Bart Custers
Professor of Law and Data Science
- Name
- B.H.M. Custers
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8838
- 0000-0002-3355-8380

Professor B.H.M. (Bart) Custers PhD MSc LLM is full Professor of Law and Data Science and head of eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University.
More information about Bart Custers
In the media
Law and Artificial Intelligence, Regulating AI and Applying AI in Legal Practice
EU Personal Data Protection in Policy and Practice
De bescherming van persoonsgegevens, Acht Europese landen vergeleken
The Future of Drone Use
Cybercrime en witwassen; Bitcoins, online dienstverleners en andere witwasmethoden bij banking malware en ransomware
Het gebruik van drones; een verkennend onderzoek naar onbemande luchtvaartuigen
Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society; Data Mining and Profiling in Large Databases
The Power of Knowledge Ethical, Legal and Technological Aspects of Data Mining and Group Profiling in Epidemiology
Professor B.H.M. (Bart) Custers PhD MSc LLM is full Professor of Law and Data Science and head of eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University. He has a background in both law and physics and is an expert in the area of law and digital technologies, including topics like profiling, big data, privacy, discrimination, cybercrime, technology in policing and artificial intelligence. He is a seasoned researcher and project manager who acquired and executed research for the European Commission, NWO (the National Research Council in the Netherlands), the Dutch national government, local government agencies, large corporations and SMEs. Until 2016 he was the head of the research department on Crime, Law Enforcement and Sanctions of the scientific research centre (WODC) of the Ministry of Security and Justice in the Netherlands. Before that, he worked for the national government as a senior policy advisor for consecutive ministers of justice (2009-2013) and for a large consultancy firm as a senior management consultant on information strategies (2005-2009).
Professor Custers has published three books on profiling, privacy, discrimination and big data, two books on the use of drones and one book on the use of bitcoins for money laundering cybercrime profits. He regularly gives lectures on profiling, privacy and big data and related topics. He has presented his work at international conferences in the United States, Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, the Middle East and throughout Europe. He has published his work, over a hundred publications, in scholarly and professional journals and in newspapers.
On behalf of Leiden Law School, Professor Custers is the coordinator of the SAILS project. This project, funded by the Executive Board of Leiden University, deals with the societal and legal implications of Artificial Intelligence. All faculties and the Leiden University Medical Center are involved in this project. Professor Custers is one of the SAILS professors.
Professor of Law and Data Science
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Custers B.H.M., Lahmann H.C. & Scott B.I. (2025), From Liability Gaps to Liability Overlaps: Shared Responsibilities and Fiduciary Duties in AI and Other Complex Technologies, AI and Society : 1-16.
- Heidary K., Custers B.H.M. & Rest J.I. van der (2025), Prijsdiscriminatie voorbij wettelijke discriminatiegronden, Nederlands Juristenblad 100(5): 326-335 (NJB 2025/243).
- Custers B.H.M. (2025), The new frontiers of legal evaluation. In: Leeuw F.L. & Bamberger M.J. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Lessons from Evaluations of the Rule of Law and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 169-189.
- Custers B.H.M. (2024), A fair trial in complex technology cases: why courts and judges need a basic understanding of complex technologies, Computer Law and Security Review 52: 105935.
- Häuselmann A.N. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Substantive fairness in the GDPR: fairness elements for article 5.1a GDPR, Computer Law and Security Review 52: 105942.
- Tuazon O.M., Wickenheiser R.A., Ansell R., Guerrini C.J., Zwenne G.-J. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Law enforcement use of genetic genealogy databases in criminal investigations: nomenclature, definition and scope, Forensic Science International: Synergy 8: 100460.
- Custers B.H.M. & Vrabec H.U. (2024), Tell me something new: data subject rights applied to inferred data and profiles, Computer Law and Security Review 52: 105956.
- Malgieri G. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Dati oltre-commercio. In: Feroni G.C. (Ed.), Commerciabilità dei dati personali: Profili economici, giuridici, etici della monetizzazione. Studi e ricerche Cesifin. Bologna: Il Mulino. 329-356.
- Custers B.H.M. (5 April 2024), Bitcoins stinken niet. OpenRecht. Amsterdam. [web article].
- Custers B.H.M. (2 September 2024), ChatGPT in de rechtszaal: wen er maar vast aan. Nederland Rechtsstaat (Open Universiteit / Universiteit van Tilburg). [blog entry].
- Custers B.H.M. (4 September 2024), Vervolging van Telegram-baas is niet meteen slecht nieuws voor Zuckerberg [Nu Pavel Doerov vervolgd wordt, hoeft Zuckerberg zich niet direct zorgen te maken]. Trouw: 21.
- Custers B.H.M. & Malgieri G. (2024), Het recht op bescherming van persoonsgegevens is onbetaalbaar, Nederlands Juristenblad 99(27): 2092-2100 (NJB 2024/1726).
- Custers B.H.M. (16 September 2024), Kwalificeer foute en hardleerse techbedrijven als criminele organisaties (Kwalificeer techbedrijven die doelbewust de wet overtreden als criminele organisaties). De Volkskrant: 20.
- Custers B.H.M. (2024), Methods of data research for law. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 297-316.
- Custers B.H.M. (19 September 2024), Techbedrijven die bewust de wet overtreden zijn criminele organisaties (Techbedrijven die doelbewust de wet overtreden kun je gewoon criminele organisaties noemen). Nederlands Dagblad: 16.
- Custers B.H.M. (2024), Discriminatiegronden in het digitale tijdperk: de toekomstbestendigheid van Artikel 1 van de Nederlandse Grondwet. In: Ministerie BZK (Ed.), De Grondwet en nieuwe technologie: Klaar voor de toekomst? Twaalf pleidooien voor modernisering van de Grondwet. Essaybundel. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. 39-67.
- Custers B.H.M. & Stevens L. (2024), Data as evidence in criminal courts: comparing legal frameworks and actual practices. In: Gless S. & Whalen-Bridge H. (Eds.), Human-robot interaction in law and its narratives: legal blame, procedure, and criminal law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 221-251.
- Scott B.I., Custers B.H.M. & Lahmann H.C. (2024), Drone regulation and AI Law: assessing the intersection of the EU Legal Frameworks for unmanned aircraft and artificial intelligence, Air and Space Law 49(6): 565-584.
- Heidary K., Rest J.I. van der & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Discrimination grounds and personalized pricing: Consumer perceptions of of fairness, norm alignment, legality, and trust in markets, Internet Policy Review 13(4): 1-37.
- Schermer B.W. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Modernisering strafvordering en de bescherming van persoonsgegevens in het opsporingsonderzoek, Delikt en delinkwent 54(8): 659-673 (DD 2024/45).
- Lahmann H.C., Custers B.H.M., Scott B.I., Santoni de Sio F., Heijnen M. & Akrum I. (2024), Design methodologies for addressing Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of military AI applications: [Deliverable 2.1, Version 2.0]. The Hague: ELSA Lab Defence.
- Custers B.H.M. & Fosch Villaronga E. (2024), Legal and ethical aspects of AI in radiology. In: Ranschaert E., Rezazade Mehrizi M.H., Grootjans W. & Cook T.S. (Eds.), AI Implementation in Radiology: Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical Practice. Imaging Informatics for Healthcare Professionals. Cham: Springer. 87-105.
- Custers B.H.M. (28 December 2024), De kracht van AI in juridisch onderzoek. Beste-ID. [web article].
- Häuselmann A.N. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), The right to rectification and inferred personal data, European Journal of Law and Technology 15(3): 1-24.
- Leiser M.R. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Article 5: Time limits for storage and review. In: Kosta E. & Boehm F.A. (Eds.), The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): a commentary. Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 153-164.
- Scott B.I., Lahmann H.C. & Custers B.H.M. (2023), Adopting AI in defence organisations requires further focus on ethical, legal and societal aspects, ICUAS magazine 1(2): 3-5.
- Custers B.H.M. (2023), Technologiekennis voor een eerlijk proces: fair trial vereist ook van rechters enige kennis van complexe technologie, Nederlands Juristenblad 98(21): 1733-1741 (NJB 2023/1474).
- Stathis G., Trantas A., Biagioni G., Herik H.J. van den, Custers B.H.M., Daniele L. & Katsigiannis T. (2023), Towards a foundation for intelligent contracts. Rocha A.P., Steels L. & Herik H.J. van den (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th international conference on agents and artificial intelligence (ICAART 2023): Volume 2. 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 22 February 2023 - 24 February 2023. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). Lisbon: SciTePress. 87-98.
- Baumgartner R., Arora P., Bath C., Burljaev D., Ciereszko K., Custers B.H.M., Ding J., Ernst W., Fosch-Villaronga E., Galanos V., Gremsl T., Hendl T., Kropp C., Lenk C., Martin P., Mbelu S., Morais dos Santos Bruss S., Napiwodzka K., Nowak E., Roxanne T., Samerski S., Schneeberger D., Tampe-Mai K., Vlantoni K., Wiggert K. & Williams R. (2023), Fair and equitable AI in biomedical research and healthcare: social science perspectives, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 144: 102658.
- Stathis G., Biagioni G., Trantas A., Herik H.J. van den & Custers B.H.M. (2023), A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management. Gusikhin O., Hammoudi S. & Cuzzocrea A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications: July 11-13, 2023, in Rome, Italy [Volume 1]. 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), 11 July 2023 - 13 July 2023. DATA International Conference on DATA Management Technologies and Applications: Scitepress. 227-234.
- Custers B.H.M. (2023), Reconsidering discrimination grounds in the data economy: an EU comparison of national constitutions, Computer Law and Security Review 50: 105851.
- Custers B.H.M. (2023), The right to break the law?: Perfect enforcement of the law using technology impedes the development of legal systems, Ethics and Information Technology 25(4): 58.
- Lahmann H.C., Custers B.H.M. & Scott B.I. (2023), Design methodologies for addressing Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of military AI applications: [Version 1.0; Deliverable 2.1]. Research memo series / ELSA Lab Defence no. 2. The Hague: ELSA Lab Defence.
- Custers B.H.M. (2023), Sonsuza dek rıza vermek için tıklayınız: aydınlatılmış rıza için geçerlilik süresi. In: Kaya C. (Ed.), Kisisel Verilerin Korunmasi Hukuku (Law of Protection of Personal Data) ve bilgi edinme hukuku: cesitli acilardan bakis. Istanbul: Onikilevha. 897-911.
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Khanna P., Drukarch H.G. & Custers B.H.M. (2023), The role of humans in surgery automation: exploring the influence of automation on human–robot interaction and responsibility in surgery innovation, International Journal of Social Robotics 15(3): 563-580.
- Custers B.H.M. (31 January 2023), Nederlandse verzekeraars spelen voor aanklager en rechter tegelijk. Trouw: 17.
- Custers B.H.M. (2022), 新型数字权利:试想数字时代的其他 基本权利, Journal of Human Rights Law 2(5): 115-154 (2097-0749(2023)05-0115-2).
- Custers B.H.M., Fosch-Villaronga E., Hof S. van der, Schermer B.W., Sears A.M. & Tamò-Larrieux A. (2022), The role of consent in an algorithmic society: its evolution, scope, failings, and re-conceptualization. In: Kosta E., Leenes R.E. & Kamara I. (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 455-473.
- Custers B.H.M. (2022), New digital rights: Imagining additional fundamental rights for the digital era, Computer Law and Security Review 44: 1-13 (105636).
- Custers B.H.M., Louis L.B., Spinelli M. & Terzidou K. (2022), Quis custodiet ipsos custodes: data protection in the judiciary in EU and EEA member states, International Data Privacy Law 12(2): 93-112.
- Custers B.H.M., annotation: Rechtbank Amsterdam 11 March 2021, no. C/13/687315/HA RK 20-207, ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2021:1020, Computerrecht 2022(2): 123-139 (2022/54 Computerrecht 2022/54).
- Custers B.H.M. & Malgieri G. (2022), Priceless data: why the EU fundamental right to data protection is at odds with trade in personal data, Computer Law and Security Review 45: 105683.
- Custers B.H.M. (2022), Het recht om de wet te overtreden?: al te perfecte rechtshandhaving door technologie kan rechtsontwikkeling in de weg staan, Nederlands Juristenblad 97(19): 1532-1539 (NJB 2022/1192).
- Nišević M., Sears A.M., Fosch-Villaronga E. & Custers B.H.M. (2022), Understanding the legal bases for automated decision-making under the GDPR. In: Kosta E., Leenes R. & Kamara I. (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 435-454.
- Custers B.H.M. (9 July 2022), Europa bouwt uw digitale ik (Europa bouwt onze digitale ik, moeten we daar blij mee zijn?). Trouw, Tijdgeest: 28-31.
- Custers B.H.M. & Heijne A.C.B. (2022), The right of access in automated decision-making: the scope of article 15(1)(h) GDPR in theory and practice, Computer Law and Security Review 46: 105727.
- Custers B.H.M. & Fosch-Villaronga E. (Eds.) (2022), Law and artificial intelligence: regulating AI and applying AI in legal practice. Information technology & law series no. 35. Heidelberg/The Hague: Springer/T.M.C. Asser Press.
- Custers B.H.M. (2022), AI in criminal law: an overview of AI applications in substantive and procedural criminal law. In: Custers B.H.M. & Fosch Villaronga E. (Eds.), Law and artificial intelligence: regulating AI and applying AI in legal practice. Information technology & law series no. 35. Heidelberg-The Hague: Springer-T.M.C. Asser Press. 205-223.
- Custers B.H.M. & Fosch-Villaronga E. (2022), Humanizing machines: introduction and overview. In: Custers B.H.M. & Fosch Villaronga E. (Eds.), Law and Artificial Intelligence: Regulating AI and Applying AI in Legal Practice. Information technology & law series no. 35. Heidelberg/The Hague: Springer/T.M.C. Asser Press. 3-28.
- Heidary K., Custers B.H.M., Pluut H. & Rest J.I. van der (2022), A qualitative investigation of company perspectives on online price discrimination, Computer Law and Security Review 46: 105734.
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Drukarch H., Khanna P., Verhoef T. & Custers B.H.M. (2022), Accounting for diversity in AI for medicine, Computer Law and Security Review 47: 105735.
- Custers B.H.M. (2022), De gulden regel voor persoonsgegevens, Ars Aequi 71(9): 614-616 (AA20220614).
- Meuwese A.C.M. & Custers B.H.M. (1 April 2021), Gebruik meer slimme techniek tegen corona [Met slimmer gebruik van technologie kan de samenleving sneller heropend]. Trouw: 22.
- Custers B.H.M. & Stevens L. (2021), The Use of Data as Evidence in Dutch Criminal Courts, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 29(1): 25-46.
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Poulsen A., Søraa R.A. & Custers B.H.M. (2021), A little bird told me your gender: gender inferences in social media, Information Processing and Management 58(3): 1-13 (102541).
- Custers B.H.M. (2021), Onze overheid is te gefixeerd op data, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(12): 921 (NJB 2021/848).
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Poulsen A., Søraa R.A. & Custers B.H.M. (2021), Gendering Algorithms in Social Media, ACM SIGKDD Explorations 23(1): 24-31.
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Khanna P., Drukarch H. & Custers B.H.M. (2021), A human in the loop in surgery automation, Nature Machine Intelligence 3(5): 368-369.
- Nieuwesteeg B., Berg B. van den, Pras A., Lodder A., Laat C. de, Custers B., Koops B.J., Daemen J., Eekelen M. van, Dijk M. van, Mentens N., Rijswijk-Deij R. van, Ruiter S. & Faure M. (3 July 2021), Betaal geen losgeld bij een ransomware-aanval. Het Financieele Dagblad, Opinie: 34.
- Heidary K. & Custers B.H.M. (2021), Online prijsdiscriminatie: algoritmische prijspersonalisatie in het licht van het discriminatieverbod en consumentenbescherming, Nederlands Juristenblad 96(30): 2507-2513 (NJB 2021/2282).
- Custers B.H.M. & Heijne A.C.B. (2021), The Right of Access: Article 15 GDPR in the light of processing that involves algorithms or automated decisions. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Custers B.H.M. (2021), Profiling and Predictions: Challenges in Cybercrime Research Datafication. In: Lavorgna A. & Holt T.J. (Eds.), Researching Cybercrimes: Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 63-79.
- Custers B.H.M. (2021), Artificiële intelligentie in het strafrecht: een overzicht van actuele ontwikkelingen, Computerrecht 2021(4): 330-339 (2021/157).
- Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F. & Hof S. van der (Eds.) (2021), Meesterlijk: liber amicorum ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof.dr. Jaap van den Herik. Meijers-reeks no. 376. Amsterdam: Ipskamp Publishing.
- Custers B.H.M. (2021), Over computers en rechters. In: Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F. & Hof S. van der (Eds.), Meesterlijk: liber amicorum ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof.dr. Jaap van den Herik. Meijers-reeks no. 376. Amsterdam: Ipskamp Publishing. 11-14.
- Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F., Graaf T.J. de, Meuwese A.C.M. & Wuisman I.S. (2021), Waarom (basis)kennis van AI onontbeerlijk is voor juristen, Ars Aequi 70(12): 1136-1140.
- Custers B.H.M. (22 February 2020), Meldplicht datalekken schiet doel voorbij (Drie redenen waarom meldplicht datalekken niet werkt). Trouw: 28-29.
- Custers B.H.M., Oerlemans J.J. & Pool R. (2020), Laundering the profits of ransomware: money laundering methods for vouchers and cryptocurrencies, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 28(2): 121-152.
- Muravyeva E., Janssen J., Specht M. & Custers B. (2020), Exploring solutions to the privacy paradox in the context of e‑assessment: informed consent revisited, Ethics and Information Technology 22(3): 223-238.
- Custers B.H.M. (2020), Big data in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. In: Hardyns W. & Snaphaan T. (Eds.), Big data en innovatieve methoden voor criminologisch onderzoek. Den Haag: Boom Uitgevers. 41-56.
- Custers B.H.M. (3 April 2020), Laat Facebook zijn eigen cryptomunt houden. OpenRecht. Amsterdam: Stichting OpenRecht. [blog entry].
- Custers B.H.M., annotation: EHRM 11 June 2020, no. 74440/17 (P.N. versus Duitsland), ECLI:CE:ECHR:2020:0611JUD007444017. EHRC Updates 2020: 1-9 (2020-0170 EHRC 2020-0170 Opsporing met behoud van privacy).
- Fosch-Villaronga E., Poulsen A., Søraa R.A. & Custers B.H.M. (2020), Don’t guess my gender, gurl: The inadvertent impact of gender inferences, Bias and Fairness in AI (BIAS 2020). Workshop at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD) 2020, Ghent, Belgium, September 18, 2020. .
- Custers B.H.M., Louis L.B., Terzoudi K. & Spinelli M.D. (2020), Data protection in the judiciary: the concept of courts/judicial authorities acting in their judicial capacities. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Bachlechner D., Friedewald M., Weitkamp J., Prill M.A., La Fors K., Sears A.M. & Custers B.H.M. (2019), Overview of design requirements (D4.2): Horizon2020 of the European Commission.
- Custers B.H.M., Sears A.M., Dechesne F., Georgieva I.N., Tani T. & Hof S. van der (2019), EU Personal Data Protection in Policy and Practice. Information technology & law series no. 29. Heidelberg: Asser/Springer.
- Custers B.H.M. (27 March 2019), Wees beheerst bij bevoegdheid om te hacken. Trouw: 22.
- Custers B.H.M., Pool R.L.D. & Cornelisse R. (2019), Banking malware and the laundering of its profits, European Journal of Criminology 16(6): 728-745.
- La Fors K., Custers B. & Keymolen E. (2019), Reassessing values for emerging big data technologies: integrating design-based and application-based approaches, Ethics and Information Technology 21(3): 209-226.
- Leiser M.R. & Custers B.H.M. (2019), The Law Enforcement Directive’s Consent And Categorization Quagmire. . Belfast: BILETA Annual Conference (16-17 April 2019).
- Custers B.H.M. (20 July 2019), Fraudebestrijding mag niet uitmonden in 'Kafka'. Algemeen Dagblad: 11.
- Custers B.H.M. (27 July 2019), Vijf argumenten tegen DNA-plan [Het afnemen van DNA bij onschuldigen is een slecht idee]. Trouw: 21.
- Custers B.H.M. (2019), Privacywaakhond krijgt geld, nu nog tanden, Privacy & Informatie 22(4): 152.
- Leiser M.R. & Custers B.H.M. (2019), The Law Enforcement Directive: Conceptual Challenges of EU Directive 2016/680, European Data Protection Law Review 5(3): 367-378.
- Custers B.H.M., Ursic Vrabec H. & Friedewald M. (2019), Assessing the Legal and Ethical Impact of Data Reuse: Developing a Tool for Data Reuse Impact Assessments (DRIA), European Data Protection Law Review 5(3): 317-337.
- Custers B.H.M. & Leiser M.R. (2019), Persoonsgegevens in het strafrecht: Weeffouten in EU-Richtlijn 2016/680 leiden tot praktische problemen, Nederlands Juristenblad 94(34): 2490-2497 (NJB 2019/2107).
- Custers B.H.M. (2019), Hergebruik van gegevens in smart cities: juridische en ethische kaders voor big data in de openbare ruimte. In: Feldberg F. & et al. (Eds.), Behoorlijk datagebruik in de openbare ruimte: Van dialoogtafels naar voorstellen voor nieuw beleid. Den Haag: NL Digitaal. 9-35.
- Custers B.H.M. (2019), Reuse of data in smart cities: legal and ethical frameworks for big data in the public arena. In: Feldberg F. & et al. (Eds.), Appropriate use of data in public space: From dialogue groups to new policy proposals [essay collection]. Den Haag: NL Digitaal. 9-35.
- Custers B.H.M. (2019), Nieuwe digitale (grond)rechten, Nederlands Juristenblad 94(44): 3288-3295 (NJB 2019/2775).
- La Fors K., Bachlechner D., Sears A.M., Custers B.H.M. & Friedewald M. (2019), E-Sides Community Position Paper (CPP): Towards a more accountable big data governance and responsible innovation of privacy-preserving technologies: Horizon2020 of the European Commission (Deliverable 5.3).
- Bachlechner D., Friedewald M., La Fors K., Sears A.M. & Custers B.H.M. (2019), Recommendations and conclusions (E-Sides Deliverable 5.2): Horizon2020 of the European Commission.
- Custers B.H.M. & Overwater L.J. (2019), Regulating Initial Coin Offerings and Cryptocurrencies: A Comparison of Different Approaches in Nine Jurisdictions Worldwide, European Journal of Law and Technology 10(3): 1-29.
- La Fors K., Sears A.M., Bachlechner D., Friedwald M., Weitkamp J., Prill M.A. & Custers B. (2018), Results of the gap analysis: Horizon2020 of the European Commission.
- Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F., Sears A.M., Tani T. & Hof S. van der (2018), A comparison of data protection legislation and policies across the EU, Computer Law and Security Review 34(2): 234-243.
- Malgieri G. & Custers B.H.M. (2018), Pricing privacy – the right to know the value of your personal data, Computer Law and Security Review 34(2): 289-303.
- Custers B.H.M. (2018), Data Mining and Profiling in Big Data. In: Arrigo B.A. (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.. 277-279.
- Custers B.H.M. (5 May 2018), De opslag van vliegdata is een heilloos plan. Trouw.
- Custers B.H.M. & Ursic H. (2018), Worker Privacy in a Digitalized World under European Law, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 39(2): 323-344.
- Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F., Pieters W., Schermer B. & Hof S. van der (2018), Consent and Privacy. In: Müller A. & Schaber P. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent. London: Routledge. 247-258.
- Gerbrandy A. & Custers B.H.M. (2018), Algoritmische besluitvorming en het kartelverbod, Markt & Mededinging 2018(3): 101-109.
- Custers B.H.M. (2018), Aansprakelijkheid voor drones: technologische ontwikkelingen en de toepasbaarheid van het aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht 2018(7-8): 235-242.
- Overwater L.J. & Custers B.H.M. (2018), De regulering van Initial Coin Offerings en cryptocurrencies: een vergelijking van verschillende landen, Computerrecht 2018(5): 260-270 (2018/208).
- Custers B.H.M. (21 September 2018), Privacy geldt ook voor hangjongeren. Trouw: 22.
- Custers B.H.M. (2018), Nieuwe online opsporingsbevoegdheden en het recht op privacy: een analyse van de Wet computercriminaliteit III, Justitiële Verkenningen 44(5): 100-117.
- La Fors K., Dechesne F. & Custers B.H.M. (2018), Filling accountability holes in algorithmic networks. . Amsterdam: Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC) 2018.
- Custers B.H.M. (2018), Profiling as Inferred data: Amplifier Effects and Positive Feedback Loops. In: Bayamlioglu E., Baraliuc I., Janssens L. & Hildebrandt M. (Eds.), Being Profiled: Cogitas ergo Sum: 10 years of 'profiling the European citizen'. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 112-116.
- Custers B.H.M. (2018), Methods of data research for law. In: Mak V., Tjong Tjin Tai E. & Berlee A. (Eds.), Research Handbook in Data Science and Law. Research Handbooks in Information Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 355-377.
- Custers B.H.M. (2017), Nepnieuws, filterbubbels en echokamers. In: Hof S. van der, Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F. & Keymolen E.L.O. (Eds.), Recht uit het hart: Liber Amicorum ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. dr. mr. Wouter Hins, Hoogleraar mediarecht te Leiden. Meijers-reeks no. 313. Leiden: Meijers Instituut.
- Custers B.H.M. (2017), Nederlandse Patriot Act gaat weinig opleveren, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(2): 110-111 (NJB 2017/96).
- Hof S. van der, Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F. & Keymolen E.L.O. (Eds.) (2017), Recht uit het hart. Liber amicorum ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. dr. mr. Wouter Hins, hoogleraar mediarecht te Leiden. Meijers-reeks no. 313. Leiden: E.M. Meijers Instituut.
- Custers B.H.M. (2017), Kunnen computers het wetboek interpreteren?. In: De Graaf B. & Rinnooy Kan A. (Eds.), Hoe zwaar is licht? Meer dan 100 dringende vragen aan de wetenschap. Amsterdam: Balans.
- Pool R.L.D. & Custers B.H.M. (2017), The Police Hack Back: Legitimacy, Necessity and Privacy Implications of The Next Step in Fighting Cybercrime, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 25(2): 123-144.
- Custers B.H.M., Herik H.J. van den, Laat C.T.A.M. de, Rademaker M. & Veenman C.J. (2017), Enabling Big Data Applications for Security: Responsible by Design. Den Haag: The Hague Security Delta.
- Custers B.H.M. (1 April 2017), Houd schendingen van privacy niet onder de pet. Algemeen Dagblad, Opinie: 15.
- Custers B.H.M. (2017), Big data en big data technologie. In: Blok P.H. (Ed.), Big data en het recht: een overzicht van het juridisch kader voor big data-toepassingen in de private sector. Monografieën recht en informatietechnologie no. 10. Den Haag: SDU. 17-35.
- Custers B.H.M. (9 September 2017), Die camera’s mogen gewoon niet. Trouw: 27.
- Custers B.H.M., Dechesne F., Georgieva I.N. & Hof S. van der (2017), De bescherming van persoonsgegevens: acht Europese landen vergeleken. WODC Rapport no. 2718. Den Haag: SDU.
- Custers B.H.M. & Voorbach N.G.A., annotation: Rechtbank Noord-Nederland 3 May 2017, no. C/18/170676/HA RK 16-269, ECLI:NL:RBNNE:2017:1700, Computerrecht 2017(4): 248-252 (2017/157 Computerrecht 2017/157).
- Custers B.H.M., La Fors K., Jozwiak M.E., Keymolen E.L.O., Bachlechner D., Friedewald M. & Aguzzi S. (2017), Lists of ethical, legal, societal and economic issues of big data technologies. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Custers B.H.M. & Leeuw F. (2017), Legal big data: Toepassingen voor de rechtspraktijk en juridisch onderzoek, Nederlands Juristenblad 92(34): 2449-2456 (NJB 2017/1854).
- Custers B.H.M. (2017), Cyber agent technology en de Wet op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten (WIV). Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Custers B.H.M. & Bachlechner D. (2017), Advancing the EU Data Economy: Conditions for Realizing the Full Potential of Data Reuse, Information Polity 22(4): 291-309.
- Žliobaitė I. & Custers B.H.M. (2016), Using sensitive personal data may be necessary for avoiding discrimination in data-driven decision models, Artificial Intelligence and Law 24(2): 183-201.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Flying to New Destinations: The Future of Drones. In: Custers B.H.M. (Ed.), The Future of Drone Use: Opportunities and Threats from Ethical and Legal Perspectives. Information technology & law series no. 27. Heidelberg-The Hague: Springer-T.M.C. Asser Press. 371-386.
- Vergouw B., Nagel H., Bondt G. & Custers B.H.M. (2016), Drone Technology: Types, Payloads, Applications, Frequency Spectrum Issues and Future Developments. In: Custers B.H.M. (Ed.), The Future of Drone Use: Opportunities and Threats from Ethical and Legal Perspectives. Information technology & law series no. 27. Heidelberg-The Hague: Springer-T.M.C. Asser Press. 21-45.
- Custers B.H.M. (5 October 2016), Online discriminatie vereist steviger aanpak van justitie. Trouw: 21.
- Custers B.H.M. & Ursic H. (2016), Big data and data reuse: a taxonomy of data reuse for balancing big data benefits and personal data protection, International Data Privacy Law 6(1): 4-15.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Presentation Bitcoins & Money Laundering; Processing the Profits of Banking Malware and Ransomware, Open Minded, Leiden University. [other].
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Presentation Drones and Other Promising Law Enforcement Technologies, 40th Annual IACP Law Enforcement Information Management Conference (LEIM 2016) (LEIM 2016). [other].
- Custers B.H.M. (7 June 2016), Etnisch profileren is wettelijk verboden en dat moet zo blijven. Trouw: 17.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Drones here, there and everywhere: Introduction and Overview. In: Custers B.H.M. (Ed.), The Future of Drone Use: Opportunities and Threats from Ethical and Legal Perspectives. Information technology & law series no. 27. Heidelberg-The Hague: Springer-T.M.C. Asser Press. 3-20.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), The Future of Drone Use: Opportunities and Threats from Ethical and Legal Perspectives. Information technology & law series no. 27. Heidelberg-The Hague: Springer-T.M.C. Asser Press.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Big Data in wetenschappelijk onderzoek, Justitiële Verkenningen 42(1): 8-21.
- Custers B.H.M. & Scheepmaker M. (Eds.) (2016), Nieuwe technologieën in opsporing en veiligheidszorg. Justitiële Verkenningen. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch.
- Custers B.H.M. & Vergouw B. (2016), Technologie voor opsporing en handhaving; kansen, ervaringen en knelpunten, Justitiële Verkenningen 42(3): 48-67.
- Custers B.H.M., Oerlemans J.J. & Pool R.L.D. (2016), Ransomware, cryptoware en het witwassen van losgeld in Bitcoins, Strafblad 14(2): 87-95 (2016/15).
- Ursic H. & Custers B.H.M. (2016), Legal Barriers and Enablers to Big Data Reuse - A critical Assessment of the Challenges for the EU Law, European Data Protection Law Review 2(2): 209-221.
- Oerlemans J.J., Custers B.H.M., Pool R.L.D. & Cornelisse R. (2016), Cybercrime en witwassen: bitcoins, online dienstverleners en andere witwasmethoden bij banking malware en ransomware. Onderzoek en beleid WODC no. 319. Meppel: Boom Criminologie-WODC.
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Presentation on The Use of Drones – An Exploratory Study on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the USA delegation of the Department of Homeland Security (Science and Technology Unit) (Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice). [other].
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Interview bij NOS 8 uur journaal over dreigingen van drones. [other].
- Custers B.H.M. (2016), Click here to consent forever: Expiry dates for informed consent, Big Data & Society : 1-6.
- Oerlemans J.J. & Custers B.H.M. (2015), De onstuitbare opmars van drones: ontwikkelingen in technologie en regulering voor lichte onbemande luchtvaartuigen, Nederlands Juristenblad 90(32): 2208-2214.
- Custers B.H.M. (2015), Presentatie Cybercrime en witwassen – witwassen bij Banking Malware en Ransomware en de rol van virtuele valuta. Raad van Advies van het WODC. [other].
- Custers B.H.M., Oerlemans J.J. & Vergouw S.J. (2015), Het gebruik van drones. Een verkennend onderzoek naar onbemande luchtvaartuigen. Onderzoek en beleid WODC no. 313. Den Haag: Boom Lemma uitgevers.
- Custers B.H.M. & Vergouw S.J. (2015), Promising policing technologies: Experiences, obstacles and police needs regarding law enforcement technologies, Computer law & security report (31): 518-526.
- Custers B.H.M. (2015), Recycling Personal Data: Data Reuse and Use Limitation in Digital Forensics. October 6-8, 2015, Seoul, South Korea. [lecture].
- Custers B.H.M. & Oerlemans J.J. (1 August 2015), Drones niet verbieden maar juist reguleren. Het Financieele Dagblad: 9.
- Custers B.H.M., Hof S. van der & Schermer B. (2014), Privacy Expectations of Social Media Users: The Role of Informed Consent in Privacy Policies, Policy & Internet 6(3): 268-295.
- Custers B.H.M. & Schermer B.W. (2014), Responsibly Innovating Data Mining and Profiling Tools: A New Approach to Discrimination Sensitive and Privacy Sensitive Attributes. In: Hoven J. van den, Doorn N., Swierstra T., Koops B.-J. & Romijn H. (Eds.), Responsible innovation 1: innovative solutions for global issues. Dordrecht: Springer. 335-350.
- Custers B.H.M. (2014), Cameratoezicht: 8 trends in intelligente toepassingen, Secondant 2014(30 april 2014): 1-3.
- Custers B.H.M. (2014), Risicogericht toezicht, profiling en Big Data, Tijdschrift voor Toezicht 2014(3): 9-16.
- Schermer B.W., Custers B.H.M. & Hof S. van der (2014), The crisis of consent: how stronger legal protection may lead to weaker consent in data protection, Ethics and Information Technology 16(2): 171-182.
- Custers B.H.M., Hof S. van der, Schermer B.W., Appleby-Arnold S. & Brockdorff N. (2013), Informed Consent in Social Media Use. The Gap between User Expectations and EU Personal Data Protection Law, SCRIPTed: a journal of law, technology and society 10(4): 435-457.
- Custers B.H.M., Calders T., Schermer B. & Zarsky T.Z. (2013), Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society: Data Mining and Profiling in Large Databases. Studies in applied philosophy, epistemology and rational ethics no. 3. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Custers B.H.M. (Ed.) (2013), "". Privacy Observatory Magazine.
- Custers B.H.M., Hof S. van der & Schermer B.W. (2013), User Expectations Regarding Social Media Privacy Statements.
- Custers B.H.M. (2013), Data Dilemmas in the Information Society. In: Custers B.H.M. Calders T. Schermer B. Zarsky T. (Ed.), Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society no. 3. Heidelberg: Springer. 3-26.
- Calders T. & Custers B.H.M. (2013), What is data mining and how does it work?. In: Custers B.H.M. Calders T. Schermer B. Zarsky T. (Ed.), Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society no. 3. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Custers B.H.M. (2012), Technology in Policing: Experiences, Obstacles and Police Needs, Computer law & security report (1): 62-68.
- Custers B.H.M. (2012), Predicting Data that People Refuse to Disclose; How Data Mining Predictions Challenge Informational Self-Determination, Privacy Observatory Magazine 2012(3): .
- Custers B.H.M. (2011), De (on)mogelijkheden van opsporingstechnologie, Secondant (5): 40-45.
- Pedreschi D., Calders T., Custers B.H.M., Domingo-Ferrer J. & Finocchiaro G. (2011), Big Data Mining, Fairness and Privacy, Privacy Observatory Magazine 2011(40): .
- Custers B.H.M. (2010), Over het zoeken naar verbanden. In: Schmidt A., Linnartz M. & Mommers L. (Eds.), Aan de Klaauw kent men de leeuw. Leiden: eLaw@Leiden. 51-57.
- Custers B.H.M. & Prinsen M.M. (2010), Introduction to Forensics. In: Herzog-Evans M. (Ed.), Transnational Criminology Manual. Tilburg: Wolf Legal Publishers. 15-34.
- Custers B.H.M. (2010), Data Mining with Discrimination Sensitive and Privacy Sensitive Attributes. In: , Proceedings of ISP 2010: ISRST. 31-38.
- Custers B.H.M. & Kuiper A. (2010), Data on the Move – Privacy of Road Pricing, The Journal of Navigation 63: 51-59.
- Custers B.H.M. & Veen E. van (2010), Getuigen zonder naam, Blauw : het politievakblad 6(21): 8-11.
- Vedder A.H. & Custers B.H.M. (2009), Whose responsibility is it anyway? Dealing with the consequences of new technologies. In: Sollie P. & Düwell M. (Eds.), Evaluating new technologies: Methodological problems for the ethical assessment of technology developments. The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology no. 3. New York: Springer. 21-34.
- Custers B.H.M. & Hildebrandt M. (2009), Vulnerabilities generated by the usage of behavioural biometric profiling. In: Hildebrandt M. (Ed.), Behavioural Biometric Profiling and Transparency Enhancing Tools 31-46.
- Hildebrandt M., Benoist E, Andronikou V & Custers B.H.M. (2009), Behavioural Biometric Profiling cases and scenarios. In: , Behavioural Biometric Profiling and Transparency Enhancing Tools 21-30.
- Custers B.H.M. & Van der Wees L. (2009), Study on Traffic Monitoring. Brussels: EU.
- Custers B.H.M., Meints M., Bohme R., Zwingelberg H. & Van Dijk N. (2009), Profiling in Financial Institutions. Brussels: EU.
- Custers B.H.M. & Zwenne G.J. (2009), Aandachtspunten voor het College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens, Openbaar Bestuur 19(8): 14-17.
- Custers B.H.M. (2009), Kredietcrisis vraagt om scherper toezicht, Nederlands Juristenblad 3(84): 176-176.
- Custers B.H.M. (1 January 2009), The Financial Crisis: Regulation in Practice. Tilburg: TILT weblog. [web article].
- Custers B.H.M. (29 January 2009), Alles wordt geregistreerd: privacy brokkelt rap af. Brabants Dagblad.
- Custers B.H.M. & Van Kempen J.J.H. (2008), Verbeterde detectie van identiteitsfraude, Privacy & Informatie 2008(6): 281-285.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), Privacy Issues of Traffic Monitoring. Mohd Ali H. & Bidin A. (Eds.), Abstracts and Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Law & Technology (CLT3). . Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 85-97.
- Teeuw W., Vedder A., Custers B.H.M., Dorbeck-Jung B., Faber E., Iacob S., Koops B.J. & Leenes R. (2008), Security Applications for Converging Technologies. Den Haag: WODC.
- Custers B.H.M. (3 May 2008), De makers van happy slapping genieten van de uitzending. Trouw: 14-14.
- Custers B.H.M. (2 February 2008), Internetgokken niet te bestrijden via de creditcard. Trouw: 14-14.
- Custers B.H.M. (5 June 2008), Camera's in treinen is valse veiligheid. Trouw: 11-11.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), De exclusiviteit van ultrasnelle optische communicatienetwerken, Privacy & Informatie 2008(2): 68-74.
- Custers B.H.M. & Dubbeld L. (2008), In het licht of in het zicht? De effecten van straatverlichting en cameratoezicht vergeleken, Secondant 2008(6): 30-35.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), Tapping and Data Retention in Ultrafast Communication Networks, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 3(2): 94-100.
- Custers B.H.M., Kuiper A., Szabo Z. & Tops R. (2008), Uw gegevens op straat? Over privacy bij kilometerbeprijzing, Tijdschrift voor Vervoer en Recht 2008(4): 132-137.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), The Exclusivity of Ultrafast Communication Networks, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 3(4): 247-253.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), Solidariteit en risicoselectie in de zorg, TSG 2008(7): 390-394.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), Privacygevoeligheden bij de kilometerheffing, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 2008(9): 10-14.
- Custers B.H.M. (2008), Interceptação e retenção de dados nas redes de comunicação ultra-rápida, Revista da Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos 16: 234-250.
- Custers B.H.M. (2007), Privacy en risicoprofilering bij keteninformatisering. In: Grijpink J. & Berkelaar T. (Eds.), Geboeid door ketens, werken aan keteninformatisering. Den Haag: Platform Keteninformatisering. 181-190.
- Custers B.H.M. (2007), Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding, Proceedings of the 9th Internation Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 9th Internation Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Funchal, Portugal.
- Custers B.H.M. (2007), Tapping and Data Retention in Ultrafast Communication Networks. Kierkegaard S.M. (Ed.), Cyberlaw, Security & Privacy. Second International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT (LSPI 2007). Beijing.
- Custers B.H.M. (17 June 2007), Bescherm solidariteit in zorgverzekering. Trouw: 6-6.
- Custers B.H.M. (3 March 2007), Bedrijven die privacy burgers schenden pakken we te slap aan. Trouw: 14-14.
- Custers B.H.M. (2007), Klanten identificeren leidt niet tot betere opsporing, Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 81(4): 146-150.
- Custers B.H.M. (15 November 2006), Superministerie? Slecht idee. Dagblad De Limburger: 4-4.
- Custers B.H.M. (1 February 2006), Nieuw stelsel, hogere premies. Dagblad De Limburger: A4-A4.
- Custers B.H.M. (2006), Risicoprofilering en identificatie van terreurfondsen, Banking review 2006(October): 28-33.
- Custers B.H.M. (2006), risicoprofilering en identificatie van terreurfondsen, Privacy & Informatie 2006(4): 158-162.
- Custers B.H.M. (2006), Opsporen terreurfondsen kan slimmer, De Accountant 2006(26 okt 2006): 26-28.
- Custers B.H.M. (2005), The Risks of Epidemiological Data Mining. In: Tavani H. (Ed.), Ethics, Computing and Genomics: Moral Controversies in Computational Genomics. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
- Custers B.H.M. (3 March 2005), Pak terreurgeld aan, maar doe het goed. Trouw: 11-11.
- Custers B.H.M. (7 September 2005), Niet elke lange baard loopt met een bom. Trouw: 8-8.
- Custers B.H.M. (10 January 2004), Foto veelpleger leidt tot volksgericht. Trouw: 21-21.
- Custers B.H.M. (2004), The Power of Knowledge: Ethical, Legal and Technological Aspects of Data Mining and Group Profiling in Epidemiology. Tilburg: Wolf Legal Publishers.
- Custers B.H.M. (19 May 2004), Beelden onthoofding illegaal. Dagblad De Limburger: A6-A6.
- Custers B.H.M. (18 May 2004), Video onthoofding weren van Internet. Trouw: 14-14.
- Custers B.H.M. (9 August 2004), Data-analyse niet zo onschuldig als het lijkt. De Volkskrant: 9-9.
- Custers B.H.M. (22 November 2004), AIVD hoeft niet groter, maar moet wel beter. NRC Handelsblad: 7-7.
- Custers B.H.M. (12 January 2004), Maak veelpleger niet vogelvrij. NRC Handelsblad: 7-7.
- Custers B.H.M. (1 November 2003), Privacy van passagiers aangetast. Dagblad De Limburger: C4-C4.
- Custers B.H.M. (30 October 2003), Privacy niet inleveren vanwege terrorisme. Trouw: 21-21.
- Custers B.H.M. (2003), Effects of Unreliable Group Profiling by Means of Data Mining. Grieser G., Tanaka Y. & Yamamoto A. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discovery Sciences (DS 2003) - Sapporo Japan. Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag. 290-295.
- Custers B.H.M. & Vedder A. (2003), Rapport Mevis: duidelijkheid, rechtszekerheid: hoera?, internetpublicatie : .
- Custers B.H.M. (2003), Datamining in medische databases, Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek 13(4): 108-112.
- Custers B.H.M. (18 December 2002), Straks allemaal een eigen nummertje. Dagblad De Limburger: B7-B7.
- Custers B.H.M. (2 December 2002), Persoonspas veroorzaakt meer fraude. De Volkskrant: 7-7.
- Custers B.H.M. (2001), Data Mining and Group Profiling on the Internet. In: Vedder A. (Ed.), Ethics and the Internet. Antwerpen: Intersentia. 87-104.
- Custers B.H.M. (2001), The Risks of Epidemiological Data Mining. Introna L. & Marturano A. (Eds.), Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries. Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries (CEPE). Lancaster: Lancaster University. 61-70.
- Custers B.H.M. (2001), Hoe vaak verkoopt u uw naam?, InterDisciplinair 12(1): 8-9.
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