Data-based decision making: Teachers’ comprehension of Curriculum-Based Measurement progress-monitoring graphs, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 32(1): 46-60.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Driel J.H. van & Van den Broek P.W. (2017), Peer feedback on writing: The relation between students' ability match, feedback quality, and essay performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 27 april 2017 - 1 mei 2017.
- Zee T. van der, Admiraal W.F., Paas F., Saab N. & Giesbers B. (2017), Effects of subtitles, complexity, and language proficiency on learning from online education videos, Journal of Media Psychology 29(1): 18-30.
- Tran T.T.Q., Admiraal W.F. & Saab N. (2017), Cultural distance in the workplace: Differences in work-related attitudes between Vietnamese employees and Western employers, International Journal of Business and Management 12(10): 91-110.
- Bosch R.M. van den, Espin C.A. & Saab N. (2017), Improving teachers' use of CBM progress data for decision-making. Council for exceptional children 19 april 2017 - 22 april 2017.
- Espin C.A., Bosch R.M. van den & Saab N. (2017), Improving teachers' understanding and interpretation of Curriculum-Based Measurement progress data. Pacific Coast Research Conference 2 februari 2017 - 4 februari 2017.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Van den Broek P.W. (2016), Peer feedback on academic writing in higher education: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, Newport. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference 7 december 2016 - 9 december 2016.
- Schijndel T.J.P. van, Saab N., Berry A. & Van Driel J.H. (2016), Sharing Knowledge project: teacher learning on inquiry-based teaching at international schools. EARLI SIG Inquiry & Argumentation 22 augustus 2016 - 24 augustus 2016.
- Huisman B.A., Saab N., Van Driel J.H. & Broek P.W. van den (2016), The influence of peer feedback on students’ academic writing : a meta-analysis (2016) Higher Education Conference, Amsterdam. International Conference on Higher Education: EARLI SIG 4 13 juli 2016 - 15 juli 2016. Amsterdam.
- Huisman B.A., Admiraal W.F., Pilli O., Ven M. van de & Saab N. (2016), Peer assessment in MOOCs: The relationship between peer reviewers’ ability and authors’ essay performance, British Journal of Educational Technology : .
- Wijsman L.A., Warrens M.J., Saab N., Driel J.H. van & Westenberg P.M. (2016), Declining trends in student performance in Lower Secondary Education, European Journal of Psychology of Education 31(4): 595-612.
- Saab N., Gijlers A.H. & Egberink A. (2015), Resultaatgericht computerondersteunend samenwerkend leren in het po en vo: een reviewstudie naar de invloed van CSCL arrangementen en leerlingkenmerken op het leerproces en leerresultaten. Zoetermeer: Kennisnet.
- Saab N., Pat-El R.J. & Valkenburg C. (2015), Enhancing competence beliefs, utility value and intrinsic motivation for collaborative learning. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference 25 augustus 2015 - 29 augustus 2015. Limassol, Cyprus.
- Pat-El R.J., Saab N. & Van der Meulen S. (2015), Culture of mediocrity? Identifying self-regulation strategies of first year social science students. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference. 16th Biennal conference EARLI 2015 25 augustus 2015 - 29 augustus 2015. Limassol, Cyprus.
- Saab N., Gijlers H. & Egberink A. (2015), Ondersteuning van computerondersteund samenwerkend leren, Kluwer Navigator Onderwijs : .
- Kraal A. & Saab N. (2014), Teksten waar je wat van leert, Tekstblad. Tijdschrift over Tekst en Communicatie 1: 26-27.
- Kraal A. & Saab N. (2013), Begrijpend lezen: Interactie tussen lezer en tekst. In: Boonstra M. (red.), Voor u gelezen: Een praktische toelichting op vier wetenschappelijke artikelen over begrijpend lezen. Rotterdam: Kenniscentrum Begrijpend Lezen. 15-20.
- Saab N. (2013), Rubriek Onderzoeksnieuws, OnderwijsInnovatie : .
- Saab N., Joolingen W. & Hout-Wolters B. (2012), Support of the collaborative inquiry learning process: Influence of support on task and team regulation, Metacognition and Learning 7: 7-23.
- Saab N. (red.) (2012), . Metacognition and Learning.
- Saab N. (2012), Onderzoeksrubriek in het tijdschrift Onderwijsinnovatie. [overig].
- Saab N. (2012), Team regulation, regulation of social activities or co-regulation: Different labels for effective regulation of learning in CSCL, Metacognition and Learning 7: 1-6.
- Saab N. (2011), Onderzoeksrubriek in het tijdschrift OnderwijsInnovatie. [overig].
- Anjewierden A., Gijlers H., Kolloffel B., Saab N. & Hoog R. de (2011), Examining the relation between domain-related communication and collaborative inquiry learning, Computers & Education 57: 1741-1748.
- Saab N., Joolingen W.R. van & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2009), The relation of learners' motivation with the process of collaborative scientific discovery learning, Educational Studies 35(2): 205-222.
- Oortwijn M.B., Saab N. & Homan A.C. (2009), Are you talking to me? An overview of techniques to measure peer interactions from three perspectives and a proposal for an integrative model. In: Columbus F. (red.), Collaborative learning: Methodology, types of interactions and techniques. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc..
- Gijlers H., Saab N., Joolingen W.R. van, Jong T. de & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2009), Interaction between tool and talk: How instruction and tools support consensus building in collaborative inquiry-learning environments, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 25: 252-267.
- Saab N., Joolingen W.R. van & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2008), Teamregulatie en taakregulatie tijdens het samenwerkend ontdekkend leerproces. [overig].
- Saab N., Joolingen W.R. van & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2007), Supporting chat and discovery learning, Developing potentials for learning. EARLI 2007, 12th biennial conference for research on learning and instruction. Budapest, Hungary.. EARLI 2007, 12th biennial conference for research on learning and instruction 356.
- Saab N., Gijlers A.H., Joolingen W.R. van & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2007), Het effect van instructie en tools op samenwerkend onderzoekend leren, Zorgvuldig en veelbelovend onderwijs, ORD 2007. ORD 2007. Groningen 135-136.
- Saab N., Joolingen W.R. van & Hout-Wolters B.H.A.M. van (2007), Supporting communication in a collaborative discovery learning environment: The effect of instruction, Instructional Science 35: 73-98.
- Saab N. & Joolingen W.R. van (2005), Communication in collaborative discovery learning, British Journal of Educational Psychology 75(4): 603-621.
- Advies- en Onderzoeksbureau & online trainingen (Schrijven, NL & ENG)