Anne Land-Zandstra
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. A.M. Land-Zandstra
- Telefoon
- 071 5275343
- 0000-0002-7604-9092

Mijn onderzoek richt zich op de rol van authenticiteit in wetenschapsmusea en op het meten van de impact van wetenschapscommunicatie.
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Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- Kluis T. de, Romp S. & Land A.M. (2024), Science museum educators’ views on object-based learning: the perceived importance of authenticity and touch, Public Understanding of Science 33(3): 325-342.
- Rambonnet L., Rodenburg F.J. & Land-Zandstra A.M. (2024), Longitudinal study of motivation, attitude, and knowledge of citizen scientists monitoring plastic pollution on Dutch riverbank, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 9(1): 11.
- Rambonnet L., Reinders H. & Land-Zandstra A.M. (2023), Citizen science against the plastic soup: background, motivation and expectations of volunteers studying plastic pollution on Dutch riverbanks, Research For All 7(1): 14.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Strick M., Peeters W. & de Jong P. (2023), Het meten van impact van wetenschapscommunicatie: eindrapport IMPACTLAB. Leiden: IMPACTLAB.
- Vossen T. E., Land-Zandstra A.M., Russo P., Schut A., van Vulpen I.B., Watts A.L., Booij C. & Tupan-Wenno M. (2023), Effects of a STEM-oriented lesson series aimed at inclusive and diverse education on primary school children’s perceptions of and sense of belonging in space science, International Journal of Science Education 45(9): 689-708.
- Levontin L. Gilad Z. Shuster B. Chako S. Land-Zandstra A. Lavie-Alon N. Shwartz A. (2022), Standardizing the assessment of citizen scientists’ motivations: a motivational goal-based approach, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 7(1): 25.
- Peeters W., Land A.M. & Strick M. (2022), Een nieuwe aanpak voor het meten van impact in de wetenschapscommunicatie: theoretisch kader en praktische uitwerking, Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 50(3): 231-250.
- Vohland K., Land-Zandstra A., Ceccaroni L., Lemmens R., Perelló J., Ponti M., Samson R. & Wagenknecht K. (2021), The Science of Citizen Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- Land-Zandstra A., Agnello G. & Gültekin Y.S. (2021), Participants in Citizen Science. In: Vohland K., Land-Zandstra A., Ceccaroni L., Lemmens R., Perelló J., Ponti M., Samson R. & Wagenknecht K. (red.), The Science of Citizen Science. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 243-259.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Hoefakker K. & Damsma W. (2020), Reasoning about objects in a natural history museum: the effect of complexity of questions on object labels, Visitor Studies 23(2): 218-236.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Bakker L. de & Jensen E.A. (2020), Informal science education. In: Dam F. van, Bakker L. de, Dijkstra A.M. & Jensen E.A. (red.), Science communication: an introduction. Singapore: World Scientific. 91-117.
- Putten W van der, Bourgeois Q., Broeder L. den, Hilton N., Hut R., Land-Zanstra A.M., Moor T. de, Oberski D., Prats-López M., Snik F., Veenkamp J. & Wildevuur S. (2020), Kennis en krachten gebundeld: citizen science in Nederland. Amsterdam: Nationaal Platform Open Science.
- Rambonnet L., Vink S.C., Land-Zandstra A.M. & Bosker T. (2019), Making citizen science count: best practices and challenges of citizen science projects on plastics in aquatic environments, Marine Pollution Bulletin 145: 271-277.
- Gerven D.J.J. van, Land-Zandstra A.M. & Damsma W. (2019), From Hitler’s sweater to dinosaur fossils: An essentialist outlook on authenticity, Review of General Psychology 23(3): 371-381.
- Vries M.J. de, Land-Zandstra A.M. & Smeets I. (2019), Citizen scientists’ preferences for communication of scientific output: a literature review, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 4(1): 2.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Gerven D.J.J. van & Damsma W. (2018), Is it real? How visitors interpret authenticity in a natural history museum, Spokes 37: 1-15.
- Gerven D.J.J. van, Land-Zandstra A.M. & Damsma W. (2018), Authenticity matters: Children look beyond appearances in their appreciation of museum objects, International Journal of Science Education 8(4): 325-339.
- Volten H., Devilee J., Apituley A., Carton L., Grothe M., Keller C.U., Kresin F., Land-Zandstra A.M., Noordijk E., Putten E. van, Rietjens J.H.H., Snik F., Tielemans E., Vonk J., Voogt M. & Wesseling J. (2018), Enhancing national environmental monitoring through local citizen science. In: Hecker S., Haklay M., Bowser A., Makuch Z., Vogel J. & Bonn A. (red.), Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press. 337-352.
- Beusekom M.M. van, Land-Zandstra A.M., Bos M.J.W., Broek J.M. van den & Guchelaar H.J. (2017), Pharmaceutical pictograms for low-literate patients: Understanding, risk of false confidence, and evidence-based design strategies, Patient Education and Counseling 100(5): 966-973.
- Kerkhoven A.H., Rodrigues Dos Santos Russo P.M., Land-Zandstra A.M., Saxena A. & Rodenburg F.J. (2016), Gender Stereotypes in Science Education Resources: A Visual Content Analysis, 11(11): e0165037.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Devilee J.L.A., Snik F., Buurmeijer F. & Broek J.M. van den (2016), Citizen science on a smartphone: Participants’ motivations and learning, Public Understanding of Science 25(1): 45-60.
- Hut R.W., Land-Zandstra A.M., Smeets I. & Stoof C. (2016), Geoscience on television: a review of science communication literature in the context of geosciences, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 2507-2518.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Beusekom M.M. van, Koppeschaar C.E. & Broek J.M. van den (2016), Motivation and learning impact of Dutch flu-trackers, Journal of Science Communication 15(1): A01.
- Land-Zandstra A.M. & Bakker E.P.H.M. de (2014), Informele wetenschapseductie. In: Dam F. van, Bakker L. de & Dijkstra A.M. (red.), Wetenschapscommunicatie, een kennisbasis. Den Haag: Boom Lemma. 111-140.