Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange
Hoogleraar Predictive Pharmacology
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.C.M. de Lange
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6330
- ecmdelange@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-8303-1117

“Prof. Elizabeth de Lange is opgeleid tot chemicus, met een specialisatie in Biophysical Chemistry (Universiteit van Groningen, Nederland). Zij promoveerde in de farmacologie (Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR), Universiteit Leiden, Nederland). Ze is momenteel de hoofdonderzoeker op gebied van Voorspellende Farmacologie binnen de divisie “Systems Pharmacology & Pharmacy” van het LACDR. Haar doel is om de effecten van farmaca in individuen adequaat te kunnen voorspellen met behulp van voorspellende farmacologische (translationele) benaderingen". Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige webpagina.
Meer informatie over Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange
Hoogleraar Predictive Pharmacology
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Pharmacology
- Gülave B., Lesmana A., Lange E.C.M. de & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2025), Do P-glycoprotein-mediated drug-drug interactions at the blood-brain barrier impact morphine brain distribution?, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 52: 11.
- Valkengoed D.W. van, Hirasawa M., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2025), Reliability of in vitro data for the mechanistic prediction of brain extracellular fluid pharmacokinetics of P-glycoprotein substrates in vivo; are we scaling correctly?, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 52: 16.
- Gülave B., Maagdenberg H.W. van den, Boven L. van, Westen G.J.P. van, Lange E.C.M. de & Hasselt J.G.C. van (2025), Prediction of the extent of blood–brain barrier transport using machine learning and integration into the LeiCNS-PK3.0 model, Pharmaceutical Research : .
- Budda D., Gülave B., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2024), Non‐linear blood–brain barrier transport and dosing strategies influence receptor occupancy ratios of morphine and its metabolites in pain matrix, British Journal of Pharmacology 181(20): 3856-3868.
- Sun M.,Manson M.L., Guo T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2024), CNS viral infections—what to consider for improving drug treatment: a plea for using mathematical modeling approaches, CNS Drugs 38(5): 349-373.
- Gülave B., Budda D., Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2024), Corrigendum to “Does nonlinear blood-brain barrier transport matter for (lower) morphine dosing strategies?” , European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 196: 106736.
- Zhang M., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2024), The potential impact of CYP and UGT drug-metabolizing enzymes on brain target site drug exposure, Drug Metabolism Reviews 56(1): 1-30.
- Scheffers L.M., Bianco J., Su Y., Ringnalda F.C.A., Lange E.C.M. de, Huitema A.D.R. & Vuurden D.G. van (2024), DIPG-65. Novel patient-based pharmacokinetic drug screening reveals gemcitabine potential in pediatric H3K27-altered diffuse midline gliomas, Neuro-Oncology 26(Supplement 4): NOAE064118.
- Cornelissen A.S., Berg R.M. van den, Klaassen S.D., Koning J.C. de, Langenberg J.P., Lange E.C.M. de & Joosen M.J.A. (2024), Synergistic polytherapy for the broad-spectrum treatment of chemically-induced seizures in rats, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 493: 117137.
- Zhang M., Vuist I.M., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2024), Exploring Kp,uu,BBB values smaller than unity in remoxipride: a physiologically-based CNS model approach highlighting brain metabolism in drugs with passive blood-brain barrier transport, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 203: 106883.
- Zasedateleva T., Schaller S. de, Lange E.C.M. de & Witte W.E.A. de (2024), Local depletion of large molecule drugs due to target binding in tissue interstitial space, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 13(12): 2068-2086.
- Babaei M., Evers T.M.J., Shokri F., Altucci L., Lange E.C.M. de & Mashaghi Tabari A. (2023), Biochemical reaction network topology defines dose-dependent drug-drug interactions, Computers in Biology and Medicine 155: 106584.
- Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Gülave B., Campagne O., Stewart C.F., Elassaiss J. & Lange E.C.M. de (2023), Using the LeiCNS-PK3.0 physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model to predict brain extracellular fluid pharmacokinetics in mice, Pharmaceutical Research 40: 2555-2566.
- Gülave B., Budda D., Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2023), Does nonlinear blood-brain barrier transport matter for (lower) morphine dosing strategies?, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 187: 106482.
- Faucher Q., Made T.K. van der, Lange E.C.M. de & Masereeuw R. (2023), Blood-brain barrier perturbations by uremic toxins: key contributors in chronic kidney disease-induced neurological disorders?, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 187: 106462.
- Yin C., Harms A.C., Hankemeier T., Kindt A.S.D. & Lange E.C.M. de (2023), Status of metabolomic measurement for insights in Alzheimer’s disease progression—what is missing?, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(5): 4960.
- Hirasawa M., Saleh M.A.A.E.W. & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), The extension of the LeiCNS-PK3.0 model in combination with the “handshake” approach to understand brain tumor pathophysiology, Pharmaceutical Research : .
- Puris E., Auriola S., Petralla S., Hartman R., Gynther M., Lange E.C.M. de & Fricker G. (2022), Altered protein expression of membrane transporters in isolated cerebral microvessels and brain cortex of a rat Alzheimer's disease model, Neurobiology of Disease 169: 105741.
- Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Bloemberg J.S., Elassaiss-Schaap J. & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), Drug distribution in brain and cerebrospinal fluids in relation to IC50 values in aging and Alzheimer's disease, using the physiologically based LeiCNS-PK3.0 model, Pharmaceutical Research 39(7): 1303-1319.
- Loryan I., Smith D.E., Artursson P., Breimer D.D., Deguchi Y., Paalzow L., Sugiyama Y., Terasaki T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), Professor Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes: humbled scientist shaping modern neuropharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical Research 39(7): 1283-1289.
- Lange E.C.M. de & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2022), Understanding the blood-brain barrier and beyond: challenges and opportunities for Novel CNS therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 111(4): 758-773.
- Kok F.K., Leerdam S.L. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), Potential mechanisms underlying resistance to dementia in non-demented individuals with Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 87(1): 51-81.
- Hirasawa M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), Revisiting cerebrospinal fluid flow direction and rate in physiologically based pharmacokinetic model, Pharmaceutics 14(9): 1764.
- Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Hirasawa M., Sun M., Berfin G., Elassaiss J. & Lange E.C.M. de (2022), The PBPK LeiCNS-PK3.0 framework predicts Nirmatrelvir (but not Remdesivir or Molnupiravir) to achieve effective concentrations against SARS-CoV-2 in human brain cells, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 181: 106345.
- Saleh M.A.A.E.W. & Lange E.C.M. de (2021), Impact of CNS diseases on drug delivery to brain extracellular and intracellular target sites in human: a “WHAT-IF” Simulation Study, Pharmaceutics 13(1): 95.
- Oostveen W.M. van Lange E.C.M. de (2021), Imaging techniques in Alzheimer's disease: a review of applications in early diagnosis and longitudinal monitoring, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(4): 2110.
- Saleh M.A.A.E.W., Loo C.F., Elassaiss-Schaap J. & Lange E.C.M. de (2021), Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid-to-brain extracellular fluid surrogacy is context-specific: insights from LeiCNS-PK3.0 simulations, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 48: 725-741.
- Juhairiyah F. & Lange E.C.M. de (2021), Understanding drug delivery to the brain using liposome-based strategies: studies that provide mechanistic insights are essential, AAPS Journal 23: 114.
- Qin T., Prins S., Groeneveld J.G., Westen G.J.P. van, Vries E.H. de, Wong C.Y., Bischoff L.J.M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2020), Utility of Animal Models to Understand Human Alzheimer’s Disease, Using the Mastermind Research Approach to Avoid Unnecessary Further Sacrifices of Animals, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(9): 3158.
- Lebedev A.V., Nilsson J., Lindström J., Fredborg W., Akenine U., Hillilä C., Andersen P., Spulber G., Lange E.C.M. de, Berg D. van den, Kivipelto M. & Lövdén M. (2020), Effects of daily L-dopa administration on learning and brain structure in older adults undergoing cognitive training: a randomised clinical trial, Scientific Reports 10(1): 5227.
- Vendel E., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2020), A 3D brain unit model to further improve prediction of local drug distribution within the brain, PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238397.
- Vendel E., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2020), The 3D brain unit network model to study spatial brain drug exposure under healthy and pathological conditions, Pharmaceutical Research 37(7): 137.
- Hu Y., Gaillard P.J., Lange E.C.M. de & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2019), Targeted brain delivery of methotrexate by glutathione PEGylated liposomes: How can the formulation make a difference?, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 139: 197-204.
- Nicolas J.M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Mind the Gaps: Ontogeny of Human Brain P-gp and Its Impact on Drug Toxicity, AAPS Journal 21: 67.
- Puris E., Gynther M., Lange E.C.M. de, Auriola S., Hammarlund-Udenaes M., Huttunen K.M. & Loryan I. (2019), Mechanistic Study on the Use of the l-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1 for Brain Intracellular Delivery of Ketoprofen via Prodrug: A Novel Approach Supporting the Development of Prodrugs for Intracellular Targets, Molecular Pharmaceutics 16(7): 3261-3274.
- Vendel E., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), The need for mathematical modelling of spatial drug distribution within the brain, Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 16: 12.
- Qile M., Beekman H.D.M., Sprenkeler D.J., Houtman M.J.C., Ham W.B. van, Stary-Weinzinger A., Beyl S., Hering S., Berg D.J. van den, Lange E.C.M. de, Heitman L.H., IJzerman A.P., Vos M.A. & Heyden M.A.G. van der (2019), LUF7244, an allosteric modulator/activator of Kv11.1 channels, counteracts dofetilide‐induced torsades de pointes arrhythmia in the chronic atrioventricular block dog model, British Journal of Pharmacology 176(19): 3871-3885.
- Lange E.C.M. de & Bonate P. (2019), Modeling and simulation in the translational pharmacology of CNS Drugs. In: Nomikos G.G. & Feltner D.E. (red.), Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience nr. 29: Elsevier. 25-37.
- Ketharanathan N., Yamamoto Y., Rohlwink U.K., Wildschut E.D., Mathôt R.A.A., Lange E.C.M. de, Wildt S.N. de, Argent A.C., Tibboel D. & Figaji A.A. (2019), Combining Brain Microdialysis and Translational Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Predict Drug Concentrations in Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: The Next Step Toward Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy?, Journal of Neurotrauma 36(1): 111-117.
- Vendel E., Rottschäfer V. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Improving the Prediction of Local Drug Distribution Profiles in the Brain with a New 2D Mathematical Model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81(9): 3477-3507.
- Witte W.E.A. de, Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), The implications of target saturation for the use of drug-target residence time, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 18(1): 82-84.
- Brink W.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Berg D.J. van den, Flik G., Gonzalez-Amoros B., Koopman N., Elassais-Schaap J., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Blood-Based Biomarkers of Quinpirole Pharmacology: Cluster-Based PK/PD and Metabolomics to Unravel the Underlying Dynamics in Rat Plasma and Brain, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 8(2): 107-117.
- Wong Y.C., Centanni M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Physiologically Based Modeling Approach to Predict Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy of Antipsychotics in Brain: Translation From Rat to Human, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59(5): 731-747.
- Wong Y.C., Ilkova T.I., Wijk R.C. van, Hartman R.J. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Development of a population pharmacokinetic model to predict brain distribution and dopamine D2 receptor occupancy of raclopride in nonanesthetized rat, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 111: 514–525.
- Witte W.E.A. de, Rottschäfer V., Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der, Peletier L.A. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Modelling the delay between pharmacokinetics and EEG effects of morphine in rats: binding kinetic versus effect compartment models, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 45(4): 621-635.
- Hurtado M.O., Kohler I. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Next-generation biomarker discovery in Alzheimer's disease using metabolomics - from animal to human studies, Bioanalysis 10(18): 1525-1546.
- Lange E.C.M. de, Berg D.J. van den, Bellanti F., Voskuyl R.A. & Syvänen S. (2018), P-glycoprotein protein expression versus functionality at the blood-brain barrier using immunohistochemistry, microdialysis and mathematical modeling, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 124: 61-70.
- Brink W.J. van den, Hankemeier T., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Bundling arrows: improving translational CNS drug development by integrated PK/PD-metabolomics, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 13(6): 539-550.
- Brink W.J. van den, Berg D.J. van den, Bonsel F.E.M., Hartman R.J., Wong Y.C., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Fingerprints of CNS drug effects: a plasma neuroendocrine reflection of D2 receptor activation using multi-biomarker pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling, British Journal of Pharmacology 175(19): 3832-3843.
- Witte W.E.A. de, Rottschäfer V., Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der, Peletier L.A. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Correction to: Modelling the delay between pharmacokinetics and EEG effects of morphine in rats: binding kinetic versus effect compartment models, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 45(5): 763.
- Hu Y., Gaillard P.J., Rip J., Lange E.C.M. de & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2018), In Vivo Quantitative Understanding of PEGylated Liposome's Influence on Brain Delivery of Diphenhydramine, Molecular Pharmaceutics 15(12): 5493-5500.
- Wite W.E.A. de, Versfelt J.W., Kuzikov M., Rolland S., Georgi V., Gribbon P., Gul S., Huntjens D., Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M., Fernández-Montalván A., Witt G. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), In vitro and in silico analysis of the effects of D2 receptor antagonist target binding kinetics on the cellular response to fluctuating dopamine concentrations, British Journal of Pharmacology 175(21): 4121-4136.
- Brink W.J. van den, Palic S., Kohler I. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Access to the CNS: Biomarker Strategies for Dopaminergic Treatments, Pharmaceutical Research 35: 64.
- Brink W.J. van den, Palic S., Kohler I. & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Correction to: Access to the CNS: Biomarker Strategies for DopaminergicTreatments, Pharmaceutical Research 35(5): 102.
- Yamamoto Y., Välitalo P.A., Wong Y.C., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Beukers M.W., Kokki H., Kokki M., Danhof M., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Prediction of human CNS pharmacokinetics using a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling approach, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 112: 168-179.
- Verbeek J., Eriksson J., Syvänen S., Huisman M., Schuit R.C., Molthoff C.F.M., Voskuyl R.A., Lange E.C.M. de, Lammertsma A.A. & Windhorst A.D. (2018), Synthesis and preliminary preclinical evaluation of fluorine-18 labelled isatin-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-thiosemicarbazone ([18F]4FIMPTC) as a novel PET tracer of P-glycoprotein expression, EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry 3: 11.
- Erdo F., Denes L. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Age-associated physiological and pathological changes at the blood-brain barrier: A review, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 37(1): 4-24.
- Yamamoto Y., Välitalo P.A., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Brink W. van den, Wong Y.C., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Bakshi S.D., Aranzana-Climent V., Marchand S., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Couet W., Danhof M., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), A Generic Multi-Compartmental CNS Distribution Model Structure for 9 Drugs Allows Prediction of Human Brain Target Site Concentrations, Pharmaceutical Research 34(2): 333–351.
- Brink W.J. van den, Wong Y.C., Gülave B., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Revealing the Neuroendocrine Response After Remoxipride Treatment Using Multi-Biomarker Discovery and Quantifying It by PK/PD Modeling, AAPS Journal 19(1): 274–285.
- Shimizu S., Hoedt S.M. den, Mangas-Sanjuan V., Cristea S., Geuer J.K., Berg D.-J. van den, Hartman R., Bellanti F. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Target-Site Investigation for the Plasma Prolactin Response: Mechanism-Based Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Risperidone and Paliperidone in the Rat, Drug Metabolism and Disposition 45(2): 152-159.
- Bot I., Ortiz Zacarias N.V., Witte W.E. de, Vries H. de, Santbrink P.J. van, Velden D. van der, Kroener M.J., Berg D.J. van den, Stamos D., Lange E.C.M. de, Kuiper J., IJzerman A.P. & Heitman L.H. (2017), A novel CCR2 antagonist inhibits atherogenesis in apoE deficient mice by achieving high receptor occupancy, Scientific Reports 2017(7): 52.
- Schuetz D.A., Witte W.E.A. de, Wong Y.C, Knasmueller B., Richter L., Kokh D.B., Sadiq S.K., Bosma R., Nederpelt I., Heitman L.H., Segala E., Amaral M., Guo D., Andres D., Georgi V., Stoddart L.A., Hill S., Cooke R.M., Graaf C. de, Leurs R., Frech M., Wade R.C., Lange E.C.M. de, IJzerman A.P., Mueller-Fahrnow A. & Ecker G.F. (2017), Kinetics for Drug Discovery: an industry-driven effort to target drug residence time, Drug Discovery Today 22(6): 896-911.
- Yamamoto Y., Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Microdialysis: the key to physiologically based model prediction of human CNS target site concentrations, AAPS Journal 19(4): 891-909.
- Hu Y., Rip J., Gaillard P.J., Lange E.C.M. de & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2017), The impacts of liposomal formulations based on different phospholipids on the in vivo release and brain delivery of methotrexate: a microdialysis study, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106(9): 2606-2613.
- Kervezee L., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Meijer J.H. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Diurnal variation in the pharmacokinetics and brain distribution of morphine and its major metabolite, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S122-S130.
- Witte W.E.A. de, Vauquelin G., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), The influence of drug distribution and drug-target binding on target occupancy: The rate-limiting step approximation, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109S: S83-S89.
- Dijkman S.C. van, Voskuyl R.A. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Biomarkers in epilepsy - a modelling perspective, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S47-S52.
- Lange E.C.M. de, Bajza A., Imre P., Csorba A., Denes L. & Erdo F. (2017), Age-associated changes at the blood-brain barrier. In: Shamim A. (red.), Aging: exploring a complex phenomenon: Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.
- Yamamoto Y., Valitalo P.A.J., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Beukers M.W., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Wong Y.C., Danhof M., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Predicting Drug Concentration-Time Profiles in Multiple CNS Compartments Using a Comprehensive Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 6(11): 765–777.
- Burggraaf J., Breimer D.D., Graaf P.H. van der. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Editorial Special Supplement of the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences on the occasion of the retirement of Professor Meindert Danhof as Professor of Pharmacology at Leiden University, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109(Supplement): S1.
- Ketharanathan N., Yamamoto Y., Rohlwink U., Wildschut E.D., Hunfeld M., Lange E.C.M. de & Tibboel D. (2017), Analgosedation in paediatric severe traumatic brain injury (TBI): practice, pitfalls and possibilities, Child's Nervous System 33(10): 1703-1710.
- Nederpelt I., Kuzikov M., Witte W.E.A. de, Schnider P., Tuijt B., Gul S., IJzerman A.P., Lange E.C.M. de & Heitman L.H. (2017), From receptor binding kinetics to signal transduction; a missing link in predicting in vivo drug-action, Scientific Reports 7: 14169.
- Yamamoto Y., Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Erratum to: Microdialysis: the Key to Physiologically Based Model Prediction of Human CNS Target Site Concentrations, AAPS Journal 19(4): 1249-1252.
- Taneja A., Vermeulen A., Huntjens D.R.H., Danhof M., Lange E.C.M. de & Proost J.H. (2017), Modeling of prolactin response following dopamine D-2 receptor antagonists in rats: can it be translated to clinical dosing?, Pharmacology Research and Perspectives 5(6): e00364.
- Brink W.J. van den, Elassaiss J., Gonzalez Amoros B., Harms A.C., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Multivariate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PKPD) analysis with metabolomics shows multiple effects of remoxipride in rats, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: 431-440.
- Lange E.C.M. de., Brink W.J. van den, Yamamoto Y., Witte W.E.A. de & Wong Y.C. (2017), Novel CNS drug discovery and development approach: model-based integration to predict neuro-pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 12(12): 1207-1218.
- Chen X., Slattengren T., Lange E.C.M. de, Smith D.E. & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2017), Revisiting atenolol as a low passive permeability marker, Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 14: 30.
- Hu Y., Rip J., Gaillard P.J., Lange E.C.M. de. & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2017), The Impact of Liposomal Formulations on the Release and Brain Delivery of Methotrexate: An In Vivo Microdialysis Study, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106(9): 2606-2613.
- Vlot A.H.C., Witte W.E.A. de, Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der, Westen G.J.P. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Target and Tissue Selectivity Prediction by Integrated Mechanistic Pharmacokinetic-Target Binding and Quantitative Structure Activity Modeling, AAPS Journal 20(1): 11.
- Taneja A., Vermeulen A., Huntjens D.R.H., Danhof M., Lange E.C.M. de & Proost J.H. (2016), A comparison of two semi-mechanistic models for prolactin release and prediction of receptor occupancy following administration of dopamine D-2 receptor antagonists in rats, European Journal of Pharmacology 789: 202-214.
- Yamamoto Y., Ketharanathan N., Lange E.C.M. de, Rohlwink U., Wildschut E.D., Mathot R.A.A., Tibboel D. & Figaji A.A. (2016), Prediction of cerebral morphine concentration in pediatric traumatic brain injury (tbi) with the rat physiologically based pharmacokinetic (pbpk) model, Journal of Neurotrauma 33(3): A38-A38.
- Witte W.E., Wong Y.C., Nederpelt I., Heitman L.H., Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der, Gilissen R.A. & De Lange E.C. (2016), Mechanistic models enable the rational use of in vitro drug-target binding kinetics for better drug effects in patients, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 11(1): 45-63.
- Bakshi S.D., Lange E.C.M. de, Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M. & Peletier L.A. (2016), Understanding the Behavior of Systems Pharmacology Models Using Mathematical Analysis of Differential Equations: Prolactin Modeling as a Case Study, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 5(7): 339-351.
- Witte W.E.A. de, Danhof M., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2016), In vivo Target Residence Time and Kinetic Selectivity: The Association Rate Constant as Determinant, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 37(10): 831-842.
- Ruigrok M.J.R. & Lange E.C.M. de (2015), Emerging Insights for Translational Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Studies: Towards Prediction of Nose-to-Brain Transport in Humans, AAPS Journal 17(3): 493-505.
- Lange E.C.M. de & Hammarlund-Udenaes M. (2015), Translational aspects of blood-brain barrier transport and central nervous system effects of drugs: from discovery to patients, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 97(4): 380-394.
- Lange E.C.M. de (2015), PBPK Modeling Approach for Predictions of Human CNS Drug Brain Distribution 296. In: Di L. & Kerns E.H. (red.), Blood-Brain Barrier in drug discovery: optimizing brain exposure of CNS drugs and minimizing brain side effects: Wiley. 296-323.
- Westerhout J., Van den Berg D.J., Hartman R., Danhof M. & De Lange E.C. (2014), Prediction of methotrexate CNS distribution in different species - influence of disease conditions, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014(Jan 22): 0928-0987.
- Rip J., Chen L., Hartman R., Heuvel A. van den, Reijerkerk A., Kregten J. van, Boom B. van der, Appeldoorn C., Boer M. de, Maussang D., Lange E.C. de & Gaillard P.J. (2014), Glutathione PEGylated liposomes: pharmacokinetics and delivery of cargo across the blood-brain barrier in rats, Journal of Drug Targeting 22(3): .
- Kervezee L., Hartman R.J., Berg D.J. van den, Shimizu S., Yamamoto Y., Meijer J.H. & Lange E.C.M. de (2014), Diurnal variation in P-glycoprotein-mediated transport and cerebrospinal fluid turnover in the brain, AAPS Journal 16(5): 1029-1037.
- Lange E.C.M. de (2014), Pharmacometrics in Psychiatric Diseases. In: Schmidt S. & Derendorf H. (red.), Applied Pharmacometrics. AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series nr. 14. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Springer. 407-449.
- Lange E.C.M. de (2014), PKPD aspects of brain drug delivery in a translational perspective. In: Hammarlund-Udenaes M., Lange E.C.M. de & Thorne R. (red.), Drug delivery to the brain. AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series nr. 10. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Springer. 233-268.
- Lange E.C.M. de (2014), Disease influence on BBB transport in neurodegenerative disorders. In: Hammarlund-Udenaes M., Lange E.C.M. de & Thorne R. (red.), Drug delivery to the brain. AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series nr. 10. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Springer. 591-634.
- Westerhout Joost, Smeets Jean, Danhof Meindert & De Lange Elizabeth C.M. (2013), The impact of P-gp functionality on non-steady state relationships between CSF and brain extracellular fluid, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 40(3): 327-342.
- De Lange Elizabeth C.M. (2013), Utility of CSF in translational neuroscience, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 40(3): 315-326.
- Syvanen Stina, Russmann Vera, Verbeek Joost, Eriksson Jonas, Labots Maaike, Zellinger Christina, Seeger Natalie, Schuit Robert, Rongen Marissa, Van Kooij Rolph, Windhorst A.D., Lammertsma A.A., De Lange E.C., Voskuyl R.A., Koepp Matthias & Potschka Heidrun (2013), [C-11]quinidine and [C-11]laniquidar PET imaging in a chronic rodent epilepsy model: Impact of epilepsy and drug-responsiveness, 40(6): 764-775.
- Stevens J., Ploeger B.A., Hammarlund-Udenaes M., Osswald G., Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2012), Mechanism-based PK-PD model for the prolactin biological system response following an acute dopamine inhibition challenge: quantitative extrapolation to humans, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 39(5): 463-477.
- Verbeek J., Syvanen S., Schuit R.C., Eriksson J., Lange E.C.de, Windhorst A.D., Luurtsema G. & Lammertsma A.A. (2012), Synthesis and preclinical evaluation of [C-11]D617, a metabolite of (R)-[C-11]verapamil, 39(4): 530-539.
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- Syvanen S., Labots M., Tagawa Y., Eriksson J., Windhorst A.D., Lammertsma A.A., Lange E.C.M. de & Voskuyl R.A. (2012), Altered GABA(A) Receptor Density and Unaltered Blood Brain Barrier Transport in a Kainate Model of Epilepsy: An In Vivo Study Using C-11-Flumazenil and PET, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 53(12): 1974-1983.
- Syvanen S., Schenke M., Berg D.J. van den, Voskuyl R.A. & Lange E.C.M. de (2012), Alteration in P-glycoprotein Functionality Affects Intrabrain Distribution of Quinidine More Than Brain Entry-A Study in Rats Subjected to Status Epilepticus by Kainate, AAPS Journal 14(1): 87-96.
- Westerhout J., Ploeger B., Smeets J., Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2012), Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Investigate Regional Brain Distribution Kinetics in Rats, AAPS Journal 14(3): 543-553.
- Lange E.C.M. de (2012), Recovery and calibration techniques: toward quantitative microdialysis. In: Mueller M. (red.), Microdialysis in drug development. AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series nr. 4. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Springer. 13-33.
- Westerhout J., Danhof M. & De Lange E.C. (2011), Preclinical prediction of human brain target site concentrations: considerations in extrapolating to the clinical setting, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 100(9): .
- Syvanen S., De Lange E.C., Tagawa Y., Schenke M., Molthoff C.F., Windhorst A.D., Lammertsma A.A. & Voskuyl R.A. (2011), Simultaneous in vivo measurements of receptor density and affinity using [11C]flumazenil and positron emission tomography: comparison of full saturation and steady state methods, NEUROIMAGE 57(3): .
- Stevens J., Ploeger B.A., Van der Graaf P.H., Danhof M. & De Lange E.C. (2011), Systemic and Direct Nose-to-Brain Transport Pharmacokinetic Model for Remoxipride after Intravenous and Intranasal Administration, Drug Metabolism and Disposition 39(12): .
- Steeg T.J. van, Krekels E.H.J., Freijer J., Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2010), Effect of altered AGP plasma binding on heart rate changes by S(-)-propranolol in rats using mechanism-based estimations of in vivo receptor affinity (K(B,vivo)), JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 99(5): 2511-2520.
- Stevens J., Van den Berg D.J., De Ridder S., Niederlander H.A., Van der Graaf P.H., Danhof M. & De Lange E.C. (2010), Online solid phase extraction with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analyze remoxipride in small plasma-, brain homogenate-, and brain microdialysate samples, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 878(13-14): .
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- Stevens J., Berg D.J. van den, Ridder S. de, Niederländer H.A., Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2010), Online solid phase extraction with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analyze remoxipride in small plasma-, brain homogenate-, and brain microdialysate samples, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 878(13-14): 969-975.
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- Cremers T.I.F.H., Vries M.G. de, Huinink K.D., Loon J.P. van, Hart M. van der, Ebert B., Westerink B.H.C. & Lange E.C.M. de (2009), Quantitative microdialysis using modified ultraslow microdialysis: Direct rapid and reliable determination of free brain concentrations with the MetaQuant technique, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 178(2): 249-254.
- Voskuyl R.A., Syvanen S., Luurtsema G., Molthoff C.F., Windhorst A.D., Huisman M.C., Lammertsma A.A. & Lange E.C.M. de. (2009), On the role of P-glycoprotein function in the blood-brain barrier in pharmacoresistance: A pet study in epileptic rats, Epilepsia 50(11): 337-337.
- Stevens J., Hammarlund-Udenacs M., Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2009), Remoxipride in man and rat: A population-Approach pharmacokinetic model, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 49(9): 1099-1099.
- Danhof M., Lange E.C.M. de, Della Pasqua O.E., Ploeger B.A. & Voskuyl R.A. (2008), Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling in translational drug research, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 29(4): 186-191.
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