eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017, eLaw - the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will co-organize a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data together with partners of the e-SIDES project.

The workshop will take place within the framework of the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) that will be held from the 21st till 23rd of November in Versailles (Palais de Congrès), France. The forum is hosted by the Big Data Value Association and the European Commission.
The idea behind the forum is to create a platform where the newest challenges and opportunities of cutting-edge industrial applications of big data technologies, technologies in the making and future conceptions of big data systems including insights of current legal and policy developments could be discussed by representatives of the industry, policy, academia and more. During the workshop eLaw will present and discuss the latest results of the e-SIDES project. Furthermore, the workshop will be used to put the initial findings into perspective by inventorying the newest challenges practitioners, system developers and others connected to privacy-preserving big data technologies currently face. These insights will be used for the future deliverables on privacy-preserving technologies.