Sandra Groeneveld
Professor Public Management
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.M. Groeneveld
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9374
- 0000-0002-6736-1447

Sandra Groeneveld is a Professor in Public Management of the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. She teaches in the fields of organization theory and public management as well as on research methodology and quantitative research methods and techniques. Her research interests include the structure and management of public organizations, focusing particularly on questions of representative bureaucracy, diversity management, leadership and organizational change.
More information about Sandra Groeneveld
Sandra Groeneveld is a Professor in Public Management of the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Recently her research was awarded the Rosabeth Moss Kanter award for excellence in work-family research, the Charles H. Levine Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2014, the IRSPM best paper award at the International Research Society for Public Management annual conference 2015 and 2017, and the 2015 Review of Public Personnel Administration best article award.
On the 27th of May 2016 prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld delivered her inaugural lecture: “The relevance of bureaucracy. How to deal with ambivalence in public management” (in Dutch).
Before joining Leiden University she was employed at the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus University Rotterdam as an Assistant Professor (2006-2011) and as an Associate Professor (2011-2014). From 2009 until 2013 she also served as the executive director of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG), the Dutch national graduate school for public administration and political science. She holds a PhD in Sociology from Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Professor Public Management
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- member of the Board of Editors
- Member of the Editorial Board
- member of the editorial board
- member of the governance committee
- Lid Regiegroep Sociale Veiligheid in Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschap
- Lid van de Commissie Wetenschappelijke Integriteit