Vestert Borger
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. V. Borger LLM
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7715
- 0000-0002-4261-4540

Vestert Borger is an Assistant Professor of European Law at the Europa Institute of Leiden University.
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Borger obtained his doctorate in January 2018 at Leiden University with distinction (cum laude). In his dissertation, he studies how the currency union could undergo constitutional change during the euro crisis with hardly any formal amendment to the Union Treaties. In 2019, the work was awarded with the dissertation prize of the European Law Faculties Association. In 2020, it was published with Cambridge University Press under the title The Currency of Solidarity: Constitutional Transformation during the Euro Crisis. In 2021, the book was awarded with the Best Book Prize by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES).
Besides his specialisation in the law on the euro, Borger has a keen interest in the institutional and constitutional law of the European Union more generally. He has published in Dutch and international law journals, including SEW, German Law Journal, European Constitutional Law Review, and Common Market Law Review. Borger regularly writes opinion pieces on his research for Dutch newspapers NRC Handelsblad, De Volkskrant and Het Financieele Dagblad.
In the academic year 2019-2020, Vestert Borger was a Niels Stensen Fellow at Yale Law School. As a Niels Stensen Fellow he examined the authority of the European Court of Justice on the basis of a comparison with the constitutional system of the United States.
Since 2022, together with Luuk van Middelaar, Borger has been working on a four-year research project entitled ‘The game of the European constitution: Notes on the Union, and its spokespersons, system and foundation’. This project, funded by a Thorbecke grant of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), examines what the European Union’s nascent capacity for political action teaches about the nature of its constitution. It is expected to result in a book and several public essays. Borger is project leader of this research initiative.
Borger is a book review editor for the European Constitutional Law Review. He instructs courses in European law at bachelor's, master's and advanced master's level. In addition, he supervises bachelor's and master's theses.
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Borger V. & Middelaar L.J. van (2024), Een alfadier als premier, De Groene Amsterdammer 148(19): 44-47.
- Borger V. (2022), The transformation of the ECB in Sovereign Bond Markets. In: Beukers T., Fromage D. & Monti G. (Eds.) The New European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 29-58.
- Borger V. (2022), Constitutional identity, the rule of law, and the power of the purse: the ECJ approves the conditionality mechanism to protect the Union budget: Hungary and Poland v. Parliament and Council , Common Market Law Review 59(6): 1771-1802.
- Borger V. (2022), Review of: Larsen S.R. (2021), The Constitutional Theory of the Federation and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. European Law Review 47(5): 720-723.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Jesse M., Van Rompuy B., Borger V. & Wamel D.R. van (2021), Kroniek van het Europees materieel recht, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(35): 2989-3006 (NJB 2021/2605).
- Borger V. (15 May 2020), Het oordeel van Karlsruhe kent enkel verliezers. NRC Handelsblad: 18.
- Borger V. (2020), EU Financial Assistance. In: Amtenbrink F. & Herrmann C. (Eds.), EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union. New York: Oxford University Press. 963-978.
- Borger V. (2020), The Currency of Solidarity: Constitutional Transformation During the Euro Crisis. Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G. & Borger V. (2020), Hoog spel in Karlsruhe: het Duitse Constitutionele Hof over het Public Sector Purchase Programme van de ECB, Nederlands Juristenblad 95(39): 2978-2989 (NJB 2020/2640).
- Middelaar L.J. van & Borger V. (2019), A Eurozone Congress. In: Hennette S., Piketty T., Sacriste G. & Vauchez A. (Eds.), How to Democratize Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 115-121.
- Borger V. (2019), Central Bank Independence, Discretion and Judicial Review. In: Mendes J. (Ed.), EU Executive Discretion and the Limits of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 118-131.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Jesse M., Van Rompuy B., Borger V. & Aalbers M. (2019), Kroniek van het Europees materieel recht, Nederlands Juristenblad 94(35): 2654-2669 (NJB 2019/2168).
- Borger V. (31 January 2018), The transformation of the euro : law, contract, solidarity (Dissertatie. Europa Institute, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks no. MI-299. Leiden: E.M. Meijers Instituut voor Rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Rijpma J.J.
- Middelaar L.J. van & Borger V. (2018), A Eurozone Congress, European Papers 3(1): 127-132.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Van Rompuy B., Borger V., Aalbers M. & Weber T.W.A. (2017), Kroniek van het Europees materieel recht, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(35): 2624-2638 (NJB 2017/1914).
- Van den Bogaert S. & Borger V. (2017), Differentiated integration in EMU. In: De Witte B., Ott A. & Vos E. (Eds.), Between Flexibility and Disintegration: The Trajectory of Differentiation in EU Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 209-236.
- Van den Bogaert S., Borger V. & Behre F. (30 November 2017), Karlsruhe on Bond Buying: Searching the Limits to Quantitative Easing. Regulating for Globalization: Trade, Labor and EU Law Perspectives: Wolters Kluwer. [blog entry].
- Borger V. (2016), Outright Monetary Transactions and the stability mandate of the ECB: Gauweiler, Common Market Law Review 53(1): 139-196.
- Borger V. (2015), The European Stability Mechanism: A crisis tool operating at two junctures. In: Haentjens M. & Wessels B. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector. Research Handbooks in Financial Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 150-170.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G., Van Cleynenbreugel P.J.M.M., Borger V., Aalbers M. & Weber T.W.A. (2015), Kroniek van het Europees materieel recht, Nederlands Juristenblad 90(35): 2510-2526.
- Borger V. & Eijsbouts W.T. (18 February 2014), De hoogste Duitse rechter is de kluts kwijt over de euro. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie: 16-17.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G. & Borger V. (2013), Twenty Years After Maastricht: The Coming of Age of the EMU?. In: Visser M. de & Mei A.P. van der (Eds.), The Treaty on European Union 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht. Ius commune europaeum no. 123. Cambridge: Intersentia. 451-474.
- Borger V., annotation: European Court of Justice 27 November 2012, German Law Journal 14: 113-140.
- Borger V. (2013), How the Debt Crisis Exposes the Development of Solidarity in the Euro Area, European Constitutional Law Review 9(1): 7-36.
- Borger V. (2012), Ruiz Zambrano: Hoe Europees Burgerschap zijn Schaduw in de Tijd Vooruit Werpt. In: Essers G., Mei A.P. van der & Overmeiren F. van (Eds.), Vrij verkeer van personen in 60 arresten. Deventer: Kluwer. 463-472.
- Borger V. & Cuyvers A. (2012), Het Verdrag inzake Stabiliteit, Coördinatie en Bestuur in de Economische en Monetaire Unie: de juridische en constitutionele complicaties van de eurocrisis, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 60(10): 370-390.
- Borger V. (2012), Solidarity and Legality in EMU. ACELG Annual Conference, Amsterdam. 9 November 2012 - 9 November 2012. [conference poster].
- Borger V. & Eijsbouts W.T. (13 September 2012), Duitse Hof gaat meedenken met de euro. De Volkskrant: 30.
- Borger V. & Eijsbouts W.T. (24 September 2012), ESM-noodfonds is nooit bedoeld als transferunie. De Volkskrant: 22-22.
- Borger V. (9 October 2012), Solidariteit en verantwoordelijkheid in de eurozone. Instituut Clingendael. [lecture].
- Borger V., Brinkhorst L.J., Cuyvers A., Eijsbouts W.T., Smits R. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (12 July 2012), Wijziging van het ESM-verdrag is onnodig. Het Financieele Dagblad: 7-7.
- Van den Bogaert S.C.G. & Borger V. (8 December 2012), Rechterlijke interpretaties ESM op de pijnbank van de crisis. Het Financieele Dagblad: 27-27.
- Borger V. (25 August 2011), Frans-Duits voorstel voor 'Euroregering': oude wijn in nieuwe zakken. [blog entry].
- Borger V. (25 March 2011), Achterhoedegevecht in Den Haag. De Volkskrant: 30-30.
- Borger V. & Eijsbouts W.T. (9 September 2011), Hof miskent autonome Europese ontwikkeling. De Volkskrant: 29.
- Borger V. (2011), De eurocrisis als katalysator voor het Europese noodfonds en het toekomstig permanent stabilisatiemechanisme, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 59(5): 207-216.
- Schneider H., De Groof J., Borger V., Claessens S., Garben S. & Hogenboom A. (2009), Crossing Borders - Frontier Knowledge. Maastricht: Maastricht University.
- book review editor