Bart Custers delivers keynote address at Basel University
On May 16th 2018, the Law Faculty of Basel University organised a workshop on Law & Robots, titled Predictive Analytics bei Versicherungen und in der Arbeitswelt: Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen? (Predictive Analytics in Insurance and Labor: Discrimination by Algorithms?). At this event, dr. Bart Custers, associate professor and head of research of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, delivered a keynote address on Discrimination, privacy and related issues in predictive big data analytics.

Data-driven innovation is deeply transforming society and the economy. Although there are potentially enormous economic and social benefits, it also brings new challenges for individual and collective privacy, security, as well as democracy and participation. During his presentation, dr. Custers discussed the most important ethical and societal challenges of big data analytics (such as privacy, discrimination, transparency and accuracy) and provides some suggestion how these issues may be addressed.
More information about the wokshop can be found on this website.