Computer Science & AI
Computers are becoming ever more powerful and are taking on more complex tasks. The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) contributes to revolutionary scientific research and applies the latest inventions in the field, offering answers to today’s questions of society.
Improve computer systems
With our research, we make computer systems faster and more efficient. Due to our improved algorithms and software, computers can compute faster and recognise patterns in large digital files at an earlier stage.
Applied and fundamental
We are keen to work on socially and industrially relevant questions. Behind the solutions for socially relevant questions, there are often deep theoretical discoveries, with a strong basis in statistics. In other words, we solve both fundamental and applied problems. This means that our research contributes to developments in every aspect of the field. It broadens our own conceptual world and that of other researchers.
Our research fields
With one another and together with others, we focus on eight research fields.