Computer Science & AI
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) consists of scientific staff members that are appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science and acts independently from the research institute.
Prof. dr. Suzan Verberne (Chair)
Dr. Henning Basold (Vice-Chair)
Dr. Yingjie Fan
Dr. Anna van der Meulen
Dr. Daan Pelt
Dr. Eugenia Rosu (external member)
Marloes van der Nat (Secretary)
in cooperation with the Administrative Secretariat Board of Examiners
Please submit requests using this form.
General e-mail address (not to be used for requests):
boardofexaminers at
The Board of Examiners provides relevant documents regarding teaching and student evaluation. These documents are published below.
Staff related documents
- Teachers Handbook
- Procedure for Exam via Laptop
- Teacher's Manual for Digital Assignments (Brightspace)
- Teacher's Manual for Plagiarism Control (Turnitin)
Exam templates
- General LIACS exam template for LaTeX
This URL is read-only. Make a copy to your own Overleaf
account and configure the header for your exam.
- General LIACS exam template for Word
Make a local copy and adapt the header for your exam.
- ICT in Business exam template
- Declaration of Originality for online exams
- Declaration of Oral Exam Observer Attendee for online
Student related documents
- Assessment forms Thesis Project, version 2023-2024 (send
to and to the
Bsc. Thesis: doc odt
Msc. Thesis: doc odt
(this rubric can be used as a grading tool for master
theses: the rubric is for internal use and should not be
SBB Internships: doc
- Assessment forms Research Project Bioinformatics: doc odt
- Agreements on Research Project MSc Computer Science
Examiner lists (2024-2025)
Bsc. Informatica
Bsc. Informatica & Economie
Bsc. Bioinformatica
Bsc. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Msc. Computer Science
Msc. Media Technology
Msc. ICT in Business and the Public Sector
Msc. Business Studies