EuDEco/eLaw panel on accountability in algorithmic networks at CPDP2018
As partner within the EuDEco-poject, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) organized a panel titled “Filling accountability holes in algorithmic networks” as part of the 11th annual conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), January 24-26 2018 in Brussels.

The panel took place on Friday morning Jan. 26 with Francien Dechesne (eLaw, SCALES) as moderator, Gianclaudio Malgieri (VU Brussel) as chair, and panelists well spread across the domains of academia, policy and business: Karolina La Fors (eLaw, e-SIDES), Lorena Jaume-Palasí (AlgorithmWatch), Frederike Kaltheuner (Privacy International) and Kyle Erickson (Palantir). The audience filled up the Petit Halle. The theme of the panel centered on accountability mechanisms for algorithmic networks. Short presentations by the panelists to lay out their different perspectives were followed by a lively interaction at the table first and then with the audience.
Beyond the EuDEco-panel, eLaw was represented in several panels organized by others. Simone van der Hof was a panelist at the “Growing up with advertisement in a digital media environment: data protection safeguards in disguise” panel. External PhD-candidate at eLaw Rob van Eijk spoke about "Technical protection against online tracking and profiling", and Francien Dechesne contributed to “Cybernetics between utopia and loss of control. Managing transparency and accountability of the algorithms through source code?”. Esther Keymolen moderated the panel
“My data was compromised: how am I supposed to fix it? Data breach notification and privacy”.
All students of eLaw’s Advanced Master Law and Digital Technologies attended the conference.