Call for papers on law and artificial intelligence
eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University, invites you to contribute a chapter in a book on law and artificial intelligence (AI).
The book will consist of contributions based on some of Leiden University’s SAILS research project’s results and your contribution as a leading expert in this area. For the official call for papers, click here.
We invite contributions focusing on technological, legal, ethical, or social issues of the development and use of AI. Topics are not limited to those mentioned in the call for papers. We particularly welcome contributions on best practices in different countries. This may concern best practices in regulating AI, in using AI in the legal domain, or any assessment frameworks for AI developments. All papers will be peer-reviewed by our program committee and other independent reviewers (where necessary) and will be published in an edited book with an ISBN. Previously published peer-reviewed papers will also be considered, provided the author or authors are granted a license from the publisher, and the publication information is noted in the contribution.
For each contribution, authors must provide an abstract of 150-250 words and five keywords. Each contribution should contain no more than 15 pages or 7000 words, including references. Longer papers may be allowed upon request. All submissions (both abstracts and full papers) must be in Word (*.doc or *.docx format). All photos, tables and figures must be in .jpg format. Only contributions in English are accepted.