Jan Willem Erisman
Hoogleraar Environmental sustainability
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- Prof.dr.ing. J.W. Erisman
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7484
- j.w.erisman@cml.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5058-7012
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Jan Willem Erisman bij de Universiteit van Nederland
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- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Algemeen
- Xie P., Barbarossa V., Erisman J.W. & Mogollón J.M. (2024), A modeling framework to assess the crop production potential of green roofs, Science of the Total Environment 907: 168051.
- Marselis S.M., Hannula S.E., Trimbos K.B., Berg M.P., Bodelier P.L.E., Declerck S.A.J., Erisman J.W., Kuramae E.E., Nanu A., Veen G.F., Zelfde M. van 't & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), The use of living labs to advance agro-ecological theory in the transition towards sustainable land use: a tale of two polders, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 108: 107588.
- Erisman J.W & H. Vollebergh (18 januari 2024), Een prijskaartje hangen aan de uitstoot van stikstof? : Experts nemen die proefballon van een topambtenaar serieus. Trouw, Verdieping.
- Erisman J.W. (22 januari 2024), Na vijf jaar heeft de stikstofcrisis nog nauwelijks tot concrete maatregelen geleid. Rechtszaken liggen nu op de loer. NRC.nl, Nieuws.
- Strootman B., Embregts L., Peters L., Lammers J. & Erisman J.W. (2024), Nederland Veganland?. Den Haag: Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting.
- Matassa S., Boecks P., Boere J., Erisman J.W., Guo M., Manzo R., Meerburg F., Papirio S., Pikaar I., Rabaey K., Rousseau D., Schnoor J., Smith P., Smolders E., Würtz S. & Verstraete W. (2023), How can we possibly resolve the planet's nitrogen dilemma?, Microbial Biotechnology 16(1): 15-27.
- Graaf S. van der, Dammers E., Segers A., Kranenburg R., Schaap M., Shephard M.W. & Erisman J.W. (2022), Data assimilation of CrIS NH3 satellite observations for improving spatiotemporal NH3 distributions in LOTOS-EUROS, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22(2): 951-972.
- Wang Y., Buchmann N., Hessen D.O., Stordal F., Erisman J.W., Vollsnes A.V., Andersen T. & Dolman H. (2022), Disentangling effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on forest net ecosystem production, Science of the Total Environment 839: 156326.
- Olff H., Aerts R., Bobbink R., Cornelissen J.H.C., Erisman J.W., Galloway J.N., Stevens C.J., Sutton M.A., Vries F.T. de, Wamelink G.W.W. & Wardle D.A. (2022), Explanations for nitrogen decline, Science 376(6598): 1169-1170.
- Damme M. van, Clarisse L., Franco B., Sutton M.A., Erisman J.W., Wichink Kruit R., Zanten M. van, Whitburn S., Hadji-Lazaro J., Hurtmans D., Clerbaux C. & Coheur P.F. (2021), Global, regional and national trends of atmospheric ammonia derived from a decadal (2008-2018) satellite record, Environmental Research Letters 16: 055017.
- Erisman J.W. (2021), Setting ambitious goals for agriculture to meet environmental targets, One Earth 4(1): 15-18.
- Erisman J.W. & Veerman C. (3 februari 2021), Zoveel spelers in het landschap, daarvoor is een commissaris nodig. Trouw, Opinie.
- Erisman J.W. (2021), How ammonia feeds and pollutes the world, Science 374(6568): 685-686.
- Graaf S.C. van der, Janssen T.A.J., Erisman J.W. & Schaap M. (2021), Nitrogen deposition shows no consistent negative nor positive effect on the response of forest productivity to drought across European FLUXNET forest sites, Environmental Research Communications 3(12): 125003.
- Galloway J.N., Bleeker A. & Erisman J.W. (2021), The human creation and use of reactive nitrogen: a global and regional perspective, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 46: 255-288.
- Erisman J.W. 10 september 2020, The fertiliser that blew up Beirut. The Food Chain. BBC [podcast].
- Pijlman J., Berger S.J., Lexmond F., Bloem J., Groenigen J.W. van, Visser E.J.W., Erisman J.W. & Eekeren N. (2020), Can the presence of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) improve nitrogen cycling of dairy grassland systems on peat soils?, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 63(1): 106-122.
- Graaf S.C. van der, Kranenburg R., Segers A.J., Schaap M. & Erisman J.W. (2020), Satellite-derived leaf area index and roughness length information for surface-atmosphere exchange modelling: a case study for reactive nitrogen deposition in north-western Europe using LOTOS-EUROS v2.0, Geoscientific Model Development 13(5): 2451-2474.
- Pijlman J., Holshof G., Berg W. van den, Ros G.H., Erisman J.W. & Eekeren N. van (2020), Soil nitrogen supply of peat grasslands estimated by degree days and soil organic matter content, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 117: 351-365.
- Noll L.C., Leach A.M., Seufert V., Galloway J.N., Atwell B., Erisman J.W. & Shade J. (2020), The nitrogen footprint of organic food in the United States, Environmental Research Letters 15(4): 045004.
- Schrader F., Erisman J.W. & Brummer C. (2020), Towards a coupled paradigm of NH3-CO2 biosphere-atmosphere exchange modelling, Global Change Biology 26(9): 4654-4663.
- Erisman J.W., Koopmans C., Zanen M., Eekeren N. van & Wagenaar J.P. (2020), Prestatie-indicatoren voor landbouw-bodems. Sturen op de kwaliteit van landbouw-bodems met kritische prestatie-indicatoren , Landschap 2020(4): 223-230.
- Uwizeye A., Boer I.J.M. de, Opio C.I., Schulte R.P.O., Falcucci A., Tempio G., Teillard F., Casu F., Rulli M., Galloway J.N., Leip A., Erisman J.W., Robinson T.P., Steinfeld H. & Gerber P.J. (2020), Nitrogen emissions along global livestock supply chains, Nature Food 1(7): 437-446.
- Erisman J.W., Leach A., Bleeker A., Atwell B., Cattaneo L. & Galloway J. (2018), An integrated approach to a Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) indicator for the food production-consumption chain, Sustainability 10(4): 925.
- Gu B., Ju X., Wu Y., Erisman J.W., Bleeker A., Reis S., Sutton M.A., Lam S.K., Smith P., Oenema O., Smith R.I., Lu X., Ye X. & Chen D. (2018), Cleaning up nitrogen pollution may reduce future carbon sinks, Global Environmental Change 48: 56-66.
- Graaf S.C. van der, Dammers E., Schaap M. & Erisman J.W. (2018), Technical note: how are NH3 dry deposition estimates affected by combining the LOTOS-EUROS model with IASI-NH3 satellite observations?, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18(17): 13173-13196.
- Runhaar H.A.C., Melman T.C.P., Boonstra F.G., Erisman J.W., Horlings L.G., Snoo G.R. de, Termeer C.J.A.M., Wassen M.J., Westerink J. & Arts B.J.M. (2017), Promoting nature conservation by Dutch farmers: a governance perspective, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(3): 264-281.
- Xu W., Song W., Zhang Y.Y., Liu X.J., Zhang L., Zhao Y.H., Liu D.Y., Tang A.H., Yang D.W., Wang D.D., Wen Z., Pan Y.P., Fowler D., Collett J.L., Erisman J.W., Goulding K., Li Y. & Zhang F.S. (2017), Air quality improvement in a megacity: implications from 2015 Beijing Parade Blue pollution control actions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17(1): 31-46.
- Chen B.H., Chang S.X., Lam S.K., Erisman J.W. & Gu B.J. (2017), Land use mediates riverine nitrogen export under the dominant influence of human activities, Environmental Research Letters 12(9): 094018.
- Dammers E., Schaap M., Haaima M., Palm M., Kruit R.J.W., Volten H., Hensen A., Swart D. & Erisman J.W. (2017), Measuring atmospheric ammonia with remote sensing campaign: Part 1-Characterisation of vertical ammonia concentration profile in the centre of The Netherlands, Atmospheric Environment 169: 97-112.
- Galloway J.N., Leach A.M., Erisman J.W. & Bleeker A. (2017), Nitrogen: the historical progression from ignorance to knowledge, with a view to future solutions, Soil Research 55(6): 417-424.
- Shibata H., Galloway J.N., Leach A.M., Cattaneo L.R., Noll L.C., Erisman J.W., Gu B.J., Liang X., Hayashi K., Ma L., Dalgaard T., Graversgaard M., Chen D., Nansai K., Shindo J., Matsubae K., Oita A., Su M.C., Mishima S.I. & Bleeker A. (2017), Nitrogen footprints: Regional realities and options to reduce nitrogen loss to the environment, Ambio 46: 129-142.
- Dammers E., Shephard M.W., Palm M., Cady-Pereira K., Capps S., Lutsch E., Strong K., Hannigan J.W., Ortega I., Toon G.C., Stremme W., Grutter M., Jones N., Smale D., Siemons J., Hrpcek K., Tremblay D., Schaap M., Notholt J. & Erisman J.W. (2017), Validation of the CrIS fast physical NH3 retrieval with ground-based FTIR, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10: 2645-2667.
- Erisman J.W., Eekeren N. van, Wit J. de, Koopmans C., Cuijpers W., Oerlemans N. & Koks B.J. (2016), Agriculture and biodiversity: a better balance benefits both, AIMS Agriculture and Food 1(2): 157-174.
- Dammers E., Palm M., Van Damme M., Vigouroux C., Smale D., Conway S., Toon G.C., Jones N., Nussbaumer E., Warneke T., Petri C., Clarisse L., Clerbaux C., Hermans C., Lutsch E., Strong K., Hannigan J.W., Nakajima H., Morino I., Herrera B., Stremme W., Grutter M., Schaap M., Kruit R.J.W., Notholt J., Coheur P.F. & Erisman J.W. (2016), An evaluation of IASI-NH3 with ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16(16): 10351-10368.
- Biermann F., Bai X.M., Bondre N., Broadgate W., Chen C.T.A., Dube O.P., Erisman J.W., Glaser M., Hel S. van der, Lemos M.C., Seitzinger S. & Seto K.C. (2016), Down to earth: contextualizing the anthropocene, Global Environmental Change 39: 341-350.
- Leach A.M., Emery K.A., Gephart J., Davis K.F., Erisman J.W., Leip A., Pace M.L., D'Odorico P., Carr J., Noll L.C., Castner E. & Galloway J.N. (2016), Environmental impact food labels combining carbon, nitrogen, and water footprints, Food Policy 61: 213-223.
- Schrader F., Brummer C., Flechard C.R., Kruit R.J.W., Zanten M.C. van, Zoll U., Hensen A. & Erisman J.W. (2016), Non-stomatal exchange in ammonia dry deposition models: comparison of two state-of-the-art approaches, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 13417-13430.
- Wu Y.Y., Gu B.J., Erisman J.W., Reis S., Fang Y.Y., XH lu & Zhang X.M. (2016), PM2.5 pollution is substantially affected by ammonia emissions in China, Environmental Pollution 218: 86-94.
- Fowler D., Steadman C.E., Stevenson D., Coyle M., Rees R.M., Skiba U.M., Sutton M.A., Cape J.N., Dore A.J., Vieno M., Simpson D., Zaehle S., Stocker B.D., Rinaldi M., Facchini M.C., Flechard C.R., Nemits E., Twigg M., Erisman J.W., Butterbach-Bahl K. & Galloway J.N. (2015), Effects of global change during the 21st century on the nitrogen cycle, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15: 13849-13893.
- Seitzinger S.P., Gaffney O., Brasseur G., Broadgate W., Ciais P., Claussen M., Erisman J.W., Kiefer T., Lancelot C., Monks P.S., Smyty K., Syvitski J. & Uematsu M. (2015), International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and Earth system science: three decades of co-evolution, Anthropocene 12: 3-16.
- Fleischer K., Warlind D., Molen M.K. van der, Rebel K.T., Arneth A., Erisman J.W., Wassen M.J., Smith B., Gough C.M., Margolis H.A., Cescatti A., Montagnani L., Arain A. & Dolman A.J. (2015), Low historical nitrogen deposition effect on carbon sequestration in the boreal zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120(12): 2542-2561.
- Grinsven H.J.M. van, Erisman J.W., Vries W. de & Westhoek H. (2015), Potential of extensification of European agriculture for a more sustainable food system, focusing on nitrogen, Environmental Research Letters 10(2): 025002.
- Erisman, J.W., Ciais & P. (2015), Put people at the centre of global risk management, Nature 519: 287-287.
- Dammers E., Vigouroux C., Palm M., Mahieu E., Warneke T., Smale D., Langerock B., Franco B., Damme M. van, Schaap M., Notholt J. & Erisman J.W. (2015), Retrieval of ammonia from ground-based FTIR solar spectra, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15(22): 12789-12803.
- Damme M. van, Clarisse L., Dammers E., Liu X., Nowak J.B., Clerbaux C., Flechard C.R., Galy-Lacaux C., Xu W., Neuman J.A., Tang Y.S., Sutton M.A., Erisman J.W. & Coheur P.F. (2015), Towards validation of ammonia (NH3) measurements from the IASI satellite, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8(3): 1575-1591.
- Damme M. van, Erisman J.W., Clarisse L., Dammers E., Whitburn S., Clerbaux C., Dolman A.J. & Coheur P.F. (2015), Worldwide spatiotemporal atmospheric ammonia (NH3) columns variability revealed by satellite, Geophysical Research Letters 42(20): 8660-8668.
- Galloway J.N., Leach A.M., Bleeker A. & Erisman J.W. (2013), A chronology of human understanding of the nitrogen cycle, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368(1621): 20130120.
- Erisman J.W., Galloway J.N., Seitzinger S., Bleeker A., Dise N.B., Petrescu A.M.R., Leach A.M. & Vries W. de (2013), Consequences of human modification of the global nitrogen cycle, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368(1621): 20130116.
- Liu X.J., Zhang Y., Han W.X., Tang A.H., Shen J.L., Cui Z.L., Vitousek P., Erisman J.W., Goulding K., Christie P., Fangmeier A. & Zhang F.S. (2013), Enhanced nitrogen deposition over China, Nature 494: 459-462.
- Winiwarter W., Erisman J.W., Galloway J.N., Klimont Z. & Sutton M.A. (2013), Estimating environmentally relevant fixed nitrogen demand in the 21st century, Climatic Change 120: 889-901.
- Fleischer K., Rebel K.T, Molen. M.K. van der, Erisman J.W., Wassen M.J., Loon E.E. van, Montagnani L., Gough C.M., Herbst M., Janssens I.A., Gianelle D. & Dolman A.J. (2013), The contribution of nitrogen deposition to the photosynthetic capacity of forests, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27(1): 187-199.
- Dolman A.J., Werf G.R. van der, Molen M.K. van der, Ganssen G., Erisman J.W. & Strengers B. (2010), A Carbon Cycle Science Update Since IPCC AR-4, Ambio 39: 402-412.
- Bobbink R., Hicks K., Galloway J., Spranger T., Alkemade R., Ashmore M., Bustamante M., Cinderby S., Davidson E., Dentener F., Emmett B., Erisman J.W., Fenn M., Gilliam F., Nordin A., Pardo L. & Vries W. de (2010), Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis, Ecological Applications 20: 30-59.
- Erisman J.W., Grinsven H. van, Leip A., Mosier A. & Bleeker A. (2010), Nitrogen and biofuels; an overview of the current state of knowledge, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 86: 211-223.
- Hensen A., Bleeker A., Erisman J.W., Syakila A., Kroeze C., Vries W. de, Kros H. & Sanders K. (2010), Two N-visualisation tools: game versus reality, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 7(1): 289-299.
- Loubet B., Milford C., Hensen A., Daemmgen U., Erisman J.W., Cellier P. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Advection of NH3 over a pasture field and its effect on gradient flux measurements, Biogeosciences 6(7): 1295-1309.
- Nemitz E., Dorsey J.R., Flynn M.J., Gallagher M.W., Hensen A., Erisman J.W., Owen S.M., Dammgen U. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Aerosol fluxes and particle growth above managed grassland, Biogeosciences 6(8): 1627-1645.
- Fowler D., Pilegaard K., Sutton M.A., Ambus P., Raivonen M., Duyzer J., Simpson D., Fagerli H., Fuzzi S., Schjoerring J.K., Granier C., Neftel A., Isaksen I.S.A., Laj P., Maione M., Monks P.S., Burkhardt J., Daemmgen U., Neirynck J., Personne E., Wichink-Kruit R., Butterbach-Bahl K., Flechard C., Tuovinen J.P., Coyle M., Gerosa G., Loubet B., Altimir N., Gruenhage L., Ammann C., Cieslik S., Paoletti E., Mikkelsen T.N., Ro-Poulsen H., Cellier P., Cape J.N., Horvath L., Loreto F., Niinemets U., Palmer P.I., Rinne J., Misztal P., Nemitz E., Nilsson D., Pryor S., Gallagher M.W., Vesala T., Skiba U., Brueggemann N., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Williams J., O'Dowd C., Facchini M.C., Leeuw G., Flossman A., Chaumerliac N. & Erisman J.W. (2009), Atmospheric composition change: ecosystems-atmosphere interactions, Atmospheric Environment 43(33): 5193-5267.
- Skiba U., Drewer J., Tang Y.S., Dijk N. van, Helfter C., Nemitz E., Famulari D., Cape J.N., Jones S.K., Twigg M., Pihlatie M., Vesala T., Larsen K.S., Carter M.S., Ambus P., Ibrom A., Beier C., Hensen A., Frumau A., Erisman J.W., Bruggemann N., Gasche R., Butterbach-Bahl K., Neftel A., Spirig C., Horvath L., Freibauer A., Cellier P., Laville P., Loubet B., Magliulo E., Bertolini T., Seufert G., Andersson M., Manca G., Laurila T., Aurela M., Lohila A., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Kitzler B., Schaufler G., Siemens J., Kindler R., Flechard C. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen and greenhouse gases at the NitroEurope core flux measurement sites: measurement strategy and first data sets, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 133(3-4): 139-149.
- Sutton M.A., Nemitz E., Theobald M.R., Milford C., Dorsey J.R., Gallagher M.W., Hensen A., Jongejan P.A.C., Erisman J.W., Mattsson M., Schjoerring J.K., Cellier P., Loubet B., Roche R., Neftel A., Hermann B., Jones S.K., Lehman B.E., Horvath L., Weidinger T., Rajkai K., Burkhardt J., Lopmeier F.J. & Daemmgen U. (2009), Dynamics of ammonia exchange with cut grassland: strategy and implementation of the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment, Biogeosciences 6(3): 309-331.
- Sutton M.A., Nemitz E., Milford C., Campbell C., Erisman J.W., Hensen A., Cellier P., David M., Loubet B., Personne E., Schjoerring J.K., Mattsson M., Dorsey J.R., Gallagher M.W., Horvath L., Weidinger T., Meszaros R., Dammgen U., Neftel A., Herrmann B., Lehman B.E., Flechard C. & Burkhardt J. (2009), Dynamics of ammonia exchange with cut grassland: synthesis of results and conclusions of the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment, Biogeosciences 6(12): 2907-2934.
- Aneja V.P., Schlesinger W.H. & Erisman J.W. (2009), Effects of agriculture upon the air quality and climate: research, policy, and regulations, Environmental Science and Technology 43(12): 4234-4240.
- Hensen A., Loubet B., Mosquera J., Bulk W.C.M. van den Erisman J.W., Dammgen U., Milford C., Lopmeier F.J., Cellier P., Mikuska P. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Estimation of NH3 emissions from a naturally ventilated livestock farm using local-scale atmospheric dispersion modelling, Biogeosciences 6(12): 2847-2860.
- Hensen A., Nemitz E., Flynn M.J., Blatter A., Jones S.K., Sorensen L.L., Hensen B., Pryor S.C., Jensen B., Otjes R.P., Cobussen J., Loubet B., Erisman J.W., Gallagher M.W., Neftel A. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Inter-comparison of ammonia fluxes obtained using the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation technique, Biogeosciences 6(11): 2575-2588.
- Burkhardt J., Flechard C.R., Gresens F., Mattsson M., Jongejan P.A.C., Erisman J.W., Weidinger T., Meszaros R., Nemitz E. & Sutton M.A. (2009), Modelling the dynamic chemical interactions of atmospheric ammonia with leaf surface wetness in a managed grassland canopy, Biogeosciences 6(1): 67-84.
- Erisman J.W., Bleeker A., Hensen A. & Vermeulen A. (2008), Agricultural air quality in Europe and the future perspectives, Atmospheric Environment 42(14): 3209-3217.
- Sutton M.A., Erisman J.W., Dentener F. & Moller D. (2008), Ammonia in the environment: From ancient times to the present, Environmental Pollution 156(3): 583-604.
- Aneja V.P., Schlesinger W.H. & Erisman J.W. (2008), Farming pollution, Nature Geoscience 1: 409-411.
- Erisman J.W., Sutton M.A., Galloway J., Klimont Z. & Winiwarter W. (2008), How a century of ammonia synthesis changed the world, Nature Geoscience 1: 636-639.
- Erisman J.W. & Sutton M.A. (2008), Reduced nitrogen in ecology and the environment: Special issue of the ESF-FWF Conference in partnership with LFUI, October 2006, Environmental Pollution 154(3): 357-358.
- Galloway J.N., Townsend A.R., Erisman J.W., Bekunda M., Cai Z.C., Freney J.R., Martinelli L.A., Seitzinger S.P. & Sutton M.A. (2008), Transformation of the nitrogen cycle: Recent trends, questions, and potential solutions, Science 320(5878): 889-892.
- Fowler D., Coyle M., Flechard C., Hargreaves K., Nemitz E., Storeton-West R., Sutton M. & Erisman J.W. (2001), Advances in micrometeorological methods for the measurement and interpretation of gas and particle nitrogen fluxes, Plant and Soil 228: 117-129.
- Aneja V.P., Roelle P.A., Murray G.C., Southerland J., Erisman J.W., Fowler D., Asman W.A.H. & Patni N. (2001), Atmospheric nitrogen compounds II: emissions, transport, transformation, deposition and assessment, Atmospheric Environment 35(11): 1903-1911.
- Sutton M.A., Milford C., Nemitz E., Theobald M.R., Hill P.W., Fowler D., Schjoerring J.K., Mattsson M.E., Nielsen K.H., Husted S., Erisman J.W., Otjes R., Hensen A., Mosquera J., Cellier P., Loubet B., David M., Genermont S., Neftel A., Blatter A., Hermann B., Jones S.K., Horvath L., Führer E.C., Mantzanas K., Koukoura Z., Gallagher M., Williams P., Flynn M. & Riedo M. (2001), Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative, Plant and Soil 228: 131-145.
- Erisman J.W., Otjes R., Hensen A., Jongejan P., Bulp P. van den, Khlystov A., Möls H. & Slanina S. (2001), Instrument development and application in studies and monitoring of ambient ammonia, Atmospheric Environment 35(11): 1913-1922.
- Monteny G.J. & Erisman J.W. (1998), Ammonia emission from dairy cow buildings: a review of measurement techniques, influencing factors and possibilities for reduction, Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 46(3/4): 225-247.
- Wyers G.P. & Erisman J.W. (1998), Ammonia exchange over coniferous forest, Atmospheric Environment 32(3): 441-451.
- Erisman J.W., Draaijers G.P.J., Steingröver E., Dijk H. van, Boxman A. & Vries W. de (1998), Assessment of the exposure and loads of acidifying and eutrophying pollutants and ozone, as well as their, harmful influence on the vitality of the trees and the Speulder forest ecosystem as a whole, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 105: 539-571.
- Erisman J.W., Bleeker A. & Jaarsveld H. van (1998), Atmospheric deposition of ammonia to semi-natural vegetation in the Netherlands: methods for mapping and evaluation, Atmospheric Environment 32(3): 481-489.
- Erisman J.W. & Monteny G.J. (1998), Consequences of new scientific findings for future abatement of ammonia emissions, Environmental Pollution 102(1): 275-282.
- Erisman J.W., Mennen M.G., Fowler D., Flechard C.R., Spindler G., Grüner A., Duyzer J.H., Ruigrok W. & Wyers G.P. (1998), Deposition monitoring in Europe, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 53: 279-295.
- Erisman J.W., Bleeker A. & Jaarsveld J.A. van (1998), Evaluation of ammonia emission abatement on the basis of measurements and model calculations, Environmental Pollution 102(1): 269-274.
- Erisman J.W., Brydges T., Bull K., Cowling E., Grennfelt P., Nordberg L., Satake K., Schneider T., Smeulders S., Hoek K.W. van der, Wisniewski J.R. & Wisniewski J. (1998), Summary statement, Environmental Pollution 102(1): 3-12.
- Cowling E.B., Erisman J.W., Smeulders S.M., Holman S.C. & Nicholson B.M. (1998), Optimizing air quality management in Europe and North America: justification for integrated management of both oxidized and reduced forms of nitrogen, Environmental Pollution 102(1): 599-608.
- Bleeker A. & Erisman J.W. (1998), Spatial planning as a tool for decreasing nitrogen loads in nature areas, Environmental Pollution 102(1): 649-655.
- Draaijers, G.P.J. & Erisman. J.W. (1995), A canopy budget model to assess atmospheric deposition from throughfall measurements, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2253-2258.
- Erisman J.W., Potma C., Draaijers G., Van Leeuwen E. & Van Pul A. (1995), A generalised description of the deposition of acidifying pollutants on a small scale in Europe, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2101-2106.
- Draaijers G.P.J., Leeuwen E.P. van, Potma C., Van Pul W.A.J. & Erisman J.W. (1995), Mapping base cation deposition in Europe on a 10x20 km grid, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2389-2394.
- Leeuwen E.P. van, Draaijers G.P.J., Potma C.J.M., Van Pul W.A.J. & Erisman J.W. (1995), The compilation of measurement based European wet deposition maps of acidifying components and base cations, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 2173-2178.
- Erisman & J.W. (1993), Acid deposition onto nature areas in the Netherlands: part II. throughfall measurements compared to deposition estimates, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 71: 81-99.
- Erisman & J.W. (1993), Acid deposition to nature areas in the Netherlands: part I. methods and results, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 71: 51-80.
- Draaijers G.P.J. & Erisman J.W. (1993), Atmospheric sulfur deposition to forest stands: throughfall estimates compared to estimates from inference, Atmospheric Environment 27(1): 43-55.
- Erisman J.W. & Wyers G.P. (1993), Continuous measurements of surface exchange of SO(2) and NH(3): implications for their possible interaction in the deposition process, Atmospheric Environment 27(13): 1937-1949.
- Marnette E.C., Houweling H., Dam H. van & Erisman J.W. (1993), Effects of decreased atmospheric deposition on the sulfur budgets of 2 Dutch moorland pools, Biogeochemistry 23: 119-144.
- Erisman J.W., Versluis A.H., Verplancke T.A.J.W., Haan D. de, Anink D., Elzekker B.G. van, Mennen M.G. & Aalst R.M. van (1993), Monitoring the dry deposition of SO2 in the Netherlands: results for grassland and heather vegetation, Atmospheric Environment 27(7): 1153-1161.
- Erisman J.W. & Duyzer J. (1991), A micrometeorological investigation of surface exchange parameters over heathland, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 57: 115-128.
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