Computer Science & AI
Bachelor Education Committee
The Education Committee of the Bachelor Computer Science and the Bachelor Data Science&Artificial Intelligence is concerned with evaluating all bachelor programs at LIACS: Computer Science, its Computer Science & Economics and Bioinformatics and the Bachelor DS&AI.
What does an Education Committee do?
The committee is responsible for monitoring the quality of the different BSc programs at LIACS. Formally, it has approval as well as advisory rights on, among other things, the yearly re-establishment of the education and exam regulations (OER). The committee consists of 5 student members, 5 staff members and an official secretary. Students are elected on a yearly basis. The committee is an important body where students can turn to with suggestions or complaints about education, ideas for improvement of education and for course evaluations. In particular, the student members serve as representatives of their year and specialization, and can as such be approached by fellow students.
The current members of the Education Committee Informatica (BSc) since 1 November 2024:
- Lenard Johannsen (student member)
- Adela Gregánová (student member)
- Renske van Gulijk (student member)
- Noah Klein (student member)
- Juan Segura Arderiu (student member)
- Dr. Mitra Baratchi (Chair)
- Dr. Todor Stefanov (staff member)
- Dr. G.J. Wijnholds (staff member)
- Dr. A.J. Knobbe (staff member)
- Dr. H. Wang (staff member)
- Riet Derogee (official secretary)
- Assessor Education from Leidsche Flesch (listener)
Contact the Education Committee
The opinion of students is important in evaluating the quality of our education programmes. The education committee ensures that students are heard. You can always contact your education committee with suggestions for improving education. You can do so through the general e-mail address below, or by contacting one of the members.